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  1. #2351

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peenut View Post
    abi naa murag porma ug cross, mao dayon na?..
    nya kanang cross mga tao man gihapon nag panday ana...
    aw. relax lng diha boss.mahimoot man sad ko nimu. hahaha. nangutana ra gni kog kita ba mog laminin . i may enjoy learning about basic biomedical sciences, yet my faith still resides in the Lord-- that He's the Kreator. aw creator.
    Last edited by Mildewed; 11-16-2012 at 07:09 PM. Reason: :)

  2. #2352

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by necrotic freak View Post
    ^^nya matud pa sa mga eti-yes diri kay by chance ra jud kuno ang pagka complex sa kalawasan sa taw. pastilan nalang gyud.
    haha. by chance? LOL. I believe, with that being said, they know nothing about the human body.

  3. #2353

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    If you unwrap all the DNA you have in all your cells, you could reach the moon 6000 times!
    If true --- no word has been invented to describe it...for now,amazing,awesome,great,OMG are the closest

  4. #2354

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysley View Post
    What do you think I believe in?

    No it doesn't. People just like to think it does. So they can feel warm and fuzzy inside.

    I don't like the word "settle". It means I've stopped exploring new concepts and ideas and will not accept new evidence for ideas challenging old ones.

    Moot point. Not applicable to everything.

    Uh... no it's not. Seriously, do you even know how scientific theories are formulated?

    I don't believe I'm a goat. You think I needed faith in order for me not to believe that I'm a goat? Was there a possibility that I might have been a goat all along?
    well i think you don't believe God exists...'cause it lacks physical or scientific proof that He exist...
    and i think we can both agree that the claim that He does not exist has not been proven either...
    so therefore whoever believes God does not exist...has faith in the idea that He doesnt(igsoon ra sa nituo nga naay Ginoo )

    about faith being needed in marriage, i didn't say it should be applicable to everything...
    we're talking about Faith aren't we? would you agree that Faith is needed to settle down with someone you don't entirely know?

    ok, i'm not really sure how scientific theories are was just my POV
    however you gotta have something hoped for when you're creating a hypothesis right?
    and by the word shows not having the fullness of the idea...
    and if the scientist conducting the experiment does not have faith in his hypothesis, why would he even want a conclusion?
    might as well leave the idea hanging...

    if faith is used to make people warm and fuzzy, so is that the reason for your disbelief?
    'cause as of the moment you feel warm and fuzzy with the idea that there's no God?

    are you 100% sure about whatever you believed in? not on a personal level, 'cause obviously you would be
    but in every aspect under the sun...esp to things unknown to you...
    'cause if you are then you must be God...
    'cause one must be All knowing to know everything...
    unless you know everything then at some are exercising FAITH

    can you explain why people are always searching for something? it could be answers,wealth,satisfaction,fame,fortune..etc...
    like we end up wanting more after we reach our highest goal...
    people are always inclined to be excellent, i would have said perfect if we will not die...
    i don't see the point...why are we hoping for perfection when we know that we cannot be perfect 'cause at some point we will make mistakes diba?
    so if mistake is the obstacle, for sure we can learn from them over time...
    BUT our life has an why does people seem to long for eternity
    if our last breath is our doesn't make sense right?

    so how can we reconcile reality with what's going on inside of us? how do you bridge the gap if we rely everyting to what is tangible...

    na satisfied naka sa imung life?
    for sure bright kau ka, but there is always room for new learnings...and guess what you still want to learn...
    diba? in your words...i don't like the term settle...kay murag niundang nako ug explore...
    why do you continue to Explore? of course you have your reasons...but can you say that your reasons are absolute? of course not...point is, perting dakoa ug lugar sa FAITH sa atong kinabuhi...
    Last edited by noy; 11-16-2012 at 09:09 PM.

  5. #2355

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    well i think you don't believe God exists...'cause it lacks physical or scientific proof that He exist...
    and i think we can both agree that the claim that He does not exist has not been proven either...
    so therefore whoever believes God does not exist...has faith in the idea that He doesnt(igsoon ra sa nituo nga naay Ginoo )
    There you go. You just said so yourself, there is a lack of viable, observable and verifiable evidence to presuppose the existence of a god. And then you said that the claims for god's non-existence has not been proven either. That is a logical fallacy right there. You see, the burden of proof doesn't lie on the negative side of the argument for the existence of god. It lies on the positive side. If you assert the existence of a god, you have to provide sufficient evidence for your claim. Then and only then, can you expect the opposition to provide evidence to the contrary. And clearly, as you said before, there is no such evidence for the positive argument that god exists so why expect evidence debunking such argument? You're the one making the positive claim, not us. We don't have to prove anything.

    You don't need faith for the non-belief of god any more than you need faith to say "I don't believe I'm a goat.", since there is no evidence to say otherwise. IT IS the case that I'm not a goat. If it were flipped around and there was evidence that I'm a goat and I genuinely believed I'm not, then that would mean I exercise faith to believe I am not a goat since there is no evidence to suppose that I am indeed, not a goat.

    So tell me again, which part of non-belief exercises faith exactly?

