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Results 211 to 220 of 920
  1. #211

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Well SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 its in colon and carbon where we will know if you can SURVIVE and REALLY have streetsmart. JUST 1 day. Thats all. pareha sa survivor pa sa TV imong favorite show. Medyo mas challenge lang GAMAY.

    I think my fellow istoryan would like to see if you can take the plunge.

  2. #212

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    If you check the Senates record they have 200 million a year each for their PET projects. Mura ikaw raman wala kabaw. Kay mo reply ug mo angal na ang mga uban taga istorya kung SAYOP KO. And LACSON refused his pork barrel para ma minusan ang budget deficit.

  3. #213

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    I can't understand the meaning of SHORT CUT. its called promotion based on MERITS and ACHIEVEMENTS. Dili na na mahimo ang seniority karon.

  4. #214

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Lets hear your 1st degree information. WORTH man ka na sa imong knowledge in question.....BUT there is a thing called VERIFICATION.

  5. #215

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    I still believe kanang mga tao with VESTED INTEREST nga na hunong ni LACSON mao na ang nag bagol-bol run. And they will tell us all unsay mga hugaw apparently TRUE para sa ila. Well they can twist it all they want. What goes around comes around. BALIK ra gyapon ang hugaw sa imo.

  6. #216

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    So again I'm a reasonable man just give me good and defensible reason para mo bilib ko nimo and mo fight ko para nimo.

  7. #217

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv
    Well you see people this SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 likes to prove himself. I leave it all sa taga istorya to JUDGE.
    OT 'sa ha.

    Â* He has been judged by hISTORyANS as a Skeptic Skeptron . lolz! He is the physical devaluation of his Frats credo. The manifested contradiction of the Truth.Â* gitik lang gamay 'nyor ha!

  8. #218

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    @ ZIRV .... well iSTORYANS can verify who wants to prove himself . Its not me for I did not say " If you really insist nga 1st degree source imong information. Tana-awa lang akong mga Previous post." , I will leave it like that .

    Â* Â*Unsay seniority pod ang imohang gi ingon ? Wala man ta nag storya ug bahin sa seniority diri but in short " GIVE CREDITS WHERE IT IS DUE " system . Mao na ang di shortcut unlike sa imong gi sulti na MERITS and ACHIEVEMENTS aron ma promote but then you can have that all in a 1 day and you will be promoted the next day litrally ? Lolz ..... another ONLI IN DA PILIPINS ?

    Â* Â* You want to hear my WORTH sa akong KNOWLEDGE QUESTION ? LOLZ .... It is not a question dodong but a statement I made for you . Kung di lage ka BOGO , dont ask questions when you know the answers already kasabot ? If you insist then go back to the a couple of pages and the one youve been asking should found in there .

    Â* Ayaw lage pag assume , unsay labot nako na REASONABLE ka .... bwahahahaha .... assuming ra kaayo ka lage . Kinsa gud tawn ka makig merge sa akong nahibaw-an lolz !!

    Â* Â* Â*Yes you are right , what comes around goes around for LACSON .

    ================================================== =================

    @ JORED ..... milagro dodong medyo saba-an na kaayo ka ron . Ni gawas na ang tinuod na color nimo ?? Sa una shy man ka na NPA kay cge ra man ka ug cut and paste ug di imoha human cge ka yawyaw na sakto ka LOLZ ...... speaking of being JUDGED ... remember remove the last S in ISTORYANS for ikaw ra man na and remember , the very first day you started claiming to be a camote eating NPA , you were never a majority as what yoou claimed for me as JUDGED ... LOLZ !! Hahahaha ..... you dont even belong here but instead in the cornfields or ricefields waiting to ambush someone but then for the NTH time wannabe ra ka so you try to fit here behind your made in USA monitor BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  9. #219

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40

    How did I know ? STREETSMARTS and plain COMMONSENSE ..... not your typical knowledge acquired from being a political science stude , being an activist , as an economist or your local pulis patola 411's , etc ...

    Well Mr. SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 as I said puyo lang bisag 1 day sa Colon or Carbon just to disprove to me na maka survive ka and tinuod na imong street smart.

    SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 said:

    That is my whole my point of the LACSON claims . i know a lot of people who can vouch for me . not just in forums but in real life but then .... who am I to make you believe me ? For my part I am not making it up ... for the part of others ... BLACK PROPAGANDA or unsa pa na siya daw . Just because I dont go to court and crying of who LACSON is doesnt justify the image he established for himself . He is still the CRIMINAL I know who is free roaming and can also make and submit laws . ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINES !!

    Well I its too PREMATURE to boast who can vouch for YOU Don't be so sure.... Bilog ang Mundo(The World is round)

    If you think the GMA tapes are black propaganda. I think the US embassy is willing to have ALL the tapes authenticated without any cost to the Filipino people. I am sure the FBI, NSA or CIA have the expertise without any bias we can include the Scotland Yard. They can authenticate OSAMA bin LADEN's voice and a host of other people's voice. It would not be easy but in can be done. So STOP giving us ALIBIS.

    You see fellow istoryans SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 here says the GMA-GARCI tapes are black propaganda. It just proves SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 has VESTED INTEREST in a dying administration.

    FEAR of losing these VESTED INTEREST?? FEAR is the path to the DARK SIDE- YODA

    What goes around comes around

    With LACSON as President these VESTED INTEREST will be flush down the drain. That is what i mean na LIGSAN ni silang LACSON.

    I leave it to the good judgement of my fellow istoryans

  10. #220

    Default Re: Ping Lacson ok ka!

    Which is the lesser EVIL? Me thinks your suggestion SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 is out of the question.

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