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  1. #221

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    nothing in this world is infinite... you u might be correct in saying that we have vast resources... but eventually it will be overwhelm by population... the more people the less land for cultivation... meaning lesser food supply... and to remind you folks... there's no infinite value in logic... just 1 and 0 hehehe

  2. #222

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    Quote Originally Posted by migzz
    nothing in this world is infinite... you u might be correct in saying that we have vast resources... but eventually it will be overwhelm by population... the more people the less land for cultivation... meaning lesser food supply... and to remind you folks... there's no infinite value in logic... just 1 and 0 hehehe
    That's a pretty baseless assumption you've made there: that population WILL overwhelm our resources. Fortunately, the UN Population Division disagrees with you. It predicts (even in the worst-case scenario) that wolrd population will stabilize (and maybe even shrink) well BEFORE the earth's resources are anywhere near being overwhelmed.

    The bottom line is that the entire overpopulation hysteria has no rational or scientific basis whatsoever.

  3. #223

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    baseless? look at china! look at philippines...who ever said UN is the answer! there is overpopulation... its happening now!

  4. #224

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)




    "No more turning away.....from the weak and the weary"

    Our Earth is in total crisis. Today, there are more people living on our planet than at any other time in all of human history. World population has quadrupled in the 20th century from 1.6 billion to more than 6.1 billion people in 2002. We are enveloped in a literal explosion of human endeavor, consumption and development as never experienced before.

    One half of the world's population- 3 billion- live in a state of total, absolute abject poverty, surviving on an unimaginable US$2.00/day. Our once plentiful air, land and water resources are being systematically stretched to the maximum to meet the growing demands of an urban and rural sprawl that has become human civilization at the dawn of the 21st century.

    Every year more than 40 million innocent men, women and children (that's 7 Jewish Holocausts) needlessly and ruthlessly perish on our planet from hunger, starvation, disease and malnutrition. Yet to meet a projected global population of 8.5 billion by 2025, it is expected that the world will have to double its annual food production capacity to meet the growing demands for more food, despite the fact that current levels of production and distribution have been fatally disasterous for the world's destitute to date.

    The world's richest countries with roughly 20 percent of the world's population account for roughly 85 percent of the total consumption of global resources, whereas the poorest 20 percent account for just 1.3 percent. More than half of the 4.4 billion people in the developing nations of the Global South lack basic sanitation, almost a third do not have access to clean water, one quarter lack adequate housing, and one fifth do not have access to health services at all.

    The cumulative effect of the global population and poverty explosions have wreaked havoc on the global environment as well. Carbon dioxide emissions have increased 12 fold from 534 million metric tons in 1900 to 6.59 billion metric tons per year in the year 2000. Half of the world's forests have disappeared since the Industrial Revolution. In the last 40 years, per capita forest area worldwide has fallen by more than 50 percent, from a global average of 1.2 hectares to 0.6 hectares per person.

    Massive land degredation, widespread water resource depletion, growing desertification, elevated and expanding global air pollution levels, unprecedented biodiversity loss and sprawling urbanization pressures are all the result of a planetary civilization that is by all accounts and definitions; "out of control".

    Humanity now stands at the crossroads of its own future and survival as a species. Its time for the human race to evolve and transform itself into an advanced civilization and radically move beyond the ineptness, ignorance and stupidity that have been responsible for the level and extent of global poverty and overpopulation we now experience on our planet.

    It is time NOW for a massive re-distribution of wealth to the world's poor. Efforts must begin immediately to educate the world's citizens as to our common global predicament. We must take command and seize control of our own destiny, no one else will do it. The promotion of organic, sustainable international agriculture and development as well as the introduction and use of decentralized, non-polluting, free alternative energy sources (solar, wind, anti-gravity, geo-magnetic etc) must become paramount.

    Reduction of the global population rate worldwide must similiarly become one of our highest priorities, since it is the root cause of global poverty and environmental destruction on our Earth today.

    Steve Jones
    aka- Jonas the Prophet
    P.O. Box 1141
    Boulder, Colorado


    Rich Vs. Poor Stats
    The Great Holocaust
    Messenger of the Covenant



    1. Population Connection
    1400 16th St- NW
    Washington, DC 20036


    2. Oxfam International
    266 Banbury Rd- Suite 20
    Oxford, United Kingdom
    OX2 7dl
    European Union


    3. Institute for Food and Development Policy
    398 60th St
    Oakland, California 94618


    4. United Nations Development Programme
    One UN Plaza, DC-1, 20th Floor
    New York, New York 10017


    5. Food Not Bombs
    P.O. Box 744
    Tuscon, Arizona 85702


    6. Paul and Anne Ehrlich
    ***Books- The Population Bomb and The Population Explosion
    Center for Conservation Biology
    Department of Biological Sciences
    Stanford University
    Stanford, California 94305 USA


