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Results 231 to 240 of 920
  1. #231

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Empress_Of_Drac
    Quote Originally Posted by tempest
    The best itong si Ping Lacson. He is the alterenative of GMA!! Daming jueteng lords at corrupt ang pupulutin sa kangkongan nito.

    Go LACSON!
    toink...shamut...hahay...the worst!

    The worst for corrupt, jueteng lords, drug lords ug uban pa

  2. #232

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Lacson swuckkkZ! omg! pls not him....

  3. #233

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Again tough choices have to be made. I think Marcos would have done better had he used martial law the right way. DISCIPLINE is what the country needs. A STRONG MAN. Feared and Revered. Ping LACSON

  4. #234

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    - lami na kaau akong kinabuhi diri ug di ko ma apektohan sa crisis sa Pilipinas
    - di ko pwede mo botar kay di nako FIlipinon citizen
    - ni share lang ko sa nahibaw-an nako
    Mao ni tawag the one that got AWAY. INIT na diay kaayo SA?
    Well I Leave it to the Good JUDGEMENT of my fellow istoryans who are actually here in the Philippines fighting the good fight.
    'sakto ka! si springfield nilayas na kay gi-initan(sa panahon 'o sakapulisan?). gikapoy na man kuno cya ug pamusil ug TGP. kuno lang lagi. lolz!
    Â* Sa pagka tinuod - gus2 jud cya ma Amerkano. Ambisyon 'na nya sukad sa pagkabata. Luoy sad noh.Â* Coconut na cya karon. Puti sa sulod, brown sa
    gawas...lolz.Â*Nabihag na sa Tide ang iyang....balot?...lolz! 'medya lang 'nyor ha!

  5. #235

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by JoRed

    Â* 'sakto ka! si springfield nilayas na kay gi-initan(sa panahon 'o sakapulisan?). gikapoy na man kuno cya ug pamusil ug TGP. kuno lang lagi. lolz!
    Â* Â*LOLZ ..... ayaw ko himui ug istorya kay sayop ka tanan . Nasuya ka lang cguro kay mas lami ang kahimtang nako na bisan tuod natong duha na pareho ta naa sa likod sa monitor pero ako wala nagpaka aron ingnon sama nimo dai Jor hahahaha ..... deny na pod ka ?? Quote me when I said NAMUSIL ko ug TGP , ni sulti hinuon ko ug NAMUSIL MI ug TGP .... makes more sense .

    Sa pagka tinuod - gus2 jud cya ma Amerkano. Ambisyon 'na nya sukad sa pagkabata. Luoy sad noh.Â* Coconut na cya karon. Puti sa sulod, brown sa
    gawas...lolz. Nabihag na sa Tide ang iyang....balot?...lolz! 'medya lang 'nyor ha!
    Â* Â*The thing is , abi ni sulti ko na di ko FILIPINO CITIZEN , AMERKANO na diay dayon ? Hahahaha .... what a shallow thinking you have in judgements around you . Di diay ko pwede ma Chinese , African , Canadian , German , etc citizen kay AMERICAN gyud ? LOLZ !! Abi nako mga NPA ug aktibista mga bright BOGO man diay !!
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #236

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    Mao ni tawag the one that got AWAY. INIT na diay kaayo SA?
    Hehehehe obvious ba ? For you INIT kaau kay NI ENTER gud ka protecting ..... defense kaau ka sa IDOL nimo hahahaha !!

    Well I Leave it to the Good JUDGEMENT of my fellow istoryans who are actually here in the Philippines fighting the good fight.
    What fight ?LOLZ .... he dont know how to fight a FAIR fight and you are calling it a GOOD FIGHT ? In your dreams cabron !!

    Its not that I lost from you ug grabe akong kasakit. I didn't loose anything unlike sa mga TAO with VESTED INTEREST na hadlok mawala sa ilang "lami na kaau (akong) kinabuhi"
    Hahahaha and that would be me right ? Well what you said was only an ACCUSATION and a diversion because for a fact ..... MANALO or MATALO si LACSON like I would give a bullcrap , bwahahahaha .... like I said lami na akong kinabuhi ug di ko angay magsakit lolz !! By the way .... NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY the LUXURY in MY LIFE other than ME . No one else .... ako ang responsible ana kay wala ko sa usa ka komunista na nasod LOLZ .... eng eng eng aguy nerz !!!!
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  7. #237

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv

    I presume you think the operation against Soronda Group by Lascon et al was not reported accurately and truthfully by the media base on your first degree source of information. Thats why you hate LACSON.

    Well look at the DAVAO DEATH SQUAD. do you hate them too? or our Local VIGILLANTES you surely hate them too.

