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Nice setup bai, good job on the basking area. Try lang pangita paagi na murag dili sila mka ambak, mu lupad bya na sila kung ma kuratan.
4 res? hehe nice. Ninja turtles jud, good luck lang inig dako nila.. hehehe much bigger tank.. or pond jud. hehe
NicE kAyO EmUnG SET-UP sEr wOrdLeSs.... kudos!
anywAy'z... jUsT note choyadgreat & sAgoy cOmmEnTs kay dr vEry helpful...
BTW, wHy ArE u sTiLL using BIO-FOAM Filter/Aerator.... ?
w'la nAmAn nAh use... EnOuGh nAh kAyO nAng CY20 sAh EmUnG TURTS....
As what choy has sAid, hayahay nAh kAyO EmUnG TURTS anang filter nEmU...
Spoiled-brat nAnA c'la ug emu pAh butangan ug Bio-Foam... hEhEhE...
b'taw, it has little use in ur set-up dn usik sah kuryente...![]()
pila na ka litres ang ma cycle ana na canister filter? And tagpila? hehe
if am nOT misTakEn... i think CY-20 nAh and it cAn hOLd up to 60liters or 16Gal...
dEpEndE zd nAh sah LOAD nEmU nU.On...
infacT i UsE CY-20 in my 20Gallon Planted Tank with a little faunas and it wOrks dUpEr FinE...
dn AkO zd g.UsE sAkO 5Gallon Planted TAnk wd.alot of Faunas, nAg.LisOd nU.On... hEhEhE....
Ah okies.. Thanks.
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