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  1. #211

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Pi2plank View Post
    i dont know jack about dj'ing, but i know a little bit about music theory, now look at the keys w/c are in the same slice of the pie: like A major & F#minor , E major & Db minor, these keys are relative minor.. it means they all use the same notes BUT they start & end at different notes, example is C Ionian & A aelioan, these two scales use all the same notes BUT C ionian starts & ends at C & the A aeolian starts & ends at A

    now if we move in clockwise direction, i noticed it is the fifths.. look at E major, the next key clockwise is B major, E major & B major has actually a lot of similarities, they have the same 7 notes out of the total 8 notes, if i play in the root chord of B and play an E major scale, that would be in mixolydian mode.. the difference between Ionian (major) scale & mixolydian scale is only one note (minor 7th), all the other notes are the same, so they are quite similar scales..

    same thing w/ moving counter clockwise, it is the circle of fourths, E major & A major, if i play in the root chord of A & use an E major scale, that would be in lydian mode, the difference between ionian & lydian mode is the sharp 4th note, all the other notes on their scale are the same, so basically the ionian & lydian use the same notes except for one note, the sharp 4th

    now how do we put this to practical use? since you do mixing & connecting one song to another, i would suggest that the next root key of the song you would connect would either be the relative minor (w/c means in the picture in the same slice of the pie) OR move one step clockwise or counterclockwise SINCE the lydian & mixolydian mode are quite similar to the ionian mode

    BUT i would not limit you to that, what if you ask could we move 3 steps counterclockwise OR move across the pie, maybe you can do that too IF you have extensive knowldege of the other scales, phrygian, dorian, locrain etc.. because these other modes have a quite a different 'flavor'.. pero my suggestion just to be safe, same slice of the pie or one step clockwise or counterclockwise.. what if ang next song dili one step clockwise or CC, then try moving the pitch # or flat.. ayaw lang i-sharp og maau kay basin murag chipmunks na ang kanta
    Thanks for the comprehensive explanations.

    In music mixing, DJ's don't usually care about the "phyygian, dorian, etc" unless they have in depth knowledge in music. What this Camelot wheel do, is that even a DJ without solid background in music can mix a song in harmonic sense using the graph. This is how we use the Camelot wheel:

    For example, if i played a song with 2A (or E-flat minor in regular notation), the next song should be 2A, 3A, 1A or 2B in order to mix it harmonically. So meaning the rule is plus 1, minus 1 and the inner or the outer equivalent of the camelot code. See below screenshots.

    I would suggest those who are in this passion. You should try this technique. Harmonic mixing will also enhanced your mixing creativity.

    And likewise, the way i organize my playlists are sorted using the Camelot key codes for easy navigation when i do my harmonic mixing.

  2. #212

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Pi2plank View Post
    .. what if ang next song dili one step clockwise or CC, then try moving the pitch # or flat.. ayaw lang i-sharp og maau kay basin murag chipmunks na ang kanta
    And with regards to this, I usually increase/decrease the tempo to 3%. that means if my song is 2A (E-flat minor) @ 128bpm when increasing the tempo into 132bpm that would become 9A (E Minor). If I decrease my tempo into 124bpm that would become 7A (D Minor). So the rule is: if i increase the tempo at minimum of 3% and maximum 6% i just simply add 7 to determine the key at that certain tempo and same goes when decreasing the tempo its minus 7.

    increasing the tempo more than 6% will not give you a crisp better avoid it.

  3. #213

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    Hey everyone, good to see this thread is alive again. Don't know much about harmonic mixing. Personally, I prefer counting beats either 4 or 8 bars. But ultimately, the final arbiter is you. The ears don't lie. If it sounds good, its in the mix.

    BTW, I uploaded this mix i made a while back. If naa mo youtube account, post a comment. Thanks
    here's the link

    Tenminmix October 2011 Open Format - YouTube

  4. #214
    Junior Member
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    May 2011

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    Quote Originally Posted by yotbisyo View Post
    Hey everyone, good to see this thread is alive again. Don't know much about harmonic mixing. Personally, I prefer counting beats either 4 or 8 bars. But ultimately, the final arbiter is you. The ears don't lie. If it sounds good, its in the mix.

    BTW, I uploaded this mix i made a while back. If naa mo youtube account, post a comment. Thanks
    here's the link

    Tenminmix October 2011 Open Format - YouTube
    As a vinyl DJ, I approve. We need more!

  5. #215

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

  6. #216

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    Quote Originally Posted by yotbisyo View Post
    Hey everyone, good to see this thread is alive again. Don't know much about harmonic mixing. Personally, I prefer counting beats either 4 or 8 bars. But ultimately, the final arbiter is you. The ears don't lie. If it sounds good, its in the mix.

    BTW, I uploaded this mix i made a while back. If naa mo youtube account, post a comment. Thanks
    here's the link

    Tenminmix October 2011 Open Format - YouTube
    Exactly, ears will always tell which sounds good or not. Nothing can beat that. I used my ears when i started doing some harmonic mixing...but at the end its find me so hard that is why I opted to use the Camelot method.

    I always salute DJ's who can do perfect harmonic mixing without the aid of Camelot or Circle of Fifth. Five stars for you guys...

  7. #217

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    @partymix..brod..ang hercules na mp3 player e2 tagpila na sya..including shipping...if u dont mind can i ask ur

  8. #218

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ozmart remix View Post
    @partymix..brod..ang hercules na mp3 player e2 tagpila na sya..including shipping...if u dont mind can i ask ur
    PM'ed you.

  9. #219

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    mga DJ master naa ta ko ask nnyo bout ani numark ns7? pila orig price ani? nsa inyo ka s2rya ani na model? or usna alternative ma gamit nato na barato2x lang pero payter nah?

  10. #220

    Default Re: DJ's Lounge - Everything about DJing...

    Quote Originally Posted by johngar View Post
    mga DJ master naa ta ko ask nnyo bout ani numark ns7? pila orig price ani? nsa inyo ka s2rya ani na model? or usna alternative ma gamit nato na barato2x lang pero payter nah?
    hi bro.first of all, ask, lng ta , if u dnt mind, ahm baguhay paka ane bro.? or naa nka history about dj something ,(dj gadget,etc.)?
    indeed im not dj master here, im trying to help lng , heres my advises;
    >if more budget kah;.... numark ns7 is good for pro. & i dont think starter buy this stuff. coz of expensive! bt if you have enough money well & good!?
    you asking about the price?try pm @ partymix
    heres the demo link;Numark NS7: Demo - YouTube

    >if you want sulit & kaya sa bulsa try numark mixtrack pro.good for STARTER & even pros.4 sure enjoy gyud kah....
    then if mahalan raka bro. daghan man controler na barato like(behringer,hercules,vestax,so on

  11.    Advertisement

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