kia pride 2003 but murag 1999 mani 1:12
Car: 2000 Toyota Revo
Model: DLX
Engine: 7K-E 1.8L Gas
City - 1:8 (Urgello-Jones-Capitol-Lahug-IT Park-vice versa (murag jeep) @930AM, usually with the aircon on)
Mixed (City/Highway) - 1:10 (usually with the aircon on)
Reaction: same fuel consumption from the time our car was bought brand-new. regular maintenance lang. and proper driving techniques like no sudden acceleration, hard braking, traffic anticipation. i've noticed that if i maintain at 60kph, that's when i usually get my best fuel consumption. pero mahal najud ang gasolina oy. sigh.
murag 3-5 pesos/liter ang drop karon friday.....
Suzuki Swift 1.5L VVT
Usually go uphill on mountain roads / bumper to bumper traffic with Aircon,
6 to 8 Km/L Shell Velocity
8 to 10 Km/L Petron XCS
10 to 14 Km/L Petron Extra
yah Shell V-Power diay. I think mas mu increas pa ang Km/L if I take out the mags.
extra fuel
in case you need one
Last edited by ajol; 09-18-2008 at 09:11 PM.
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