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  1. #2161

    Quote Originally Posted by pepponeskie View Post
    if swat could have made it sucessfully you should not be blaming noy2x, right?
    whether success or fail ang nahitabo...i tell you, all your fingers will still be pointing to noy2x...that's what critics are, why don't we filipinos unite...

    then we blame other filipinos nga gi botar ang presidente nya ang outcome ingani...mura man sad ta ug dili pilipino ana...kung gi bati ka ug ka uwaw maam...samot nami nga naa mi diri sa gawas.
    why would you blame someone if work was done well? you dont criticize if that is the case, instead you commend. i dont criticize only because it gives me the satisfaction, im merely voicing out my opinion and dissatisfaction. the same with everybody else.

    my husband also works where you are now, ive been there and stayed there a couple of times...long enough to know how filipinos and other workers are looked down upon by the locals in foreign land. singapore may not be hongkong but grabe sila mulook down sa mga filipinos. how much more ang mga taw nga naa sa hongkong karon? i dont even want to imagine what it is like... so no, even if i dont work there i understand how bad it is to be spited and humiliated by strangers only because you come from a poor country.

    and let me rephrase what i said, im not blaming noynoy. im angry at him for his lack of sensibility and the crazy things he said.

  2. #2162
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Thief Bug View Post
    are you really that disperate?
    Obviously not. Your post was so incontrovertible that I thought about putting the blame to PNOY for every not-so-good happening in this country --- including the Major Major thinggy


  3. #2163
    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    "Don't get complicated & technical"..... Why not?
    Because it is OFFTOPIC . Discuss only about a person who does the job where he is good at .

    "OT : By the way ... the war on terror already happened and won 10 years prior to the 9/11 ." Wrong.... you are thinking of the original Gulf War.
    Lol ... of course the is the first war on terror of the BUSH admin .


    That post was intended for this :

    there are several threads discussing about this incident. most of the blames naturally would fire-up to the one you called "AbNoy". Basically, this is the so-called "chain of command". Definitely, the president is not excused on this mess. Already a lot of people have voiced out their frustrations.

    Now, let's turn right a little bit. We knew there were lapses of the people in position handling that incident, it's undeniable, and like I said, all would end-up to the highest in position which is the President thru the chain of command.

    As filipinos, we need to move forward, we need to move on. Instead of the blames, how about if we talk what's the best thing to do with those incompetent and/or irresponsible people and on the other hand, we talk constructively on how to heal the wounds that our nation is currently suffering.

    how many times we criticize, blame, being sarcastic. Still we as one nation, won't be spared from the collateral damage being done. let's start and it's time to rebuild.

    That was even an UP for you . Not as a negative comment you deserve . Now digest it again .

    That is not so FILIPINO right ? Because what is FILIPINO is about like 70% of the posting being made here in the thread . Pulling and dragging people down instead of lifting it up .
    Last edited by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40; 08-26-2010 at 12:57 PM.
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  4. #2164
    Wa ba mo kahalata? Hilum man kaayo ang admin sa Metro Manila of Mayor Alfredo Lim...I play troll in some military site and I don't know if this is correct or not but it seems that it seems that cities have their own SWAT units and it is the PNP SAF that trains them (PNP SAF has its own school). Then they then become PNP SWAT recognized by the PNP although the training and equipment cost are paid by the city."

    Interesting cebu city kumusta kaya atong SWAT unit diha? Basig unya paltik na ila mga pusil hehe...

  5. #2165
    kulang ra na sa training ang mga PNP sa mga jackie chan moves!

  6. #2166
    Quote Originally Posted by Tirong-say View Post
    Akong mga kauban sa work mga chinese singaporean, mao gyuy comment incompetent gyud kuno atong swat, maoy ilang gi-blame sa pang-hitabo, hilom na lang ko kay maorag sakto man gyud sila. Pero dili kaayo sila sensitive sa isyo nga naay nangawala sa ilang kaliwat, puwede kuno na mahitabo bisan asa labi na kuno sa panahon karon.
    mao sad, akong bosing SWAT ang gi mahay...pero wa man naka mention ug ang presidente sad ang mahayon.

  7. #2167
    ^^ yeah i totally agree to this. MPD did took the responsibility and bragged that they can handle the situation. yesterday a CIDG friend of mine told me they all hve the equipment like HK assault sub machine guns lvl IV bullet proof vest, bullet and shatter proof goggles, kevlar helmets and even barret and springfield sniper rifles with night and thermal scopes. if our swat have all those here much more the swat and saf in manila. these pnp special forces who handles delicate situation were just on standby when the hostage taking in manila took place, they were waiting for the command to take over the scenario. yet, MPD commanding officer took charge of the situation and mendoza being one of his men guaranteed that he can convince him to give up. it's all because of pride. in this case, pnoy, as the countrys commander in chief has all the power to shut out MPDs commanding officer and send the best troops we have to handle the situation professionally. it was his call!!! but were was he? was he even watching the news this is an international incident cause it involves tourist. apologizing is a good thing if you gave your best then failed. as of now i'm a lil bit ashamed of being a filipino and for having pnoy as the president.

  8. #2168
    Quote Originally Posted by Existanz View Post
    Interesting cebu city kumusta kaya atong SWAT unit diha? Basig unya paltik na ila mga pusil hehe...
    kulbaan sad gani ko kadtong ga uwan na kay nabasa ilang mga armas nya basin dili na mo boto ba...

  9. #2169
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepponeskie View Post
    mao sad, akong bosing SWAT ang gi mahay...pero wa man naka mention ug ang presidente sad ang mahayon.
    Bitaw bro, ako pud dili pa ko ka-comment kung presidente ba gyud nato ang e-blame, naa tuod siyay means of commanding pero unsaon man pud kung palpak ang execution. Lisud man pud kung moadto pa siya sa scene ug maoy mo-supervise sa negotiation.

  10. #2170
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryan_boy22 View Post
    i think dwarven sniper gidala niya.. then pag snipe na igo ang creeps
    mao nay gitawag ug gi-"deny" ang kill

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