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  1. #211

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    kita tanan kay kaayuhan man ato gusto para sa ato mga brothers and sisters bah. wala may gusto ug kadautan nato. sa ako lang opinion, sa tanan nga dili gusto tungod sa risk didto, tanan tanan naay risgo maski naa raka diri sa pilipinas. ang ato lang kay ma solusyunan ang ka pobre nato ug sa atong Pilipinas. dili sa ingon nga nawng tag kwarta .. kay walay taw nga wa mag kinahanglan ug kwarta. alang lang sa mau nga kaugmaon nato tanan. ug kita sad pilipino, hinaut hunungon nato ato ka reklamador. ana ra

  2. #212

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by storya_ta_bai2 View Post
    you are wrong on this bai, site valid reasons why the salaries will be lower? by not lifting the travel ban our workers are MORE at risk!!! Why? That means these workers are undocumented and are not recognized by our government, therefore they are not getting the government mandated benefits of OFWS such as OWWA and POEA assistance. And since they are undocumented that's precisely the reason why some employees take advantage of our fellow filipinos because by simply taking the job despite the ban that is a major sign of DESPERATION from the employee.

    Now if this ban is lifted, employers and even recruitment agencies are enforced to follow certain policies and laws. That in effect protects our workers, and that provides a higher pay since certain benefits will be provided.
    bai like sa gi site ni Miramax. nigamay na ang sweldo didto (trip allowance, etc.). & with regards sa risk, that is the reason why dako ang sweldo bai kay dili man sila kaattract og lain workers to enter IRAQ kadtong naa pay BAN. karon nga nag sugod na og pull-out ang mga military/allied forces what will happen to the said Green zone? Safety will be the number one concern ani. & klaro kaayo nga di kaprotect ang atong Embassy sa mga pinoy didto bai. naa naman gani corruption while ban pa, unsa kaha kung lifted na.. It is this pattern that is alarming ani nga issue bai.

    regarding the benefits sa OWWA/POEA, wa man sad juy benefits nga mafeel himo bai. If OFW ka, please do share if naa ba juy significant benefit nga imong na feel sa pagkamember? maybe sa travel tax (gamay ra kaayo na in comparison sa imo gipadala nga foreign currency sa pinas)? Owwa Benefits like scholarship? di man sad tanan pwede nimo tagaan. Insurance (that is only valid while you are a member)? If safety ang concern, if you go back to Miramax post about Angelo Dela Cruz, he was undocumented pero our gov't has to help him because it is their duty (documented or not).im not saying nindot ang ma illegal ha, we need POEA to check every contract nga gikan sa employers. Their first JOB is to protect us from our employers outside our country(murag DOLE/NLRC if naa ka sa pinas). Safety is supposed to be the number 1 concern sa ato gov't /DFA or Embassy(not just sa POEA/OWWA).

    regarding Libya & Japan OFWs: wa man juy gusto mouli sa pinas bai. kay wa man gud work sa pinas. Mao na ako point nga the gov't needs to address this issue rather than asking jobs outside the philippines. kanus-a man ni lihokon? If you are an OFW bai, don't you wish nga molambo ang pinas? Asking a job from another country will not make our country improve bai. We are only going to make it worse.

    this is just speculation & discussion (maybe just mine anyway) & dili kita ang directly maapiktohan unless niapply ta og job for IRAQ.
    Last edited by Eve's Apple Project; 04-19-2011 at 05:57 PM. Reason: nasayop ko ug pislit sa send..sorry mods.

  3. #213
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    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    Mga brad, speaking of ban lifting, again based on actual facts out of 20 cguro ka mga kaila nako nga na-assign ug Iraq sauna karon nga nihinay na ang Iraq mga 7 sguro nanabok lage sa Afghanistan.
    Di bah naka imposed pa man ang ban for Afghanistan or na lifted na sad , unaware lang ko or I'm just behind the news?

  4. #214

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    now that sen legarda is making a move , daghan na maka hibaw na kelangan ni nato mga pilipino. mag amping lang gud. d man kay sa iraq ra naay gubot bah.

