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  1. #2381
    C.I.A. Peenut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Am I supposed to believe that God exists in a Heaven above us, that he inspired persons to write the Bible which we live by and that he’s coming back someday when the only proof you have of this is the Bible. One source cannot prove itself and one source is never enough.

  2. #2382

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Arrogant huh... Or do you just listen and do as you're told without question? He's your god, not mine. I don't have to fear him. You see, you act as if the existence of your god is the default position. As if when everyone dies, believer or not they will go to a place where they will be judged and sent to heaven or hell. You act as if you're in a position to say, "oh poor unbelievers, they will surely rot in hell. thank goodness I believe without question."
    Hopefully makasabot ka sa akong language coz im not fluent in English…English imoha, bisaya lang akoa magkasabot ra gihapon ta

    I understand sa imong position coz it shows how truthful the word of God is…
    2 Timothy 3:1-6 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away”.

    Yes youre right in saying God’s existence is the default position coz I believe in a moral law and my conscience agree with it. Being a believer in Jesus Christ doesn’t mean we are suppressed to ask questions, instead mao na ang butang makahatag ug wisdom sa taw. There is a big difference between a wise and a knowledgeable person. We can make our head puffed with knowledge but when God strikes a person, he would crush him to pieces.

    Here's what happen if you accept/reject the day it's either our lives will changed by believing in him or his judgment will grind us to pieces.

    Matthew 21:44
    And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

    In school I was more exposed to christian teachings and I started asking the teachers questions. They always seemed to have a hard time with me because none of my questions are like the questions raised by students who were raised in christian families. Mine were calling god's nature into question. The teachers didn't like that. They didn't like it when they themselves couldn't answer it. Everyday they would just answer the same thing. That we shouldn't question god. That we are not worthy to. I remember always asking back, "Why not?" to my teacher's dismay.
    Tingali wala ka makasugat ug brilliant Apologist that will clear up your confusion. There are lots of resources in the internet if you wanted to know more about Jesus Christ. I encourage you to ask hard questions ani nila coz mao jud na ilang kinaham. Who knows, with your brilliance one day youll become part of the team….hehhe.

    Just Thinking Broadcasts | RZIM

    I knew then the big role that fear-factor and blind faith plays in religion. I had the worst grades in religion classes, and my parents would just laugh about it. Mind you, if I had horrible grades in math I would be grounded for a week.
    Christianity is not a blind faith bro! Jesus Christ is Real and his words are Real. You only need to experience the Holy Spirit in your life to prove it’s not blind.

    In my family we were raised to be a good person, to respect every human being and to value life. We were told that we only have one life and to make the best of it, to love and cherish like no other, to keep learning and most importantly, to learn to say thank you all the time. We were told not to waste our lives doing things people tell us to do, in the hopes of reward in the afterlife.
    Sayang imong pagkamaayong taw kung walay faith in God. Is it hard being good at the same time having faith in the creator or maybe because we wanted autonomy that;s why we reject any idea of God?

    You see the only difference between us is that I don't believe in gods and the afterlife. I've always been surprised when people I've just met ask me what my moral compass is when I don't have religion. It just never occurred to them that humans can be good and live happy fulfilling lives without religion. Some would even go so far as saying I don't have meaning in my life without religion. A rather ridiculous proposition I might say since I find a lot of meaning in my life, with my family and friends and my career, and every endeavor I chose to take.
    Yes true people can live a good life if he chooses to without a religion or faith in God it’s because humans are made in God’s image. But the big question lies in the afterlife, what about when we die, What’s next? Good if you live now with all the happiness and experienced tanan nindot sa kinabuhi, kay kung tinuod man ang heaven and hell at least dili ka alkanse kay tagbaw naka sa imong life here on earth…..kaysa pobre pa nya wala pay pagtuo sa Ginoo! And you may say life has meaning kay naa kay kaya but do all people have the same experience and money like you? Swerte tingali ka nga arangan imong mga parents pagkabutang. What if nabutang ka sa kahimtang sa unang panahon nga wala2 sad? Usahay gud bro, motaas ang ego sa taw kung duna na syay kaya, makalimot na sa Ginoo.