    Or you just hate lacson. Because he is LACSON
    (Siguro taga agi ni lacson naay vested interest nga ma ligsan)

    i honestly feel like talking to a nine year old kid who doesn't want to admit that others might know a bit more than he does.Â* you seem to be wanting to pluck out apples from orange trees.

    just to share you a piece of my mind, i do not really hate Lacson, and neither do i hate the DDS and other vigilante groups.Â* however, one of the many things i dislike in this world is pretentious people pretending they know a lot more than everybody else and pretending to be somebody else.Â* i am conveying facts while you have all the presumptions in the world.Â* check your posts and find out.Â* your main source of information which you highly trust is the ever-trusty unadulterated media.Â* you're so full of "he said, she said, the paper said."

    i thought we have come to and end with your nonsense arguments.Â* since you are ever persistent, really say hi to Castillo and Josol from me.Â*

    you talk about streetsmart.Â* kana imong ka lalis nga si LytSlpr ug si SPRINGFIELD_XD_40, naniguwang nalang na sa streetsmart. i think it's about time you recognise...

    you buy smuggled rice and you think you know everything...Â* i would say, buy more and try to know more.Â*

  8. #238

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    He's a dirty cop.

  9. #239

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    Hahahaha and that would be me right ? Well what you said was only an ACCUSATION and a diversion because for a fact ..... MANALO or MATALO si LACSON like I would give a bullcrap , bwahahahaha .... like I said lami na akong kinabuhi ug di ko angay magsakit lolz !! By the way .... NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY the LUXURY in MY LIFE other than ME . No one else .... ako ang responsible ana kay wala ko sa usa ka komunista na nasod LOLZ .... eng eng eng aguy nerz !!!!

    Well your life is about to change. Mao lagi ni mga VESTED INTEREST they can claim they won't be affected pero bisag mangugat na sila ug yawyaw mag lisod gyapon ug accept..MAO ni ang the one that got AWAY... NA ka hakot ug una....

    PissKhanXXX said:
    you talk about streetsmart. kana imong ka lalis nga si LytSlpr ug si SPRINGFIELD_XD_40, naniguwang nalang na sa streetsmart. hilas kaayo ka paminawon!

    Maayo ta ug wine na ang streetsmart mag ka ngilngig as it ages....PERO don't give me that crap... wisdom comes with age.. but don't try advertising your VESTED INTEREST'S to me

    PissKhanXXX said:

    however, one of the many things i dislike in this world is pretentious people pretending they know a lot more than everybody else and pretending to be somebody else. i am conveying facts while you have all the presumptions in the world. check your posts and find out. your main source of information which you highly trust is the ever-trusty unadulterated media. you're so full of "he said, she said, the paper said."

    Who is pretending dili ko artista...UNSA man inyo gi pasabot nga kamo ra naay MONOPOLY sa information Pareho mo sa ORACLE of Apollo As I said i don't read TABLOIDS....don't shovel word's into my mouth...FACTS mao lagi ni sila mga HIGHER BEINGS(kuno)....Ila FACTS nya sila mag-buot unsa ato....LUPIG paman ang SUPREME COURT...

    PissKhanXXX said:

    i thought we have come to and end with your nonsense arguments. since you are ever persistent, really say hi to Castillo and Josol from me.

    I don't dwell with private people's lives, I don't do bilbiographies. Business is business. Kung kaila mo nila what man ko mo lalis ana. I just said I KNOW their business and have dealt with them that's all I need to know. DILI ko JOURNALIST for a LIFESTYLE media.....

    To these LACSON experts sharing their INTERESTING theories and are "LIVING IN LUXURY" without a sweat courtesy of their VESTED INTEREST....

    AGAIN i leave it all to the istoryans here in the NATIVE land who are fighting a good fight to be the JUDGE

  10. #240

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    Maayo ta ug wine na ang streetsmart mag ka ngilngig as it ages....PERO don't give me that crap... with age comes wisdom.. but don't try advertising your VESTED INTEREST'S to me.
    streetsmart is streetsmart. if you know it, you know it. however, if you don't, don't pretend that you do. that is the point that i was trying to get across you.

    i do not know why you try to apply the terms 'vested interests' to me. unlike you, i do not have any interest in Lacson or any politician because i don't give a flying damn about them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    Who is pretending dili ko artista...UNSA man inyo gi pasabot nga kamo ra naay MONOPOLY sa information Pareho mo sa ORACLE of Apollo As I said i don't read TABLOIDS....don't shovel word's into my mouth...
    i am not putting words into your mouth. you try to spit rhymes that tie yourself down. you might not be reading tabloids but i'm pretty sure you are not a hundred percent certain of the legitimacy of the information that sinks into your brain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    I don't dwell with private people's lives, I don't do bilbiographies. Business is business. Kung kaila mo nila what man ko mo lalis ana. I just said I KNOW their business and have dealt with them that's all I need to know. DILI ko JOURNALIST for a LIFESTYLE media.....
    if you would allow me to rephrase and sum up your long paragraph into one sentence, it would simply be this:

    "With the limited information that I claim to have, I do not seem to know these people really well then."

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