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  1. #211
    C.I.A. Dorothea's Avatar
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    Sus ing-ani diay ni? Kaluoy pud sa akong sis, new nursing grad, currently reviewing for the boards. Pero naa man nurses lagi nga hayahay ang trabaho, like those nurses in my primary care physician's office. Hayahay man sila, lingkod lingkod, suwat suwat...kuha kuha dayon ug BP, measure measure sa imong height and weight. Mas nindot siguro adto nalang mo work sa doctor's office kaysa hospital.

  2. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by sinned View Post
    in fact some parents maoy ma bout nga mag nursing ang mga anak aron makadto sad sila sa US....gilamian man tingali! sila na lang kaha mag nursing!
    I agree. I agree.

  3. #213
    yes, very competitive na jud ron para sa mga nurses

  4. #214
    Thread Hijacking and Off topic
    Last edited by EZRA; 10-07-2008 at 11:31 PM. Reason: Thread Hijacking and Off topic

  5. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by sinned View Post
    its partly the fault of students, who has no aspirations/dreams of their own, dont ever follow trend... unless your passion

    "nurses are people who love to help the needy, its a passion to serve the helpless... money should not be the main motivation.. that's where most of the student failed to recognize when taking up this course.

    that's why they end-up jobless or un-employed, because they lack the dream, the determination, and the will. "

    korek ka dyan silent-kill! approve!

    in fact some parents maoy ma bout nga mag nursing ang mga anak aron makadto sad sila sa US....gilamian man tingali! sila na lang kaha mag nursing!

    Problem also is that nursing is always associated with working in a hospital.

    There are so many careers paths in nursing and it's not just the hospital where nurses are supposed to work, although I understand that most of those who are taking up nursing have in mind going abroad to work in a hospital there.

    As a nurse, you can work in clinics, companies, in ships, in airlines, etc. and not just hospitals.

    For example, I know of several airlines that prefers nurses as stewardess or stewards.

    There are oil rigs, cruise ships, etc. that need nurses as medics and for their clinics.

    You can also work in hotels, in the tourism industry. You can work in schools by teaching or as a school nurse.

    There are also insurance companies (for medical) who need nurses.

    You can work as a guidance counselor or in the HR Department (especially if you have a masters degree in Psychiatric nursing or are taking up units in it).

    It's just a matter of going the extra mile to look for a job instead of waiting for the job to come to you.


  6. #216
    bago pako nga nanurse, wa kayo koy masulti bawt sa situation natong mga nurses ron..... karon, wa koy paki oi kung akong work ky in line sa akong profession, basta sakto rag sweldo, payts na.... di pa ko ganahan experience ron, kwarta pa akong gihunahuna... haha..... peace out

  7. #217
    nganu nag nursing mo? tungod sa hiring abroad or inyu jud choice? mao jud wala na jud hiring... volunteer sa lang mo kay tingali ma absorb mo if naa mo resyn nga staff... basta hospital mam kay gamay jud og pay unless adto mo sa sotto...

  8. #218

    I admit that at first I took up nursing just to go abroad and it's really difficult now.

    Since I can no longer undo time, what I'm doing now is to just look for other career paths in nursing.

    Right now I'm taking up Masters in Psychiatric Nursing. I have lots of plans for the future -- I might teach, proceed to PhD, set up my own clinic and become a therapist or consultant, set up my own review center and tap my bright colleagues to teach, set up my own training center (ALS, BLS, etc.), etc.

    There are actually so many opportunities aside from just working in a hospital.

    Right now the most attractive for me is to keep on organizing seminars for a fee. We can take advantage of the fact that a lot of nursing students would really attend seminars just to get a certificate and something to put in their resume. The seminar that we organized last week attracted 300 plus participants and earned us almost P40,000.


  9. #219
    ^ Wow! That's great, you're very entrepreneurial...

    How did you organize the seminars? Did you work with the PNA?

  10. #220
    Sa mga naglisud makakuha ug working visa... have you considered taking a student visa instead? That's what most of the recently-hired nurses that I know here in US do nowadays. They enroll for at least a single "course" (you call it "subject" in Phil.) in a "city college" (it's public so it's really cheap) and work full time at the same time.

    Don't be so down coz di pa mo kalarga or you're worried nga wala na'y work for you abroad coz as what I've seen, a lot of hospitals and nursing homes are understaffed. They even featured it on the news just a couple of days ago.

    Always think positively. Nursing is a veerrryy flexible profession, you can work in a wide variety of settings and health care-related fields -dili lang kay sa hospital lang.

    Beware lang gyud mo kung aha mo nga agencies mangaply, do background checks and tons of research. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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