    They just don't like the idea of someone living free from the shackles of religion. To them it's a very alien idea, something that shakes everything they stand for to their very core. Makes sense, since they were brainwashed with religion the moment they were born. It's become a part of who they are and they can't see past that.
    The truth of Jesus is what freed us from the shackles of Religion/Evil/Sin,etc….For me, im very thankful to know the Lord Jesus Christ and God’s plan of salvation through Him. It gives me real value and a more meaningful life.

    Now you seem to think that I shouldn't question your god, as if he has some sort of power over me. I'm sorry man but that's just a figment of your imagination. You can talk all you want about how one doesn't have the right to question your god and I have the right to tell you how stupid that is.
    You can ask any questions bro whatever you have in mind about God, wala may nagpugong nimo. Nindot gani na para makasabot ta kung kinsa ug unsa ra diay ta sa iyang atubangan

    What makes you think that your beliefs are in any way, better than the others? What about Islam or Buddhism? They have as much conviction in their own beliefs as you do. And yet you seem to think that your beliefs is the default position when it comes to the way everything in the world works.
    Asa manka sa duha, sa Muslim or sa Buddhist? Then hold to what you believe is the truth and maybe atong ma discuss diri.

    Now who's being arrogant?
    I think the one who’s given the right mind to understand moral values but reject the existence of its Giver.

    We have that feeling too, it's called conscience. And we don't attribute it to a deity. Especially one that tolerates genocide and child sacrifice. Oh and that first thing you said about regretting everything at the moment of hardship or something? Not applicable to me, sorry. Why? Oh I don't know... probably because I just don't believe in it? Actually, I have lived through some pretty awful experiences (major surgeries, deaths, layoffs, etc.), and God never crossed my mind during any of them.
    Whether we believe he existed or not, that doesn’t change the TRUTH. Mangawala nalang tang tanan ug tugkad sa iyang kamatuoran dili gihapon nato masabtan, unless we listen to the one who came from eternity and walked this earth….hheheh. Sa imong statement nga “I don’t know” bro only suggests that we are a mere human and that we are nothing before God.

    "A place where god is worshiped." You're not done worshiping him here in this life, you have to continue worshiping him there too, in eternity? Yeah, makes sense. lol... I rest my case.
    Imoha sad na…. Diba ang taw bro mas ganahan na siya maoy i-worship/praise kaysa sya ang mo-worship? That’s what the bible called the depravity of man. Dili kataw-anan paminawn kung ikaw maoy i-praise sa mga taw kaysa Ginoo? Unsa may nakalisud anang pag worship sa Creator? I don’t know if you understand what worship means…..

    pasensya bro dili ko maayo mo explain but i will share unsa akong maabot.....God bless!
    Last edited by Breakeven; 11-21-2012 at 07:57 PM.

  3. #2383

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peenut View Post
    Am I supposed to believe that God exists in a Heaven above us, that he inspired persons to write the Bible which we live by and that he’s coming back someday when the only proof you have of this is the Bible. One source cannot prove itself and one source is never enough.
    They said, even if God will provide a thousand/million ways to Him, man will still look from a thousand/million and one....because of his fallen nature. We should be thankful instead of the one but sure way to God, the Lord Jesus Christ!

