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  1. #241

    yesss.. i want to tell my mom and aunt that im so thankful to have them.. and that i love them so much....

  2. #242
    to my family thnk you for being here with me all my life until the last day....i miss you so much more than i do....

  3. #243
    naa but di ko katell hehehe

  4. #244 you ehem..
    i'm sorry for everything i did and i didnt mean it to.
    you dont know how much i misses you.

  5. #245
    Yes.. There's a lot that I haven't told her. Lot of painful things and lots of happy things. There are 1000 things maybe, that I want to tell her. But I think all of those aren't of use now. All of those are useless because she had already left. But there's one thing that I really need to tell her. I know how to tell this to her it's might have shocked her but I need to tell her this..

    You know girl since your left me. I can't eat and I always think of you. I got thin because of not eatting and so stress thinking about you.. And now I have the opportunity to tell you...

    "Dai palihug ko uli sako pustiso kay gutom na kau.. Dili ko makakaon kung wala na."
    HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU... Kung mabasa mani nimo. Palihug lang kog uli.

  6. #246
    C.I.A. -CL-'s Avatar
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    Apr 2008
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    .. That I still like you and think of you
    .. But I know that I shouldn't be coz it would be unfair for him ..
    .. Just remain cold to me, that's the best way we can keep the distance .. Oki?

  7. #247
    There still one thing I haven't told her also..

    Even though you already have my virginity. But still I don't about it. I'm proud nga ikaw naka una nako.. I hope I satisfied you very much. Heehehehhe. Ahak nani.

  8. #248
    Elite Member o0ella0o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
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    I'm so happy you're here with me..
    No words can ever start to explain how much I feel for you..
    I love you no words can say hubby..
    Really hubby..I'm so complete with you..

    And thank you for saying these very sweet words to me.....
    I may not promise you heaven but I'll surely not give you hell..

    And it's not actually the words makes it memorable but the actions are deeply incomparable..

  9. #249
    Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't?

    yes! ako mama... ma, pautanga ko beh. hehehe!

  10. #250
    hope your just a dream.. so that when i wake up... U WONT BE HERE!... and i dont have to worry getting hurt again by you.

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