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here's the mauling incident the other day. what's your opinion? who do you think is telling the truth?
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Rival Mandaue camps clash over poll posters
By Dale G. Israel
Cebu Daily News
Last updated 12:33pm (Mla time) 04/18/2007
Supporters of two rival political camps in Mandaue City swarmed a police station on Tuesday, blocking off its entry points as leaders from each camp argued over alleged beatings at the hands of members of the other camp.
Suspended Mayor Thadeo Ouano claimed that two supporters of his Power Team were mauled by supporters of Bangon Mandaue.
On the other hand, Councilor Glen Bercede, who is running for vice mayor under Bangon Mandaue, said it was two of their supporters who were beaten up by Power Team supporters.
Ouano, accompanied by daughter Emmarie “Lollipop” Ouano-Dizon, claimed his supporters were beaten up when they tried to prevent Bangon Mandaue people from tampering with posters of Power Team’s mayoral candidate, Ouano’s son Thadeo Jovito “Jonkie” Ouano, along Batillier Street.
Bercede, however, claimed that their supporters had been fixing loose posters of Bangon Mandaue mayoral candidate Jonas Cortes when Power Team supporters, including a man known to be an Ouano bodyguard, forced them into a van and beat them up before bringing them to police station 5 in Barangay Opao.
full story
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Glenns camp has several witnesses including Dito Masucol who stepped out of the rally site as he was ready to move to the next rally site. If you look at the wall Jonkies posters are at the bottom and Glenns cousin was using a ladder to fix Jonas's posters that is located above Jonkies poster.
Bangon Mandaue posters have been vandalized. Did we ever complain where it was so clear that they pasted Jonkies poster over Jonas's poster in Subangdaku. By the way, I 've heard that Jonkies posters have changed from Vote Jonkie for Mayor to Mayor Jonkie.
Our camp mauling one of thiers is unheard of. One of my cousins which will not be named has been praying that the Ouano's camp would target him instead of these young people who doesn't know how to fight back.
Teddy is so full of it. Isog siya when he has people around him. He did all that for media purposes. When was it ever in the news that Bangon Mandaue mal handled someone? Nevah giod!
bastos man si Teddy, he's not affraid to put on an act to satisfy people who listens to him. [br]
Posted on: April 19, 2007, 12:54:30 AM_________________________________________________H ala ka! Kadali ba pod na warningan si AntiOuano lol morag wa man to siya gi sulti nga labag sa inyong balaod. Bi basa ko usab! lol