  4. #2384

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Yes, since the dawn of mankind, humans believed in deities. And you're saying that this "POV", must be debunked first before any new and better belief system that provides accurate representations of the way the universe works can be accepted. What makes you think this "POV" or belief system call it whatever you wish, hasn't been debunked already, time and time again?
    What makes you think that all have been debunked already?
    (of course there are some) you yourself said that you are on the "i believe there's no God" side..unless you really know that there is NO God...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Here's an example for you:
    Greek mythology. Greeks used to believe in gods and goddesses. You still find any religion believing in Zeus?
    Norse mythology. You still find people believing in Odin?
    What about the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Mayans? Didn't they have deities too? What made their belief systems obsolete? What makes you think the same thing will not happen to Christianity?
    notice the term mythology? obviosuly that one has been debunked.
    statistics shows that Christianity is currently the largest Faith followed by Islam..and if getting debunked is the fate of the Christian faith..we still can't judged it to be a hoax,at least not just yet
    as a suspect of a crime is presuumed innocent until proven guilty.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    What makes you think the belief of gods has not been proven as an obsolete and inaccurate belief system?
    what makes you think otherwise? even the Hardcore Aetheist, antony Flew now writes a book "there is God"

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    If the believer becomes the one who asserts or the asserter, then yes, since believing does not necessarily mean asserting. And yes, I'm sure. If you're familiar with the ethics of discourse I'm sure you will know that yes, this is true.
    if i tell you that most of the reasons for my faith is personal experience
    'cause i bleieved first before i studied the scripture..
    would you give credit to that?personally you might but obviously in general you woudn't.
    so granted that my proof is not valid, though that is just another POV, as i too do not,cannot and will not know the fullness of everything..
    so what's your proof then? Limited discoveries?(though wide and great but still limited) we are trying to grasp something with infinite value, and we are using finite that makes sense,doesn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Before atheism? How about before modern science and critical thinking? Funny how you like to put theism as this initially accepted world-view as if it has any scientific merit at all. In line with your argument, let me ask you this. Is it still widely accepted that the earth was created in 6 days? That the stars were created the same day as god created day and night? That we are the center of the universe? That above the clouds in the sky there is this great big kingdom where resides this old geezer who likes to watch over us? You think all of that hasn't been debunked by science yet?
    i think you need to do your part in researching about what Christians or the Vatican says about the 6 day creation..
    though initially some folks took the bible pretty literal..but it doesnt mean that
    it is really the whole church's stand about the subject.(though there was a time that it was taken pretty literal by the church...well thanks to science)
    Like not all muslims wanted to blow non-islamic nations.
    as what the psalmist said in psalm90:04
    For a thousand years in your sight
    are but as yesterday when it is past,
    or as a watch in the night.
    If God created time, then clearly He is not bound by time..
    personally i would not take the 6day creation literally..
    perhaps this link might give insights...
    If God is Omnipotent (All Powerful) Why Did He Need to Take Six Days to Create the Universe? (please check the link bai, even if you won't buy really is a nice read..considering that you love science,reason and logic )

    about the earth being the center of the universe, there was really a time that
    Catholics thought that was the case..until Galileo's theory was proven and made sense..same concept of how a scientific theory is being replaced by a new one..
    and besides, does the bible really indicated that the earth is the center of the universe? that was clearly a Misinterpretation..i know that the reaction towards criticism by early Catholics were not really civilized but i hope you will not hold that against Christianity 'cause how the religious behave cannot and should not be used to discredit the religion the religious follows...such as Islam is labeled as the religion of terrorists...the muslim extremist really painted a negative picture on Islam but we don't really know if Islam really teaches terrorism...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Do you see the kind of word play and semantics you're using here? You like to think of theism as this proven scientific theory and atheism as this new theory to challenge the previous one. The problem with that is, to consider theism as a scientific theory, it has to have scientific credibility. And you and I both know it doesn't. To consider theism as a scientific theory in this syllogism would be detrimental to the whole foundation of science itself. And atheism, is not a scientific theory, I'm sorry. If you think so then, that's just sad.
    what do you call the study that deals about heavenly bodies?(stars and planets)
    astronomy right? didn't theism accounts have records about astronomy?about stars and the universe? of course some were disproven when a New idea was accpeted and proven(scientific theories) therefore a relationship is really obvious.
    as the theistic idea about a Creator was the accepted theory about the beginning of all later came up with the idea that everything was just a product of chance...therefore it is natural that the theory of a creator must be disproven first. we both know that it hasn't been yet.
    besides, why would early astronomy bother disproving the church's theory of geocentricity(sun and other planets revolve around the earth)
    if it does not deal with any scientific matter at all?
    personally i've accepted that early church taught incorrect details about some of the scientific accounts but all the more it strengthens the realtionship between scientific and religious theories..
    geoctricicism was later replaced with heliocentricism, what do you think is the Vatican's stand on this?if you think they would disagree with heliocentricity
    then like i said earlier you might wanna research about Christan's stand about these what if geocentricity was debunked,does that necessarily disprove the bible? when even the bible doesn't exactly wrote about it, as it was clearly a product of misinterpretaion of early Christian theologists.
    and it most certainly does not discredit the existence of God