    7. UN Population Fund
    220 E. 42nd St, New York, New York 10017 USA


  5. #225

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    Rapid Population Growth in Northwest China Brings About Environmental Concerns. China's northwest region, the largest and least populated among six geographical regions, is witnessing the country's fastest population growth. According to a report the region has seen a 15.37 per thousand population growth rate in 1982-2000, 14.6% higher than the national level. The population of west China region, in proportion to the national, total rose from 6.50% in the early 1970s to 7.23% in 2003, standing at over 90 million. The number would exceed 100 million by 2015 if the population continues to grow. Relaxed family planning policy has contributed to the increase as around 20% of its residents are ethnic minorities, which are allowed to have two or three children. Low productivity and an agriculture economy have underlined the importance of "more children, more secured old life". The gross domestic product (GDP) of the northwest region accounted for only 5.42% of the country and 143 out of 592 counties below the poverty line are in the region. In 2003, only Gansu and Xinjiang saw their schooling years above the national level of 7.86, with Qinghai being the lowest of 6.67 years. Rapid population growth has exerted a strain on resources. Average water consumption stood at 846.12 cubic meters per capita, two times over the national level in 2003. Overgrazing has worsened ecological environment as over 90% of grassland has deteriorated. Arable land is expected to drop by 4 million hectares from 2005 to 2020, yearly grain output would fall by 2.3 million tons. "We have the need to keep the population growth rate at a low level and transform China from a populous country to a country enjoying sound population development," said the vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Demographers suggested that a long-term interest-oriented mechanism should be established to give more financial support to people, to stimulate lower population growth and ensure the regional population to be less than 99 million by 2010. They called on the government to expand access to compulsory education, improve a labor market information system and develop industries, to create more job opportunities. August 07, 2005 Xinhua General News Service

  6. #226

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    Quote Originally Posted by migzz
    baseless? look at china! look at philippines...who ever said UN is the answer! there is overpopulation... its happening now!
    Wrong. The evidence shows quite the contrary. And the assumptions of the "studies" you quoted are also wrong, which renders them inutile.

    Let me tackle the second point first:

    Here's the definition of "overpopulation" from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
      Main Entry: over·pop·u·la·tion
      Pronunciation: "O-v&r-"pä-py&-'lA-sh&n
      Function: noun
      : the condition of having a population so dense as to 
      cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, 
      or a population crash
    Read the definition! It states that population density must be shown to CAUSE certain things. If it cannot be shown to be the real cause (and none of your studies have shown that), then there is no overpopulation. There are probably other facts causing the bad effects.

    Ultimately, your sources fail on the same point. They merely assume that "overpopulation" CAUSES these shortages when in fact they can (and often are, as has been shown many times) be caused by other factors such as war, mismanagement, corruption. etc. This is NOT overpopulation. The definition of overpopulation explicitly mandates that population density is the CAUSE of shortages and environmental degradation. If it cvannot be shown to be such, then there is no evidence of overpopulation., The causes of such are then most likely to be other factors, which you have NOT been able to eliminate.

    Now to the first point: Overpopulation is a myth.

    Nancy Suleik, in an article in the Financial Executives (FINEX) Digest has this to say (emphasis added):

    "It is, however, intellectually dishonest to continue to harp on
    this old argument which has been used to justify sterilization,
    abortion and contraception, when the UN itself came out with a
    report in 2001 that debunked the most dire predictions about the
    consequences of population growth.
    The study said that these have
    been proven unfounded, and remain unlikely to occur even if world
    population rises up to 8.9 billion in 2050. Moreover, arguments
    about rapid population growth resulting in the depletion of
    non-renewable resources such as oil and minerals have also been
    disproved with findings that although the consumption of such
    resources has risen, the estimated amount of resources as yet
    untapped has also risen.
    Likewise the environment argument --
    pollution, habitat destruction, global warming, etc. -- has also
    been shown to be specious, as these environmental concerns have
    largely been "due to modes of production, not to the size, growth
    and distribution of population."

    Here's more evidence that debunks your argument:

    In its "Global Population Profile: 2002", the U.S. Census Bureau noted that global population growth
    peaked over a decade ago, and that birth rates are falling at an alarming rate, one that is unprecedented
    in human history.

    The US-based National Center for Policy Analysis also had a smiliar view in "Overpopulation Myths" ( where it noted that:

    "It is not a question of the human population outstripping resources,
    since food production continues to exceed population growth and
    non-renewable resources become more plentiful each year as new
    sources are found."

    A recent paper released by members of the University of Asia and the Pacific School of Economics (whose members included Emilio T. Antonio, Ronilo Balbieran, Enrico Basilio, Jovi Dacanay, Roberto de Vera, Stephen Huang, Maia Tyche King, Winston Stan Padojinog, Cherrylyn Rodolfo, Kimberly San Agustin, Leandro Tan, Cid Terosa, Peter Lee U, and Bernardo M. Villegas) stated flatly that there is no real connection between poverty and "overpopulation":

    "... we find that available statistics and scientific studies do not support the claim that "too many people"
    means "more poor people."

    Bad governance and bad economic policies, not a large, fast-growing population, are the real causes of
    poverty. More specifically, we have found that:

    * Poverty remains unaffected or even decreases in a larger or increasing
    population. Population growth has little or no direct effect on per capita GDP growth.
    Thus, there is no basis for a policy that aims to reduce population growth to raise per
    capita GDP growth.[/list:u]

    *Poverty is usually caused by poor governance and inappropriate and badly
    implemented economic policies -- which leads to corruption, poor tax collections,
    lack of education and roads, lack of irrigation systems -- instead of a large and
    increasing population."
    . . .

