I'm on FOX.
Vern ... I know a little bit about the great depression. Actually, People have analyzed the market trend of the great depression and has compared it to today's market action. The similarity is more than just coincidental. If you can recall how long it took for the U.S. to recover from the great depression, it's a scary thought to have it happen again. I would not want my kids to grow up in that kind of economy.
You're right though... we cannot judge Obama's legacy when his tenure is still on its infancy.. but I question his decision about Pelosi's bill.
Why pamper life's complexities when the leather runs smooth on the passenger seat?
Weeeeeeee! Obama is the man!
great address
Would it be better in the long run to just let nature run its course, and let banks fail? Unsaon nalang. I am glad that the gov't is stepping in and doing something. At least it has instilled some confidence in Obama, nga dili lang magsiga iyang mata gatan-aw ug naghuwat for the economy to sort itself out. Basta giganahan kaayo ko sa iyang gisulti bahin sa health care, sa education, even sa auto industry. Mr Obama, just keep feeding us your words of wisdom with their opium-like effect, and we're sold!
IMHO, i think he is better than the previous presidents. We will just let time tell what he really is though!
He has done a lot in just a month. He has a vision for America and he is willing to make bold moves. I think America has made the right decision.
Nus-a pod ning pinas oi!
First of all,I predicted that Obama will win as the next President. I think Obama was a good president from the get-go.I dont know if he can be developed into a great one thats remain to be seen and oniy time can tell.
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