Cebu: more than an island
hmmmm... I lost count. but i just finished reading "fallen by lauren kate"
re-reading "hypnotic writing"..
almost done with Alexandria Link by Steve Berry.
Next in line would be The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
last book i finished was The Romanov Prophecy by Steve Berry
currently readin Facebood's notes..
destined from the house of night series...
Over the weekend , I read The Trespassers , and Gordon - both by Morris Panych .
done with The Alexandria Link by Steve Berry
Done with these books: kalimot ko sa uban pero mao ni akong all time fav.
Shrimpy - Shane Acton
Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
The Pilgrimage - Paulo Coelho
Veronika decides to die - Paulo Coelho
The Alchemist - Pauolo Coelho
Harry Potter series
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint Exupéry
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