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    You have this huge misunderstanding when it comes to the term atheism and what it stands for. Atheism literally means Non-belief in God. Does it assert that god does not exist? No. It just means Non-belief in God. Does it provide theories and explanations asserting the non-existence of god? No. It just means Non-belief in God. And yet you seem to think that its trying to prove something, like it's some kind of religion. lol We don't have to prove the Judeo-Christian god does not exist, science is already debunking the credibility of that claim without even trying.
    yes, i agree that aetheism just means non-belief.
    so why do you continue to argue if that's the case? if you really do not believe that God exists,why continue to defend your stand granted that you as an aetheist is one step ahead from theists? preha gud anang makasugat ka ug buang unya balikason kag kalit,diba di nimu patulan kay kahibaw ka nga wa siya kasabut ug kahibaw sa iyang gipang yaw2x? diba that should be our reaction when we find no logical reason to engage ourselves with something?so why continue to argue or defend your non belief?could it be that there is really a logical case in theism?(though para nimu wala but your actions are contradicting)?or worst, aetheism has become your religion...
    otherwise you just wouldn't care...

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Tell me, how do you propose to prove something doesn't exist, when that something hasn't even yet, been proven to exist? How do you propose atheism to prove the non-existence of a god when theism itself has yet to prove it? Apart from it not being the point of atheism, it's logically impossible. And yet, you want atheism to do just that. Are you mad?
    if you don't believe in something, clearly no proof about it will ever be valid to the same way that deny biblical facts and proofs presented by theists
    then how can you be sure in an absolute way that proof has not really been laid over?is it the absolute truth that no proof has already been laid over?
    kay from a theist POV, everything almost serves as proof...of course from your POV it would you reconcile both claims?is it rightful to say that
    a belief in God is absolutely wrong? if so, what happens to the non-belief in God but not stating there is no God?
    in Christianity, apart from faith and the amazing things about the universe,earth even in the human body, historical accounts confirmed the new testament writings..many actually served as proof that Christianity is authentic
    and that the bible is credible..however it is also given that to non-believers
    maski pag unsaon ug present sa proof kung dili jud mutoo ang tao...wala jud nay bili..
    i was once a God,church and religious hater, had i not open my mind with another perspective...i would have remained hateful till now..