  5. #215

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by Eve's Apple Project View Post
    bai like sa gi site ni Miramax. nigamay na ang sweldo didto (trip allowance, etc.). & with regards sa risk, that is the reason why dako ang sweldo bai kay dili man sila kaattract og lain workers to enter IRAQ kadtong naa pay BAN. karon nga nag sugod na og pull-out ang mga military/allied forces what will happen to the said Green zone? Safety will be the number one concern ani. & klaro kaayo nga di kaprotect ang atong Embassy sa mga pinoy didto bai. naa naman gani corruption while ban pa, unsa kaha kung lifted na.. It is this pattern that is alarming ani nga issue bai.

    regarding the benefits sa OWWA/POEA, wa man sad juy benefits nga mafeel himo bai. If OFW ka, please do share if naa ba juy significant benefit nga imong na feel sa pagkamember? maybe sa travel tax (gamay ra kaayo na in comparison sa imo gipadala nga foreign currency sa pinas)? Owwa Benefits like scholarship? di man sad tanan pwede nimo tagaan. Insurance (that is only valid while you are a member)? If safety ang concern, if you go back to Miramax post about Angelo Dela Cruz, he was undocumented pero our gov't has to help him because it is their duty (documented or not).im not saying nindot ang ma illegal ha, we need POEA to check every contract nga gikan sa employers. Their first JOB is to protect us from our employers outside our country(murag DOLE/NLRC if naa ka sa pinas). Safety is supposed to be the number 1 concern sa ato gov't /DFA or Embassy(not just sa POEA/OWWA).

    regarding Libya & Japan OFWs: wa man juy gusto mouli sa pinas bai. kay wa man gud work sa pinas. Mao na ako point nga the gov't needs to address this issue rather than asking jobs outside the philippines. kanus-a man ni lihokon? If you are an OFW bai, don't you wish nga molambo ang pinas? Asking a job from another country will not make our country improve bai. We are only going to make it worse.

    this is just speculation & discussion (maybe just mine anyway) & dili kita ang directly maapiktohan unless niapply ta og job for IRAQ.
    Here is my take on this: we seem to be under estimate what these government agencies can do to our legal workers. In worst case scenarios (similar to Angelo Dela Cruz), these agencies could not assist Dela Cruz because he was not a member, because in the first place he is an illegal worker in Iraq. If he came to Iraq as a legal worker then he could have been getting more from our government. The reason why he was assisted by our government was it became an issue of providing welfare and security to a FILIPINO. Yes gagmay ra ang benefits nga ma provide if you are a member, but the fact that you are documented naay katungod ang atong gobyerno nga mo impose sa laing nasud sa katungod sa empleyado. That's the basic rule in diplomatic protocol. Of course gagmay ang makuha sa atong mga ofws nga tua sa iraq kay kahibaw man sila nga walay ngipon ang atong balaud kay kita mismo nga ga dili sa atong tawo nga mo adto didto.

    Each countries have laws that protects, secures, and provides for its people, much more on the diplomatic state. It's the same principle kung TNT ka, diba kung TNT ka mag sige ka ug tago kay dakpon ka. Di sad ka maka demand ug tabang sa atong gobyerno kay ikaw mismo nagpa badlong ug ni supak sa balaud di lang sa nasud nga imong gi sudlan hasta na sa imong natawhang nasud. Unya kung mag ka unsa ari gihapon mangayo ug tabang sa atong gobyerno.

    The perfect example are the drug mules sa china, illegal man to ilang gibuhat unya ngano karon gobyerno na ang gitawag para mutabang? Unya ang mga ofws nga naningkamot manatrabaho ug tarong maoy lisud lisuron

    A lot of us have failed to see the advantages of lifting the ban. Bisag ako ganahan ko ma tangtang ni. Kay ang mga ofws nga tua sa iraq ga antos ron sa limitado nga tabang nga mahatag sa gobyerno sa pagka ngalan lang nga gi dili ang pag adto didto.

  6. #216

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    in regards to addressing the unemployment issues here sa pinas, this is a major change!!!! We Filipinos are known to be diligent and dedicated workforce. There are plenty of countries who are willing to recruit/hire us. That is actually a pat on the back for us!!

    If other countries import goods to our country since they are abundant and rich with it. We are abundant with skilled workers. To add pa gyud, we are a heavily populated country, our nationality is bound to spread out all through out the globe. Just like China where you would find Chinese everywhere!!!

    Yes a reform in government is needed, but this will not lower the rates of those who are seeking better lives abroad. This will not stop Filipinos from being OFWs. And this will not stop other countries in wanting us FILIPINOS to work for them. All in all, everyone will benefit from it!
    Last edited by high_heels; 04-21-2011 at 02:35 PM.

  7. #217

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    i just hope they'll sink it in their minds. still a lot would focus and give more attention on the negative things that might happen to our OFW's if they will again be in Iraq.

  8. #218

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    as far as i know. daghan gusto mo trabaho sa iraq inspite and despite and a lot also are in iraq maski naa na gi impose na travel ban. we cant stop people who wants to earn and feed their families.

  9. #219

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    one of the things im looking forward is the aid of the government of iraq to lower down the increasing prices of oil in our country. If i had my way I would like the two governments to come to an agreement about that. if they want us to export our workers to them, then maybe they can also export their oil to us in a much much cheaper price.

  10. #220

    Default Re: MERGED: Lifting of Travel Ban to Iraq

    more to come im sure.... up up for this thread!!!

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