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I have a frend na ang Iyang husband gi pa mabdosan ang iyang sister the situation is..::
Ang iyang sister nagpoyo sa ilaha balay, nag work xa and ang iyaha sad na husband den naa clay 1 daughter..
Lahi ang shifting sa ilahang duty.. Naa jud tyms na makalugar ang iyahang sister ug husband..
den karon nahibaw-an lang Nya na juntis iyahang sister den ang father ang iyahang husband..
as in baga au iyahang sister oi baga ug face..!!
dbah?> sakit
This is really devastating for the wife, psychologically.
She should see a doctor after this.
Or they all should see the doctor.
they probably grew up with their mother.
-wala siguro silay father nagdako.
Probably they always compete for their mother's attention.
and when the other got married,
she can not accept that she lost the competition.
She must take him from her.