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    I'm sorry, I don't wanna be condescending but if you had just veritably taken the time to think and ponder about your argument, you would realize how silly and incoherent it is, rendering your conclusion that non-belief needs faith, utterly falsified.
    no offense taken bai, i also hope i haven't offended you in any way..if i have.i apologize..
    anyway if i am right in saying that you just don't believe there is God but you do not really know if He does not exist...and if trust is based with something tangible, and faith isn't..
    basing on the observations about God being inexistent, you trust that there is no God..but apart from tangible observations we also cannot deny that there is a vast information which we do not have access to.
    so basing on the fact that you do not possess the fullness of knowledge about the argument whether God does or doesn't exist..
    by believing there is no God.there is no logical reason for it..but still by faith.
    in the same way a muslim and christian would consider their religion to be the truth...apart from both party's tangible proofs but by faith with what isn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    I tell you what atheism does assert: "It asserts that it is irrational to presuppose the existence of a god given that there is no evidence to presuppose such god exists."
    by saying such, it could work the other way around..
    that it is irrational to presuppose the inexistence of a god given that there are claims and evidences from those who believe.
    therefore, you must disprove all claims about God's existence first before not believing in the existence of God.otherwise, it would also be irrational.
    might as well say, i do not know what i believe. Theists somehow do have the right to say there is God 'cause whether true or not, we have our faith to support such belief.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Ever heard of doublespeak? How can a lack of faith require faith?
    It's not that I have faith that there isn't a God, I simply lack faith in a God. Understanding this distinction will help you understand what I believe.
    kasabut man ko sa imung gisulti bai but i just wouldn't agree with it..
    come to think of it, not believing in God is a lack of faith towards believing there is God...however it would also imply that you have faith that there is no God only for the reason that you do not hold an absolute truth about God being inexistent..for sure you have solid basis,observations and personal conclusions..but other than those.
    there is NOTHING absolute about your claim,by what you are just asserting,claiming NOT Stating..

    that's why it is called FAITH because we cannot see it but we believe in it.
    have you actually seen and know that God really does not Exist?has anyone ever have?
    of course, you do not have faith in God...but you have Faith that He does not exist..otherwise you wound't have taken sides..might as well label yourself as that way, it would show that you lacked the faith in both God's existence and inexistence..that for me, best describes the "suspension of belief". 'cause whether you like it or not, believing that there is no God is still a belief, from the word believe. unless you would say "i know there is no God"..which we both know that is not the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Faith? How about educated guess? Critical deliberation? Iterative testing and observation? Experientially driven prediction? Any of these ring a bell? No? What makes you think faith is required to forego with a more probable hypothesis? One chooses to test a hypothesis not because of some arbitrary faith that it will yield results but because of logical positivity.
    Logical possiblity,
    is it logical to believe that God does not exist despite of Not knowing everything about His existence?

    to be fair with Scientific discoveries that seem contradicts biblical accounts the Vatican put up a Science academy.a research team compose of both believers and non-believers in an attempt to remove biases from the research..
    see: Pontifical Academy of Sciences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    if you really wanna be logical about your conclusion..
    you should have at least studied Religion.get a master's or doctor's degree about that you can have a logical comparison.
    otherwise, you are still taking your unbelief by Faith (Faith that there is No God..klaro na na ha...dili na na under sa "double speak" )

