promotion based on MERITS and ACHIEVEMENTS
BOth sounds the same! Mura diba?
promotion based on MERITS and ACHIEVEMENTS
BOth sounds the same! Mura diba?
PING LACSON? that obviously POWER GRABBER? tsk tsk puyo mo oi! hahay kakapoy sa inyong gipamili oi wala may mga lami! PING LACSON is a great person but not for presidency!
Hahay giunsa naman ninyo pagpila ang inyong mga politicians oi.... magpakabuta man mo sa klaro kaayong walay ayo!
Maayo lang manulti ning tawhana pero sa pagkamaro! Samot dili na jud na nimo masakpan! Bright pana sa tanang nangamatay! Lisod sakpon! if you know watta mean!
i guess this also applies to you... ayaw sab pagpakabuta.Originally Posted by oliver_g0110
If ever I will be killed because of living in COLON for just one day , does that JUSTIFY that the STREET SMART mentality doesnt exist because I didnt survived ? LOLZ .... For the record , I did acquired such information from STREET SMART , I dont really get why you keep on insisting that I live in COLON for a day and prove you wrong if I survive , whats the connection of it ?? LOLZ again !!Originally Posted by Zirv
Well if you are smart enough , you are the one PREMATURELY BOASTING because you dont know me and you dont have to know me either . Well on my part , I am sure about it .... you havent probably signed the WAIVER I gave on the post from the earlier pages of these topic . Well for the record also , PHISKHANZZ already can vouch for that because he himself has his own sources who are reliable enough na di sa BARBEROHAN ang information . Its not that I believe him because he agrees with me or vice versa but because the information being shared are not BLACK PROPAGANDAS , they are not even SECRETS dodong . Like I said for the NTH time , you refuse to accept the fact or you cant accept the fact and you know why . BOMBO RADYO ni !!! Guba na plaka !! LOLZ .....Well I its too PREMATURE to boast who can vouch for YOUDon't be so sure.... Bilog ang Mundo(The World is round)
Are we talking about PGMA here or PING LACSON ? Do I need to answer and comment on your part of claiming such thing with no basis at all ??If you think the GMA tapes are black propaganda. I think the US embassy is willing to have ALL the tapes authenticated without any cost to the Filipino people. I am sure the FBI, NSA or CIA have the expertise without any bias we can include the Scotland Yard. They can authenticate OSAMA bin LADEN's voice and a host of other people's voice. It would not be easy but in can be done. So STOP giving us ALIBIS.
LOLZ ...... do you know what you are talking about ? argumentum ad hominem!!You see fellow istoryans SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 here says the GMA-GARCI tapes are black propaganda. It just proves SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 has VESTED INTEREST in a dying administration.
Blah , blah , blah , blah !!!FEAR of losing these VESTED INTEREST?? FEAR is the path to the DARK SIDE- YODA
The MAJORITY judged already ..... havent you heard the l8test ?? LOLZ !!I leave it to the good judgement of my fellow istoryans
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
The MAJORITY judged already ..... havent you heard the l8test ?? LOLZ !!
As I said don't BOAST that people will vouch for you(wether here or out in the streets)....Don't be so sure and trusting. ...BILOG ang MUNDO.(anything can happen)
I'm sure my fellow istoryans know FAR better....
Well you seem to really have streetsmart I think you can survive COLON or CARBON for one day OR NOT.
Its okay to AVOID the TOPIC of GLORIA-GARCI tapes which you think is Black Propaganda. Frankly there is no ALIBI anymore to get away with it.
Its not that i refused to believe you but I refuse to be dumb.
Those who claim to know ug daghang hugaw bahin ni LACSON ayaw mo pag ADVERTISE sa inyong mga VESTED INTERESET kay di man kaayo KLARO tanto!!!
Inig Presidente ni LACSON yabo na na inyong mga vested interest. Pag andam namo.
