Originally Posted by
care to elaborate on ur understanding of what he is talking about?

all are sinners and come short to the glory of GOD.
that salvation is by grace of GOD (free, we are undeserving of, yet GOD gave it to us anyway, because of His love to us) and not what we do (good works). Otherwise the death of Christ was unnecessary, if we can be save by what we do and that is by doing good works alone.
but by our very nature what good work can we really do to please a perfect GOD? well to me nothing.
But should we no longer do good works because of grace? not at all, we do more good work because GOD has been gracious to us and because we are now genuinely saved doing good work is what we aspire because it is a form of worship to GOD.
only the fool will think that we can continue doing things that displeases GOD because we are saved by grace and not by good works.
I tried to explain this long time ago and we end up arguing alot. i know this one will not change your view either but still I indulge your queries. I hope you're satisfied. thanks for asking........