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Results 261 to 270 of 920
  1. #261

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by PissKhanXXX
    just tell me if you don't know the man personally for i do.
    ga too tingali si omar nga ok ra nimo kong mangotana kay ni ingon man ka sa statement above....

    @omar: you can't force him... he just invoke his right to privacy.


  2. #262

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    PissKhanXXX said:

    "With the limited information that I claim to have, I do not seem to know these people really well then."

    what is there to argue about when you have admitted to not knowing much about these people you claim to know about?

    Who said we will ARGUE will the PERSONAL life of the KURATONG BALELENG. As I said I DONT make BIBLIOGRAPHIES. If you have PLANS to make ONE for the KURATONG can...walay mo pugong palit pako...reserve daan...

    As I said I know their business that's all I need to know. I don't need a HISTORY of them..I don't need all there addresses...I don't need to know all their names and acquiantances like PissKhanXXX here... I just know how they operate that's enough for PEOPLE here as ISTORYA need to know...except for the KURATONG EXPERTS who seem to know all...and would definitely want it to be HIDDEN....Mao ni ang VESTED INTEREST...

    PissKhanXXX said:

    you know, you can say whatever you want. you can claim to know everything. but, still, since you have claimed to not know much about these people you claim knowing so much of, it all drops dead to nothing.

    Ang imong gi pasabut imo lang puros TRUE.... nya amo i post kung sa angay ra ninyo(like nothing kuno).... Unsa patas na mo sa Ginu-o ani

    Whose the final arbitter?

    I say let the PEOPLE here at ISTORYA judge....

  3. #263

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by FK
    Quote Originally Posted by PissKhanXXX
    just tell me if you don't know the man personally for i do.
    ga too tingali si omar nga ok ra nimo kong mangotana kay ni ingon man ka sa statement above....

    @omar: you can't force him... he just invoke his right to privacy.

    Thanks FK, you got my point right.

    PissKhanXXX here just got tied with his words....

  4. #264

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    Ang imong gi pasabut imo lang puros TRUE.... nya amo i post kung sa angay ra ninyo.... Unsa patas sa mo sa Ginu-o ani
    hey, post all you want. Â*if you think you know it all, please do so. Â*i know my words and you don't.

    na apil na ang ginoo diri... unsa may sunod? Â*you have to learn how to be a bit logical with your parallelism.

  5. #265

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    PissKhanXXX said:

    if you are thinking that establishing a link between me and the said personalities would be enough evidence for you to accuse me of my alleged hatred towards Lacson, you have to try harder than that. you just don't get it, do you? i do not give a damn about either Lacson or Parojinog. don't push the issue.

    May lain pa diay? If your so much an EXPERT in KURATONG BALELENG...Pero I-tago lang nimo...Whose having a credibility problem here?...Pero naa man kay RIGHT to SELF INCRIMINATION pud under the constitution NIMO....

  6. #266

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    PissKhanXXX said:

    hey, post all you want. if you think you know it all, please do so. i know my words and you don't.
    na apil na ang ginoo diri... unsa may sunod?[/i] you have to learn how to be a bit logical with your parallelism.

    Ngano kamo man mo JUDGE... Diba ang Ginu-o raman maka JUDGE...or SUPREME COURT... Hiuon na man pud mi Sa COURT sa istorya.... PARALLELISM

  7. #267

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    WE never BOW to your wishes.....THAT is CONSISTENT....Is their a MONOPLOY in Judgement here?.....VESTED INTEREST
    Â*Understand it deeply and heartily and not literally . Marami ang namatay sa maling akala .... pastilan takdan nako sa Tinagalog ani hinuon LOLZ ....

    Thank you for acknowledging that you are not so sure people will VOUCH for you.....Of that 100 people you claim to say can vouch for you majority will have some INTERESTING things to say about you which you might not like......They are not your PETS....did I hear MORLOK.....Bilog and MUNDO....
    Â*Quote me where I ACKNOWLEDGED that I am not sure if people can VOUCH for me . Sad but true .... you are not included in the 100 persons or so w/c I called for earlier including MORLOCK and he is mocking you too for all ur inconsistencies ...LOLZ !! Dont ASSUME lage kay you dont know me and the people who can vouch for me .... SWITKS pod ka da , naa kay gi liwatan no ?? LOLZ kaila ka sa gi liwatan nimo ??

    My offer still stands....I don't want to put you in HARMS way like in IRAQ... I just want to know if you can survive even for a day....streetsmart?
    Â* FYI , I was in IRAQ 3 times and was deployed to nations engaged in civil wars namely East Timor and Eritrea so dont give me examples to compare . Like I said , dont ASSUME too much because naa tang duha tubangan sa monitor . You dont know me and I dont know you . We where merely SHARING IDEAS here and defensive lang kaayo ka , SUKO ka ngano naa mi ikauslti bahin ni LACSON na negative and di nimo madawat kay ANGHEL kaau siya ... black propaganda my ass !! Bwahahaha . So what kung PRO LACSON ka , like I said again I dont give a hoot about LACSON . I was also sharing something regarding your IDOL and that proves na wala ko NANGUGAT kay the INFO I shared was for EVERYONE but then ngano ikaw ra man ang ni react ? Kana si Nang Jored , flower ra man , nakisawaw ba sa storya LOLZ !!
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  8. #268

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by omar50071
    Quote Originally Posted by FK
    Quote Originally Posted by PissKhanXXX
    just tell me if you don't know the man personally for i do.
    ga too tingali si omar nga ok ra nimo kong mangotana kay ni ingon man ka sa statement above....

    @omar: you can't force him... he just invoke his right to privacy.

    Thanks FK, you got my point right.

    PissKhanXXX here just got tied with his words....
    disect it and tell me how, in any way, my sentence means that. Â*i was simply asking the guy to admit if he didn't know the person fully.

  9. #269

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed
    'bay zirv,
    Sakyi na lang gud nang biyahe ni Spring. Namugos ug nangugat na 'ra ba 'na cya sa pagpabilib sa nga marunong kuno cya. lolz! Tubayi na lang ang iyang estorbot. Mao man gud na' ang hangyo sa iyang doktor. lolz! Pasiaw lang 'nyor ha!
    Bai 2x na man dayon murag close kunuhay sila ..bwahahahaha ... it just shows that you are SUYA to the bones nako kay ngumpanya na man gud ka ug tao na mo AGREE nimo against nako LOLZ !! Bwahahaha .... sulti lang asa ang gikasuyaan nimo nako , ang info nako bahin ni Lacson , ang mga armas nako or ang luxury nako diri .... PRANKAHI na lang ko ayaw cge ug ISTORBOT kay ako wala koy BOTBOT sama nimo na nagpaka aron ingnon NPA kuno lolz !!
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  10. #270

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    May lain pa diay? If your so much an EXPERT in KURATONG BALELENG...Pero I-tago lang nimo...Whose having a credibility problem here?...Pero na man kay RIGHT to SELF INCRIMINATION..pud under the constitution NIMO....
    kid, you really have so much rice to eat in life. Â*you have just admitted to not knowing much and you question my credibility just because i don't want to divulge too much information. Â*very sharp thinking there! Â*believe what you want to believe, say what you want to say. Â*who gives a damn? Â*not me. Â*after all, i am not the one fooling myself.

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