    How about educated guess? Critical deliberation? Iterative testing and observation?Experientially driven prediction?
    --unless you CAN get the fullness of everything from the processes mentioned then faith is no longer needed.
    diba there were instances that a theory was accepted for a long period of time then gets debunked by a new one?with science continually growing in its understanding..that is the only way to move on.debunk initially accepted theories..
    didn't the debunked theories also went through educated guess,Critical deliberation, Iterative testing and observation,Experientially driven prediction? to formulate a theory then get a conclusion?but still gets debunked.
    we both know that when we say scientific theory it does not work as a layman's theory scientific theories are almost proven by several tests...
    but since we also know that science is evolving overtime, discoveries are being made every now and then..though that certain theory is currently accepted in fact both of us and the whole scientific community would agree that the theory even with its supporting details..cannot be considered as the ABSOLUTE TRUTH,that's why we have dubunked or improved scientific theories throughout history..just like how early science thought that the earth was a flat disk..
    until then faith is needed in everything that we do not ENTIRELY know.
    Faith does not only consist of a belief of te unknown but also in the unbelief of the unknown. you might not personally agree with it..but logically you will. i know you get the point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    I know. Which is a cheap tactic to get a desired answer. One I'm willing to ignore but not fall into.
    basing on what you said that you just believe there is no God but do not really know if that belief is true..then why are you discrediting faith in what you believed in? and if you say you do know that there is No God..then i will no longer argue with you about faith in non-belief BUT we both know that it is not the case, i think we can even both agree that no one alive today knows 100% with full honesty and sanity that God really does not exist...
    both camps are just speculating..unless you're somewhere in between..i might
    not argue with you anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    You seem to have this idea that theism holds the upper hand in this argument just because it came first. It would have come off as a funny suggestion if not for it being just, downright pathetic. Again, atheism is not in any position to prove anything, more so when theism as an "existing belief" as you so highly put it, cannot even prove its own claims, let alone be entitled to a position that demands credibility to its opposition. As I mentioned above, atheism isn't about proving the non-existence of god. If you're looking for a body of knowledge that does a good job of debunking the claims of organized religion everyday, look at science.
    you are questioning Theism for believing in God using faith and relative proofs
    yet you do not question aetheism for not believing despite of not knowing everything if God really exists? if you're saying that you are just suspending judgement for the time being 'cause you cannot consider anything as proof for God's existence then you stay in between.
    once you take sides between a believer and a non-believer you gotta present proofs.
    of course the belief in God came in first,early science even thought that earth was a flat disk and that it has pillars supporting it from its core..
    of course they were taken from biblical scriptures which was clearly a product of misinterpretation..then why did Science debunked that theory?
    therefore there is an obvious connection betwween them.
    therefore, before i consider your claim to be correct, i would have to ask a proof from you? not a personal one but if there is such term...
    a proof that can be considered absolute from all perspectives.the problem is, naay kay kaila nga nakahibaw TANAN?

    Science may have debunked many belief systems..that's why others are categorized in the myth order..but has Science debunked Christianity?
    science has not even reached the fullness of everything..mao bitaw naay term nga known universe 'cause there's a whole lot of studying,discovering,observing that has to be don't get too excited.
    about creation, now may be the time for you to check the link i posted above about God and science if you havent checked it yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    Disbelief based on lack of evidence does not require faith. In fact, disbelief does not require evidence of any kind. Someone who has never heard of the concept of "gods" would not believe in them. Under the broader definition of atheism, they would be an atheist and yet not have faith that no gods exist. Similarly, someone who has been given evidence and simply finds it lacking (the classic narrower definition of atheist) would also not be relying on faith for their lack of belief.
    someone who has not heard of anything about God would obviously NOT have a reason for believing in a God because that person doesn't even have the slightest idea about other words, that person does not have a choice but to not believe. therefore, your example is not valid.

    pero ikaw, kahibaw man ka about God yet you chose not to believe 'cause
    it seems that you cannot consider anything as a proof for His existence..
    and at the same time you would also agree that you do not fully know that God does does not really you are just claiming and not making a statement of absolute truth..what makes you think that you are not using FAITH?

    faith by definition is
    --Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.

    you are confident, you think what you believe is true..
    diba haum tanan sa definition sa faith imung stand towards God?
    diba you believe that there is NO God? keyword there bai is BELIEVE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    "Look at all the wonderful and unexplainable things in this world! They must be from God."
    Well, not to be a downer, but look at all the evil, awful, nasty things, too. Would a loving God allow attacks like the one on the World Trade Center?
    Don't blame all of this on sin and Satan; imagine the countless innocent infants dead from disease and disaster.
    And consider that even if Satan is responsible, I remind you that Satan is God's creation, too.
    Want to try blaming it all on Free Will? Don't you think God would've known what humans would do with their Free Will? God would have to have been pretty dim not to know what Eve would do with the Forbidden Fruit, don't you think?
    for an All knowing God, of course nothing is Hidden from Him.
    but to answer why He did not Stop Eve from the act of disobedience would be unknown. and yes, freewill has everything to do with it
    my answer in this part would be an assumption as there is really no way that i can fathom God's ways...
    i too searched for some answers in both personal and online. both in past and present.
    i seem to agree with what this guy said about the subject.
    Why did God let Satan into the Garden knowing what would happen? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
    would you agree? all the evil you see in the world today would be stopped if each and every citizen of the world would Love their neighbor as themselves
    forgive and Love their enemies.
    it is also a choice to do so, and i know you agree that freewill has everuthing to do with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    But to answer your question: No, I am not absolutely sure about the things I believe in. To say so would be a complete mockery of the quest for knowledge. But my beliefs are based on observable facts, in critical thinking and of constant assessment and deliberation. Not on fictional mythical beings from an old piece of literature created by man. So there's that.
    exactly my point why i said you are still a faith practitioner.
    which is simply for the reason that you do not hold the absolute truth...
    again, faith in the sense that you believe God does not exist.
    maski pag muingun ka nga nagbrain storming ka come up with a personal conclusion that God does not still does not take away the fact that you are NOT 100% sure about the absoluteness of your conclusion..therefore
    you are still excercising FAITH in your disbelief.

