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Talking about what ifs is one of the simple ways to test of how strong a thing is.
not in the case of USC and not all the time for what ifs can never be real. wake up!...
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Failed.. It is not intended for the majority of the people but for all people under the premise.
you can't please everybody, but at least the school have pleased the majority of the students by the kind of education USC has and not on the policies that they imposed. talking about passing rate, colleges which are centers of excellence and the number of professionals it produces.
damn if you do, damn if you don't.
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It is not good to hear a school giving no importance for their students who are not that intelligent, or not that smart or not that responsible. It will still be a loss for the school even if one student is taken out from it, and even if he/she is the least among them.
did i say that the school has not given importance to students who are not academically intelligent? if that's the case then rally that to the priest rather than bragging on issues on minor policies like haircut..etc!
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Besides the school is a big influence and a big training ground for a student to posses intelligence, to be smart, to be responsible. It doesnt need for a stude to be that academically intelligent or smart or responsible for a school to consider him/her a loss when he/she is gone.
yes, the school forms and molds students to be responsible and part of being responsible is to follow policies and rules. Following policies trains students to follow rules when they are in the professional arena.
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Not the same as mine?, or you mean not the same as for the students who disagrees with it. The people who think that it is unfair for them. Im not the only one complaining right?
Policies like "bungot policies" (said by cindell found in 1st page). What's with that beard or mustache or any facial hair. We have to understand that there are people who are not comfortable wearing no hair on their face. And sometimes people does not immidiately remove or shave their facial hair because it will hurt them. So they have to grow it more before doing the shaving. Just like in my case though I want my face always clean shaven but i cant do the shaving everyday because it will leave cuts on my face and most of the time irritate it. I have to wait for the next 48 hours for my face to be ready for shaving again. The same with the other policies. We cannot expect that it is always fair for everybody.
different as yours and for some who disagree with the policy. How long would you grow your hair before you shave it? in a scale of 1-10, how hurting would it be to have your facial hair shaved? You don't need to shave your facial hair everyday unless it grows rapidly. if it would really compromise your face bec. of cuts/pain brought about by shaving, i think you need to justify your case before the school authorities. this is a case to case basis, if i put this on medical perspective.
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And again my "what if" remains. What if all are forced to comply and chose the option to transfer.
here we go again, your favorite what ifs. hehe
first it would be impossible if all are forced to comply because there would always be students who will comply with the rules, students who are aware with the policies right before the enter and enroll in USC, students who are not affected by the policies bec. their respective departments have set the standards of complying policies such as haircut, facial hair...etc like in the case of nursing, pharmacy among others. reality bites.
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Do you think the school will just let go of them? given that the majority will leave.
the question is... will the students let go oftheir beloved USC just bec. of some policies? NEVER, for students will always opt for a better school, for quality education rather than on some polices.
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I know you're against my what ifs and my example scenarios but i have to site them for broader thinking.
i will only agree if you can give me scenarios which are likely to happen and examples which are real and factual.U