dapat na gyud ni legalize kay nagka daghan na gyud ang mga bigaon karong panahona
dapat na gyud ni legalize kay nagka daghan na gyud ang mga bigaon karong panahona
mao mani amo topic sa ako subject nga ARGUMENTATION and DEBATE =)
disagree ko ana e LegaLize,.. naunsa nah..
parehas rana e LegaLize ang mupatai ug mga innocente nga tao
this is not a wise choice for the Philippines
to legalize abortion is to compromise our morals and beliefs
Reproductive health is abortion
A LAW EACH DAY (Keeps Trouble Away)
By Jose C. Sison
Reproductive health is abortion | The Philippine Star >> News >> Opinion
The foreign funded NGOs and the UNFPA which actually crafted the bill and its sponsors in both houses of Congress should stop insisting that reproductive health services and programs “provide access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning and prevent abortion”. This is a big lie.
UN Committees and NGOs as well as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have openly admitted and included abortion within the term reproductive health. Recently Clinton told US Congress that the Obama administration regards the term “reproductive health to include women’s rights to safe abortion”. MacDonald of the EC tried to fudge the issue with his statement that the “lack of an effective framework for reproductive health is the cause of illegal abortion”—thereby indirectly admitting that the adoption of a framework for reproductive health will result in the legalization of abortion.
But whether abortion is “legal” which also means “safe”, or “illegal” which is the other term for “unsafe”, it is still undeniably taking the life or killing a helpless, innocent and unborn child. This is a crime in our jurisdiction and contrary to the very provision of our Constitution mandating the State to “protect the life of the unborn from conception”. MacDonald and company who are pushing for the passage of the RH bill are therefore not only intruding into our sovereignty but even telling our legislators to violate our own constitution when they advocate that the State should provide for “effective and accessible reproductive health services”.
Petition Against HB 5043 (RH Bill)
Last edited by mannyamador; 06-05-2009 at 07:36 PM.
mag legalize mo ani hisos maryosep di ta ana oi ky di na maayo suma bitaw kanang mga tao na ganahan magpa-abort walay sod ang huna huna kung di lain na kana ng mga walay huna huna sa kinabuhi or nangita lang og gutong buhaton di man gyud ni maayo
Bitaw di kaha na cla pangkalag-gon.......multuhon unta na cla....
no to abortion. it's sick.............................................. ............................ yes ko to contraceptive and family planning methods and educating people
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