Those who have nothing to lose have nothing to fear
SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 hear is just one of those PEOPLE who have VESTED INTEREST now and is AFRAID of lossing IT.
See , literally understood again . I never said people will vouch for me wether here or in the streets . What I said was the LATEST so far in regards to LACSON was a negative impact for him and thats from them and not mine . You get it now ? In short , wala ko nangampanya or ga advertise who LACSON is , they are not that dumb either to believe and follow me .... they said it from their own opinions , experience and knowledge about LACSON ..... npt from the TABLOIDS as you claimed before LOLZ !! Mo lusot pa gyud ka oi ..... dawata na lang dodong ZIRV .Originally Posted by Zirv
Well , read the replies and based it temporarily on the participants of the topic from page 1 . Tell me who thinks LACSON is nothing different from a THIEF , a big time THIEF that is who manipulates things due to capabilities .I'm sure my fellow istoryans know FAR better....
And your point is ? 3 points ?? Lols !! Apila ang Tangke and Bisaong Talisay and Duljo Fatima pod .... kay mapa-ulawan ra na ang COLON ug CARBON nimo .... even a tourist can be found in those areas ... ako pa na local na bisdak ?? Cmon !!Well you seem to really have streetsmart I think you can survive COLON or CARBON for one day OR NOT.
Now who is JUMPING to CONCLUSIONS and BOASTING ? We can set that aside to a topic that caters the issue . This topic is solely for your ICON PING LACSON only that smells like a rotten rat . HInay hinay na siyang nanimaho dodong .Its okay to AVOID the TOPIC of GLORIA-GARCI tapes which you think is Black Propaganda. Frankly there is no ALIBI anymore to get away with it.
Well I do respect ur opinion aron mahuman but then that doesnt make u right and I am wrong or vice versa , it just makes you BIAS that is for the fact that you just probably saw recently the movie of the life of LACSON .... inspired cguro kaau ka kay daghan baya street smart tactics didto .Its not that i refused to believe you but I refuse to be dumb.
Do you think the statements I gave are statements we consider FLASH REPORTS and FIRST in iSTORYA ? Lolz ..... everybody knew about it even way back in the early 90's and late 80's .Those who claim to know ug daghang hugaw bahin ni LACSON ayaw mo pag ADVERTISE sa inyong mga VESTED INTERESET kay di man kaayo KLARO tanto!!!
INig ka mayor cguro niya sa MUNTI pwede pa LOLZ !!Inig Presidente ni LACSON yabo na na inyong mga vested interest. Pag andam namo.
And your point again ? Lagpas na kaau ka oi dodong ZIRV .... ala Russian pa ngalan nimo !!Those who have nothing to lose have nothing to fear
Now tell me who is ADVERTISING ..... speaking of INCONSISTENCIES ..... ultimo si MORLOCK , my Yellow Lab nagkatawa nimo . Maayo pa ang IRO nakasabot on how you are trying hard to be funny LOLZ !!SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 hear is just one of those PEOPLE who have VESTED INTEREST now and is AFRAID of lossing IT.
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
Do you think the statements I gave are statements we consider FLASH REPORTS and FIRST in iSTORYA ? Lolz ..... everybody knew about it even way back in the early 90's and late 80's .
experience and knowledge about LACSON ..... not from the TABLOIDS as you claimed before
Just goes to show HOW far you will go to PROTECT your VESTED INTEREST and dig up everything. Siguro naa pud ka information sa pag elementary and high school ni LACSON.
And your point is ? 3 points ?? Lols !! Apila ang Tangke and Bisaong Talisay and Duljo Fatima pod .... kay mapa-ulawan ra na ang COLON ug CARBON nimo .... even a tourist can be found in those areas ... ako pa na local na bisdak ?? Cmon !!
As I said 1 day lang gud if you say tourist roam free there so you really can survive it there with YOUR streetsmarts....or ITS TOO EASY....
SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said about the GLORIA-GARCI tapes:
Now who is JUMPING to CONCLUSIONS and BOASTING ? We can set that aside to a topic that caters the issue .
