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  1. #241

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    PissKhanXXX said:

    "With the limited information that I claim to have, I do not seem to know these people really well then."

    well you see people PissKhanXXX here knows the Kuratong Baleng. He needs to be a LACSON expert to redeem these GROUP..VESTED INTEREST...

    I don't know pila ka anak or apo ang tanang member sa Kuratong Baleleng especially their leaders.
    I dont' know ganahan ba na sila ug Jolibee
    I don't know what is their favorite TV show
    I don't know what is their favorite color

    ALL is know is their business both legitmate (for money laundering) and not so legitimate. And I can deduce FACTS from it.
    One worthy note is that Kuratong Baleleng are modern day Robin hoods in their places.... thats why the broadbase support they have in Ozamis City.

    If you peole want to know more about these things ask PissKhanXXX here...PWEDE mo maghimo ug documentary ani nya ipa salida sa TV..PASALAMAT lang ta ni PissKhanXXX inig human

  2. #242

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    PissKhanXXX said:

    i am not putting words into your mouth. you try to spit rhymes that tie yourself down. you might not be reading tabloids but i'm pretty sure you are not a hundred percent certain of the legitimacy of the information that sinks into your brain.

    As I said tanan inyo i post FACTS nya kani amo gi post kamo mag buot.......LUPIG pa ang SUPREME COURT ani....

    Well lawom mani ako brain daghan pa bakanti... but off limits sa crap from people with VESTED INTEREST

  3. #243

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    No wonder why PissKhanXXX hate Sen. Lacson, his had acquiantances with these Kuratong Baleleng boys...hmmm tsk tsk tsk.

  4. #244

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    mauba ila2x ra na? dugay na kau na kuratong baleleng gang...... han2d karn wala pa na nahuman......

  5. #245

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    Well your life is about to change.
    In what way ? LOLZ .... ayaw cge ug pataka oi .... SWITIKS ra kaau ka !!

    Mao lagi ni mga VESTED INTEREST they can claim they won't be affected pero bisag mangugat na sila ug yawyaw mag lisod gyapon ug accept..MAO ni ang the one that got AWAY... NA ka hakot ug una....
    Prove it first , ayaw ug claim something that is not proven . Reasonable man kaha ka LOLZ !! WHy do you insist na ug di mo puyo ug 1 day sa COLON , naa koy VESTED INTEREST . Like I said , ganahn ko sa dili , wala koy mabuhat kay wala koy PAKIALAM ..... clear na man cguro kaau na kay gi capital na man nako . ANyways , bright man kaha ka , sabta ang difference sa duha : CAMPAIGNING and SHARING INFORMATION . Like I said si MORLOCK akong iro kabalo sa tubag ana akong gi pangutana nimo , you should know it because tao gud ka na obviously mas bright pa sa iro .

    Mo sawsaw lang ko ha PISSKHANXXX , ako lang ni pasabton gyud kana bitaw mo turok na ang gamot human ug markot sa iyang utok sa buot na ipasabot nako .

    Maayo ta ug wine na ang streetsmart mag ka ngilngig as it ages....PERO don't give me that crap... wisdom comes with age.. but don't try advertising your VESTED INTEREST'S to me
    LOLZ ..... ayaw lage pag compare sa mga butang na has no RELEVANCE at all like sa una na example niom na PHILIPPINES and SINGAPORE . Karon STREETSMART and WINES na pod , lagpas ra kaau ka . Agik-ik baya si MORLOCK niom doh !! Bwahahaha ...... for the NTH time .... ngano mamugos man ka ba na naa mi VESTED INTEREST .... BOGO-A gyud niom oi dugay pasabton .

    Who is pretending dili ko artista...UNSA man inyo gi pasabot nga kamo ra naay MONOPOLY sa information Pareho mo sa ORACLE of Apollo As I said i don't read TABLOIDS....don't shovel word's into my mouth...FACTS mao lagi ni sila mga HIGHER BEINGS(kuno)....Ila FACTS nya sila mag-buot unsa ato....LUPIG paman ang SUPREME COURT...
    Unsay connection sa SUPREME COURT , FACTS gani unya ngano maka ingon man ka na nagbuot mi ?? FACTS gani .... nahitabo lang na ang FACTS pabor as to what we claim so SORRY na lang sa AMO nimo LOLZ !! Unsa diay kaha FACTS aning kugtunga , FICTION ?? Kadto salida niya hinuon na LACSON by Rudy fernandez mao to siya ang FICTION , do doubt .

    I don't dwell with private people's lives, I don't do bilbiographies. Business is business. Kung kaila mo nila what man ko mo lalis ana. I just said I KNOW their business and have dealt with them that's all I need to know. DILI ko JOURNALIST for a LIFESTYLE media.....
    Another INCONSISTENCIES nimo dodong ZIRV .... you dont dwell with private peoples lives but why do you know so much that I have VESTED INSTEREST or I read TABLOIDS or I dont have "streetsmarts " etc ?? Isnt that a given already of knowing me personally privately ? LOLZ ....

    To these LACSON experts sharing their INTERESTING theories and are "LIVING IN LUXURY" without a sweat courtesy of their VESTED INTEREST....
    refer to the post above .... who said we are LACSON experts , aw pwede man pod , gusto ba lage ka makabalo sa color sa brip ni Ping ? LOLZ , by the way ... FYI info lang pod .... the luxury I had was a fruit from a HARDWORK and HONEST living , not from SHORT CUTS and ILLEGAL activities ... dako kaau ug deperensya dodong noh ?? Though same LUXURY by definition but how you acquired that is a different story .... now tell me unsay connection sa VESTED INTEREST .. cge ka ug hisgut ana , basin wala ka nakabalo unsay pasabot ana ha .