    Sheldon Richman of the CATO Institute, in his testimony on International Population Stabilization and Reproductive Health Act further revealed that the United States, England, Hongkong, and other countries became rich during unprecedented growth in population. The most densely populated nations are among the richest. There are many nations much richer than the Philippines where population density is greater. There are also many nations much poorer than the Philippines where population density is lower. Low population density may contribute to poverty.

    COUNTRY ----------------GNP($) PER CAPITA----------------PERSONS PER SQ. KM.
    West Germany--------------10,940---------------------------------635
    South Korea----------------2,150-------------------------------1,121
    Source: Statistical Abstract of U.S. World Development Report 1987
    The bottomline: overpopulation is a myth. The hysteria about "overpopulation" has no scientific basis whatsoever.

  7. #227

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    Online petition against HB 3773

  8. #228

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    There is no overpopulation. Hinimo himo ra ni sa mga evil leaders. They want to kill more babies. They dont want to share this beautiful world to future generations. They are simply greedy.

    Anyway I travel all over the Philippines and I can say, we can accomodate millions more if not billion Filipinos and everything will be enough because God will provide.

  9. #229

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    A Guide to Population Issues. All 6.4 billion on Earth could fit within the city limits of Jacksonville, Florida. Of course, they’d be packed shoulder to shoulder, about 4 square feet each; someone would want to go to the bathroom, and then you’d hear complaints about contaminated drinking water. The more people you put in a place, the more we inevitably must make rules and concessions to limit our impacts on the environment. On Maryland’s Eastern Shore the fields and forests are all marked "Posted, Keep Out," since 1950. But as every politician will tell you, we’ve accomplished miracles in keeping pollution from getting worse as another few million people moved here. Environmental groups focus on bringing human behavior into sustainable balance with nature but any thought that it matters how many of us there are seems taboo. The number of us growing without limit, will erode and eventually reverse much of that progress. It’s time for us who write about the outdoors to step up to the plate because, frankly, no one else is doing it. In 1972, Richard Nixon’s Commission on Population Growth concluded, "No substantial benefits will result from further growth of the nation’s population". When the report came out, the U.S. fertility rate and foreign immigration had fallen to where population wasn’t a big issue. But immigration has quadrupled and with a rising fertility rate, the Census Bureau projects we’ll hit 570 million Americans by century’s end. Population experts say that by limiting immigration, or by education and anti-poverty programs designed to reduce the birth rate or a combination of both, we could stabilize U.S. numbers around 400 million by late in the century. The biggest roadblock is the myth of "grow or die", the assumption that economic prosperity requires unceasing population growth. That is refuted by studies that distinguish between economic development and increases in people. Another myth is that technology will bail us out. But how does that solve congestion and the need for more roads, eviscerating more countryside? When totaling up the benefits of new malls, economics doesn’t subtract losses of wetlands or the pollution-absorbing ability of the forests we replaced with asphalt. But it is a ruse to beat the drums for public support while pretending endless population growth won’t ultimately erode any gains. Freedom to grow without limit ultimately limits other freedoms. 2005 Izaak Walton League of America

  10. #230

    Default Re: What's wrong with HB 3773? A LOT!!! (Online Petition added!)

    More of Us Than We Need. Catastrophes in our world like earthquakes, fires, floods and droughts are beyond our control, but another type of disaster is within our control and we're not controlling it. The world's population is multiplying at a rate that will make the earth untenable in a few centuries. The U.N.Population Division indicates that in 45 years the population will have increased by 40%. It is said that, in the Netherlands, conditions have become so crowded that Dutch people are moving to countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Most of this population increase will take place in countries that are already crowded. Millions of people are dying of AIDS in the same countries with high birth rates but that's a cruel system of population control. By 2050, the population is expected to triple in Afghanistan, Burundi, Chad, Congo, East Timor, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Uganda and Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso grows peanuts, 11 in 1,000 own a television set and 75% can't read or write. The world has added an 500 million people just since 1999. In 30 of the poorest nations on earth, the average woman is having five children. Women in most societies do not multiply up to the potential of their ovaries. Most Catholics wink at and ignore the biblical admonition to be fruitful and violate their church's opposition to birth control. In many poor countries, there is no widespread acceptance of birth control. There has been some effort by the international community to promote family planning, but these statistics don't offer much hope that it's working. It would be sensible, humane, relatively simple and not very expensive for the rest of the world to triple its efforts to promote birth prevention in countries whose men and women are swamping their own facilities with babies. In Genesis, God is quoted as telling everyone to "be fruitful and multiply." Conditions and the population of the world have changed and today God might be more apt to say: "OK! Enough already!" While we appreciate that Andy Rooney has taken note of the problem, we believe that efforts by the international community to promote family planning have had great success, but we just need more of the same effort. 1999 Andy Rooney - Tribune Media Services

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