Its easy to authenticate ALL these tapes. As I said submit it to the US embassy. Let them be the one to say its BLACK PROPAGANDA against your favorite PGMA and Your VESTED VESTED INTEREST. Its that simple. I think you can defend it as much as you like. Its the tale of the tapes....
This topic is solely for your ICON PING LACSON only that smells like a rotten rat . HInay hinay na siyang nanimaho dodong.
Tell me who thinks LACSON is nothing different from a THIEF , a big time THIEF that is who manipulates things due to capabilities
INig ka mayor cguro niya sa MUNTI pwede pa
Pagawas na lagi tanang baho, basura, ug uban pa ni LACSON. JUST to advertise how much you will PROTECT your VESTED INTEREST. na LISOD kaayo para nimo kung ma WALA NA!!!!
Kay as sure sa the sun will rise Yabo gyud na tanan racket ninyo KARON.
I'm glad you STOP boasting that people will vouch for you here and in the real life....BILOG ANG MUNDO
FYI lang ..... ang mga PROVEN na CRIMINAL activities ni LACSON .... no more and no less . hehehe ... color sa brip ni Lacson gusto ka makahibalo ??Originally Posted by Zirv
DUgaya nimo maka G oi ..... why do you insist ? What if , all the time na cge ka insist nako na puyo just for a day in COLON but then who knows si SPRINGFIELD taga COLON gyud diay mismo ? As an example lang ha ..... so it does not conjoin to the issue we are talking about . Unsay labot sa COLON .... bisan naa ka sa AYALA sud sa MALL , kung oras niom oras gyud niom ma slide ka sa escalator o unsa pa na and not the location where you think bad ass people live to kill SPRINGFIELD aron lang ma prove ang point ni dodong ZIRV ... wake up dude !!As I said 1 day lang gud if you say tourist roam free there so you really can survive it there with YOUR streetsmarts....or ITS TOO EASY....
Hehehehe .... OGOBA gyud nimo oi ... ingnan bring that issue to the topic that caters it somewhere in the POLITICS section . But again .... that issue was talked already so I need not to " MAKISAWSAW " . Like I said , the only time you need to ask questions is when you dont know the answer .Its easy to authenticate ALL these tapes. As I said sumbit it to the US embassy. Let them be the one to say its BLACK PROPAGANDA against your favorite PGMA and Your VESTED VESTED INTEREST. Its that simple. I think you can defend it as much as you like. Its the tale of the tapes....
kabalo ka dodong .... di ko magsakit ana because :Pagawas na lagi tanang baho, basura, ug uban pa ni LACSON. JUST to advertise how much you will PROTECT your VESTED INTEREST. na LISOD kaayo para nimo kung ma WALA NA!!!!
- lami na kaau akong kinabuhi diri ug di ko ma apektohan sa crisis sa Pilipinas
- di ko pwede mo botar kay di nako FIlipinon citizen
- ni share lang ko sa nahibaw-an nako
Unlike you , magsakit ka when you think you lost to me from protecting the INTEGRITY of your ICON , Sen Ping Lacson .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
- lami na kaau akong kinabuhi diri ug di ko ma apektohan sa crisis sa Pilipinas
- di ko pwede mo botar kay di nako FIlipinon citizen
- ni share lang ko sa nahibaw-an nako
Unlike you , magsakit ka when you think you lost to me from protecting the INTEGRITY of your ICON , Sen Ping Lacson .
Mao ni tawag the one that got AWAY. INIT na diay kaayo SA?
Well I Leave it to the Good JUDGEMENT of my fellow istoryans who are actually here in the Philippines fighting the good fight.
Its not that I lost from you ug grabe akong kasakit. I didn't loose anything unlike sa mga TAO with VESTED INTEREST na hadlok mawala sa ilang "lami na kaau (akong) kinabuhi"
toink...shamut...hahay...the worst!Originally Posted by tempest
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