sometimes drastic times require drastic measures.. lives are at stake, w/c means sometimes you have to f@ck protocol & SOP, Gen. Douglas MacArthur & Gen. Dwight Eisenhower were good examples of leaders.. sometimes they disobeyed orders, if it meant it was not the best course possible & a lot of their men would lose their lives..
ing-ato na gani ang scenario, international incident & lives are at stake, ayaw nalang pag lalis og jurisdiction.. dapat ang 'the best' team available by PNP or AFP ang ni himo sa assault.. tan-awa unsay resulta sa jurisdiction kunohay, wla diay proper equipment unya mga talawan pa gyud.. unya mabawi pa diay to ang kinabuhi sa nangamatay ? if 'the best' team made the assault, then at least we could have said 'that was the best we could do'.. BUT NO.. that was not even a good SWAT team.. ka daghan rookie mistake, using m16 in hostage crisis is not a good idea, 5.56 ang bala ana unya it can go through thin walls & people, kuyaw ang collateral damage to the hostages.. ang proper na pusil is MP5 ang handguns.. mas maka lihok sa CQB na scenario & ang 9mm na hollow point na bala sa MP5 dili mo lapos sa walls & people.. & DONT tell me the philippines cant produce 12 MP5 guns, 12 handguns,12 helmets, 12 body armor, & 2 'proper' sniper rifles w/ thermal imaging.. kung mo lalis mo na gi kurakot ang budget, kana lang na equipment mentioned above, syaro.. if mo ingon sila wlay MP5 sa manila naa ra sa cebu, so ma transport unta by air ang equipment by noon & mo abot na did2 sa scene by 2-3pm.. & mo ingon mo ka kuyaw ana mo engage og pinusilay, we have battle tested soldiers from mindanao or rangers assigned on solitary routine missions to spratlys islands who would've doned body armor & helmets & engaged the suspect w/o the cowardice shown by the police..
what the noynoy defenders here dont understand why some people have to blame him here directly is that '
there were things he could have done BUT he did not do' ..& if had he done them, a better outcome could have resulted.. of course he is not ground commander BUT he could have called the higher officials of the PNP for additional men to cordon the place.. is it his job to cordon the place ? NO, BUT he should have been aware of the situation & coordinated w/ the PNP if enough men have been put in place already.. i'm telling you this because one time, i went to church in cebu cathedral & at that time, president GMA was there, i have never seen so many policemen secure a place, there were roving patrols, all equipped w/ handguns & extra mags & another security group w/ rifles & bulletproof vests.. a PNP chief can actually send a huge number (maybe 500) of police force to secure an area w/ people of importance just like the president.. noynoy could've called the PNP chief & said 'deploy 500 police to secure the place as if i was there, remember this is an international incident & i dont want the phil. embarrassed.'
noynoy could've called the HK government & assured them that he already put the top dogs of the PNP & AFP to take control of the situation & that 'the best' people were already put to place.
noynoy could've called for a media blackout BUT he did not do this & this is w/in his power.. & abs cbn released a statement today that if a media blackout was called, they would've complied.. & i assume the other networks would've complied too if he personally issued a media blackout thru a malacanang press release..
bati gyud ang outcome, that was not the best team, we have incompetent leaders.. & we have an incompetent president who runs away from responsibilities.. 'the best' was not done during that hostage crisis