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  1. #221

    Default Re: The Best/Worst Primary-Secondary Schools in Cebu?

    Hi, I came from B.R.I.G.H.T. Academy in Banilad, actually. It's a very, very good school. The thing is, you are only about 20 students in one class so the teacher can really look after each and ever one of you. The school is small, so everyone is like family in there when i went to college, they were wondering why our English skills were very good, it is because i can proudly say that we were trained so Try inquiring B.R.I.G.H.T.! You'll see how close everyone is with everyone

  2. #222

    Default Re: The Best/Worst Primary-Secondary Schools in Cebu?

    Science schools are also competitive.

  3. #223

    Default Re: The Best/Worst Primary-Secondary Schools in Cebu?

    Quote Originally Posted by love2travel View Post
    Mary Immaculate in Talamban has better buildings, compared to their branch in Jakosalem...
    mao jud boss nya nindot pud ang facilities......

  4. #224

    Default Re: The Best/Worst Primary-Secondary Schools in Cebu?

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    im a teacher of mzed and best jud ni sya nga school
    weeh! how sure are you kung best ba jud ni?

  5. #225

    Default Re: What's the best primary-secondary school in Cebu?

    Quote Originally Posted by hayj View Post
    try M.ZED Christian School, lahi gyud sa uban ila training, personalize gyud and max of 8 student per teacher. 254-1701 / 254-5671
    and all your pockets will go bye bye

  6. #226
    i'll go for CIC.

  7. #227
    Cebu Normal University(Kami ang last batch when its name was Cebu State College). Grabe ang training(everyday exam then friday summative test) ug discipline(cge ko transfer ug sits, gipa kapyot ko sa blackboard nya gi bunal2x akong ti-il, wala ko mo sumbong ug bantay bata kay part mana sa discipline which in the long run maka greatly affect sa imong professionalism) didto (Graduate ko didto sa ako elementary). And Normal graduates are known for their English language skills/expressions(which is a requirement in the future). Every grading mag eliminate so when it comes to grade 6, less than 80 students(2 sections) are left. Also, tuition is free. I dunno today but it was free during 90s.

  8. #228
    I guess most of the people who are on this thread are parents, so I just want to add nalang.

    My kids are currently in USC North campus, and I plan to transfer them to other schools within the midtown area of cebu. I am highly discouraged with USC kay they can't really focus much on their students. My daughter started with high grades when she was on her first year of transfer there but now, I am getting worried kay she's been getting grades at 70's which is very alarming.

    I also asked for a tutorial service which are fee based, but I was discouraged when I was told that they handle limited number of students per school year for the tutorials. On a first come first serve basis. For me, they know they have very strict standards for Science and Math, and they cannot even accommodate the students who are studying their ass off just to pass these subjects.

    Their PAO office sucks! My kid was accused of cheating during the exam, but the teacher failed to elaborate on the accusations. They could not support their claim and the teacher that "caught" my daughter kuno did not even meet me! Until now their guidance office hasn't provided me a report even after the number of times I had to visit them in school to follow up. Igo rako ingnan sa teaher nga "I will text you maam". Then I escalated my concern to the principal, only to be told that she will transfer the said PAO/Guidance Officer to another department next year...but they still didnt bother to resolve my questions.

    Plus, the PTA and the said class advisers (im not generalizing ha, but so far these are for two separate occasions on different school years) will ask for your donation for a sound system (dvd player, microphone, speakers, etc...) for the classroom of your kids as part of your PTA project. Their reason? So that our kids can use those facilities without borrowing from the school na daw. Come to think that these school facilities and equipment are already part of the fees I am paying there. in grrrr........ I am desperate for another school for my kids!
    Last edited by high_heels; 01-28-2013 at 09:34 PM.

  9. #229
    Ako anak puhon public lang uy para naa ako mama bantay...

  10. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikoy333 View Post
    Hi, I came from B.R.I.G.H.T. Academy in Banilad, actually. It's a very, very good school. The thing is, you are only about 20 students in one class so the teacher can really look after each and ever one of you. The school is small, so everyone is like family in there when i went to college, they were wondering why our English skills were very good, it is because i can proudly say that we were trained so Try inquiring B.R.I.G.H.T.! You'll see how close everyone is with everyone
    so wat man imo course krn? AB english? hehe

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