    when you said that your conclusion was based on observable facts, in critical thinking and of constant assessment and deliberation.
    does it follow that ALL people who believe in God Lacked the ability
    or skipped the processes you just mentioned?

    take a good look on this LIST
    this is a list of ALL aetheists who converted to CHRISTIANITY.
    also examine what kind of lives they lead and if they are the type who would just take everything what was taught in sunday school. remember, they once held the same idea that you do now..
    List of converts to Christianity from atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    and here is the LIST of the many Christian Thinkers
    most of them are scientists if not all..but one way or the other..i believe we can agree that when it comes to observable facts, in critical thinking and of constant assessment and deliberation, logic and even science itself..these guys know way too much compared to what we have.
    now tell me, did they missed somthing that YOU didn't?
    List of Christian thinkers in science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    if what you say about God is true then all of them
    believed on a fictional mythical being from an old piece of literature created by man.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    You don't think you can be a good person and have a good life without religion? So the only reason you're good is because an invisible entity tells you to? Wow, carry on then. Wouldn't want you to start doing nasty things...
    did i say that without religion,it is impossible to be good and lead a good life?
    its either you misunderstood or you assume too much.
    i did not even mention religion in my post did i? i said faith in Jesus' teachings
    about life and salvation.
    Last edited by noy; 11-21-2012 at 09:43 PM.

  5. #2385

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peenut View Post
    unsai naka detailed? meaning 2012 years old pa ang earth?
    wa man nag thread ug pila nay edad earth boss, ang thread is "Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?"

  6. #2386

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    matod pa sa ako lolo "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."by: mahatma ghandi

  7. #2387

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Monster23 View Post
    Whew, naglisud ku ug tubag da. hahahah
    Bible ku. like what cpt_star shared a verse.

    But one thing that crosses my mind, who made God?
    Rev. 22:13

  8. #2388

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    IMO I believe there are some things that science can't explain....

  9. #2389

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Seriously, gikapoy ko'g basa....nagsakit nagud akong throught....

    Nice ta ug inyo ning i blog noh? Make a thesis ba or project with your complete proof/reasons defending your own faith or belief or whatever you call that...nyehehehe

    We have a site ba sa, I might be adding these info didto....okieee? God bless you all....

    And glory and praises to God nga naa jud mga defender of Christian faith dere, hehehe, so people asking questions will know.

    Ako nalang pud ni i-insert nga chika,like what Rica Peralejo said, "Kahit paulit ulit mo nang i share ito sa mga tao, hindi talaga nila maiintindihan without the Grace of God", and yeah without the openness of your heart and acceptance to the truth, it's either di jud ka kasabot, or dili jud ka mo believe

    Peace everyone! God bless yahhh

  10. #2390

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Seriously, gikapoy ko'g basa....nagsakit nagud akong throught....
    OT= sakit mo lng aq mata ug elong nag dugo sa kata-as sa ila mga post

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