    AGAIN i leave it all to the istoryans here in the NATIVE land who are fighting a good fight to be the JUDGE
    You dont need to , its been judged already even probably you became a member here . Now your point was not about LACSON anymore but between me and you or PISSKHANXXX or you . In short , AD HOMINEM na pod ka .

    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #246

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    You dont need to , its been judged already even probably you became a member here

    Are you saying by being a member here we BOW to you wishes. Dili mi tantong PUPPETS or ROBOTS para ka ma sayod. We can think on our OWN. PALIHUG lang Don't INSULT the intelligence of the people here in Istorya......Dili ra diay Lupig ang Supreme Court ani apil pud and Ginu-o kay silay ra man kuno maka JUDGE. Is their a MONOPLOY in Judgement here?

    NOW we are witnessing Their true COLORS..iS THIS messageboard or forum for VESTED INTEREST??

    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    FYI info lang pod .... the luxury I had was a fruit from a HARDWORK and HONEST living

    Don't be so sure people will vouch for you.... As I said BILOG ang MUNDO (The World is Round)

    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    Another INCONSISTENCIES nimo dodong ZIRV .... you dont dwell with private peoples lives but why do you know so much that I have VESTED INSTEREST or I read TABLOIDS or I dont have "streetsmarts " etc ?? Isnt that a given already of knowing me personally privately ? LOLZ ...

    Its based on my inference on the way you say things..... Well you can prove me wrong for just 1 DAY as my previos offers still stands......

  7. #247

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv

    Are you saying by being a member here we BOW to you wishes. Dili mi tantong PUPPETS or ROBOTS para ka ma sayod. We can think on our OWN. PALIHUG lang Don't INSULT the intelligence of the people here in Istorya......Dili ra diay Lupig ang Supreme Court ani apil pud and Ginu-o kay silay ra man kuno maka JUDGE. Is their a MONOPLOY in Judgement here?
    I did not say that but you did , ambot asa na ang RELEVANCE sa mga gipang yawit nimo . Yes sila ra gyud maka JUDGE for the simple fact na you SAID , DONT BE SO SURE PEOPLE WILL/CAN VOUCH FOR YOU " ..... that should answer it whom you provided to your own question .

    NOW we are witnessing Their true COLORS..iS THIS messageboard or forum for VESTED INTEREST??
    Blah blah blah blah .... I know people / iSTORYANS are reading your post and I can guarantee that you are really entertaining them with your nonsense post . Just be careful though ... sooner or later you will become ANNOYING from being ENTERTAINING .

    Don't be so sure people will vouch for you.... As I said BILOG ang MUNDO (The World is Round)
    Oh yes dodong .... even if it is only ONE person who can vouch for it is ENOUGH and I know for a fact that there are a couple of iSTORYANS who can vouch for me and hundreds of others who are not non-iSTORYANS ...lollz , I am not bragging about it . I am sharing it contradicting to the SUCCESS you referred to what is LACSON now .

    Its based on my inference on the way you say things..... Well you can prove me wrong for just 1 DAY as my previos offers still stands......
    Whats the offer ? I didnt know there was a offer .... hahahahaha .... Like I said , I lived in an above average neighborhood in Cebu and I can find more ruthless criminals in the area where I lived compared to the petty criminals/juveniles na gipanghambog nimo sa COLON , no .... I decline ur offer because I need not prove something specially just for you ... KINSA RA POD TAWN KA GUD Bwahahahaha !!
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  8. #248

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    I did not say that but you did , ambot asa na ang RELEVANCE sa mga gipang yawit nimo . Yes sila ra gyud maka JUDGE for the simple fact na you SAID , DONT BE SO SURE PEOPLE WILL/CAN VOUCH FOR YOU " ..... that should answer it whom you provided to your own question .

    AGAIN i leave it all to the istoryans here in the NATIVE land who are fighting a good fight to be the JUDGE

    Not like what SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said a while ago:

    "You dont need to , its been judged already even probably you became a member here"

    WE never BOW to your wishes.....THAT is CONSISTENT....Is their a MONOPLOY in Judgement here?.....VESTED INTEREST

    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    even if it is only ONE person who can vouch for it is ENOUGH

    Thank you for acknowledging that you are not so sure people will VOUCH for you.....Of that 100 people you claim to say can vouch for you majority will have some INTERESTING things to say about you which you might not like......They are not your PETS....did I hear MORLOK.....Bilog and MUNDO....

    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    Like I said , I lived in an above average neighborhood in Cebu and I can find more ruthless criminals in the area where I lived compared to the petty criminals/juveniles na gipanghambog nimo sa COLON , no .... I decline ur offer because I need not prove something specially just for you

    My offer still stands....I don't want to put you in HARMS way like in IRAQ... I just want to know if you can survive even for a day....streetsmart?

  9. #249

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    'bay zirv,
    Sakyi na lang gud nang biyahe ni Spring. Namugos ug nangugat na 'ra ba 'na cya sa pagpabilib sa nga marunong kuno cya. lolz! Tubayi na lang ang iyang estorbot. Mao man gud na' ang hangyo sa iyang doktor. lolz! Pasiaw lang 'nyor ha!

  10. #250

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    Again tough choices have to be made. I think Marcos would have done better had he used martial law the right way. DISCIPLINE is what the country needs. A STRONG MAN. Feared and Revered. Ping LACSON
    I'll go for it...........ayaw palupig zirv.....Lacson gihapon ta..........

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