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  1. #261

    bisan kabuang ra nga pageant2x sa companya or workplace...

    grabe naman gali kakulba...

    imagine nalang kung ang whole world ang nag tan aw nimo...

    na overwhelmed jd cguro to xa sa support and sa think nga nakasud xa sa top 5.

    excited sad cguro xa..wala na xa ka gather sa iyang thoughts.

    i have never been part of any major pageants..but i am fond of q and a portions

    and i tell you, you are only given a split second to formulate your answer.

    so imagine that..split second + whole world watching + pressure to win + excitement

    di kaha ka matarantar anah.

    make or break mn gud ang q and a gud....mao mangandam jd ka...anah...

    woot..anyway..congrats ms least wala ta ma gero

  2. #262
    Still proud for Ms. Raj,even f shes the 4th runner up.... Pride japn xa sa least naka place...ang uban gani bsag top 15,wala jd... Hurray to Ms. Raj!

  3. #263
    I'm so proud of Venus! At last, after 11 years, nakasulod napud ang Pilipinas, di lang sa Top 15, TOP 5 jud!
    If you really ponder on her answer, nindut man iyang tubag. na-rattle ra guro xa so wa niya ma-organize ug tubag mao na misinterpret sa judges.

  4. #264
    wide-face charice pempengco would've given a better answer to that.
    major major screw-up. she could've won it. kiat lng iyang face.

  5. #265
    na shake rattle n roll to c venus ..hehe...

  6. #266
    ^ ^give her a break she just ended an 11 yr drought for the RP.

    being able to finish at top 5 isn't a screw up.

  7. #267
    C.I.A. AntitaniC's Avatar
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    this event is no big deal..... lol..

    Major major... major major.... sergeant sergeant... lieutenant general... lol

  8. #268
    ^for pageant enthusiasts it is. =p

  9. #269
    Quote Originally Posted by dark_phoenix View Post
    ^ ^give her a break she just ended an 11 yr drought for the RP.

    being able to finish at top 5 isn't a screw up.
    correct sis! being on the Top 5 is a BIG ACHIEVEMENT already.

  10. #270
    Quote Originally Posted by xxkatgorgeousxx View Post
    correct sis! being on the Top 5 is a BIG ACHIEVEMENT already.
    yup... major major achievement jud!

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