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    about faith being needed in marriage, i didn't say it should be applicable to everything...
    we're talking about Faith aren't we? would you agree that Faith is needed to settle down with someone you don't entirely know?
    Why would I wanna settle down with someone I don't entirely know? lol I don't think this argument serves any purpose towards your position but I'll humor you:

    Do you perchance misrepresent trust as faith? Do you know there are two types of trust. Trust with sufficient basis and trust without any basis. The latter is called faith.

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    ok, i'm not really sure how scientific theories are was just my POV
    however you gotta have something hoped for when you're creating a hypothesis right?
    and by the word shows not having the fullness of the idea...
    and if the scientist conducting the experiment does not have faith in his hypothesis, why would he even want a conclusion?
    might as well leave the idea hanging...
    Again, your idea for the formulation of scientific theories is severely deteriorated by your own personal opinion of what it is. I'm not gonna go through all the trouble of explaining it to you because frankly, it is your job to do that and educate yourself, not mine. I strongly suggest reading up on this topic before making presumptions.

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    if faith is used to make people warm and fuzzy, so is that the reason for your disbelief?
    'cause as of the moment you feel warm and fuzzy with the idea that there's no God?
    What makes you think I need to feel warm and fuzzy inside? Again with the presumptions man. Your conclusion that faith is needed for non-belief is an easily debatable, easily refutable conclusion to your argument, so why use it as a premise to your argument here? I'm sorry man but that tactic is widely frowned upon in the ethics of discourse.

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    are you 100% sure about whatever you believed in? not on a personal level, 'cause obviously you would be
    but in every aspect under the sun...esp to things unknown to you...
    'cause if you are then you must be God...
    'cause one must be All knowing to know everything...
    unless you know everything then at some are exercising FAITH
    Your argument presupposes the existence of an entity called god inhibiting omniscience. That premise has not been proven and using it in your argument will not warrant your conclusion any merit.

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    can you explain why people are always searching for something? it could be answers,wealth,satisfaction,fame,fortune..etc...
    like we end up wanting more after we reach our highest goal...
    people are always inclined to be excellent, i would have said perfect if we will not die...
    i don't see the point...why are we hoping for perfection when we know that we cannot be perfect 'cause at some point we will make mistakes diba?
    so if mistake is the obstacle, for sure we can learn from them over time...
    BUT our life has an why does people seem to long for eternity
    if our last breath is our doesn't make sense right?

    so how can we reconcile reality with what's going on inside of us? how do you bridge the gap if we rely everyting to what is tangible...
    Your question says a lot about your uncertainty when it comes to the search for meaning and purpose in life. I could engage you into a long discussion about this but for now let me ask you this. If there is a gap to be bridged, why does it have to be faith that fills it? If there are unanswered questions, why does it have to be god that fills it? If there is a meaning and purpose to life, why does it have to come from an antiquated textbook full of moral atrocities? Why do you need to reconcile reality with your own personal delusions? Reality seems to be doing just fine without it. Why do we have to diminish it with cheap man made myths and constructs?

    I know this might come as sort of a shock to you but: We create our own meaning and purpose in life.

    The following videos will provide some insight into my perspective about these topics. If you're interested.

    Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie - YouTube
    ***, Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 1 Richard Dawkins (Subs) - YouTube
    ***, Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 2 Richard Dawkins (Subs) - YouTube
    ***, Death And The Meaning Of Life Episode 3 Richard Dawkins (Subs) - YouTube

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    na satisfied naka sa imung life?
    for sure bright kau ka, but there is always room for new learnings...and guess what you still want to learn...
    diba? in your words...i don't like the term settle...kay murag niundang nako ug explore...
    why do you continue to Explore? of course you have your reasons...but can you say that your reasons are absolute? of course not...point is, perting dakoa ug lugar sa FAITH sa atong kinabuhi...
    Is there any other good reason apart from the yearn for understanding? Why can't the quest for understanding be absolute?
    Again, your premise fails to connect to your conclusion.

    You have no idea how much I've come across the FAITH argument before from theists who like to think everybody else uses the same logical and critical deliberation as they do. Or in this case, lack thereof. And I'm always happy to point out the flaw in this logical fallacy.

    One does not need faith to believe something is false if there is no evidence to presuppose that that something is true.

    "What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." --Christopher Hitchens.

  6. #2356

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by noy View Post
    If you unwrap all the DNA you have in all your cells, you could reach the moon 6000 times!
    If true --- no word has been invented to describe it...for now,amazing,awesome,great,OMG are the closest
    if you put all the cross-sectional areas of a person's capillaries side by side, it would amount to 96,000 km or 60,000miles

  7. #2357

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mildewed View Post
    if you put all the cross-sectional areas of a person's capillaries side by side, it would amount to 96,000 km or 60,000miles
    no sh*t!

    The work of evolution sure is amazing..

  8. #2358

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    ingon ang mga pari binuhat kuno ta sa ginoo, mao guro nang uban beedyo mo shagit man "god, i'm coming!"

  9. #2359

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by bossdak View Post
    ingon ang mga pari binuhat kuno ta sa ginoo, mao guro nang uban beedyo mo shagit man "god, i'm coming!"
    hmmmmmm...seems legit....

  10. #2360

    Default Re: Kinsa jud imo gituohan kung diin jud tah gikan, ang Bible or Science?

    Quote Originally Posted by _hizuka_ View Post
    hmmmmmm...seems legit....
    bitaw, murag adtoon pa guro na nila ang ginoo para i claim ilang bata.

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