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  1. #201
    Elite Member
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    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    It is not OK for kids to have relationship in the BF/GF nature as defined by adults.

    It is OK for kids to have a relationship in the BF/GF nature as defined by the ad.

    In the ad, they appear to be just friends who happen to be of the opposite ***.

    In the mind of some people here, an adult mindset or even perversion is overlaid on the innocent friendship being shown in the commercial.

    If you can prove that this commercial will lead to *** between kids then it was right to be removed. If you can't then you are just riding on the bandwagon of fanatical moralist who see potential evil, inappropriateness, malice or what have you in everything and make it their life's work to crusade against everything against their so-called morals.

    To say that ads like this will lead to promiscuity later on is a huge stretch of the imagination. It's such a leap in logic that simply hasn't been proven with direct evidence and is strewn with inane assumptions. The ad will lead to ***, I mean really? Gee, jumping to conclusions are we?

    I'll tell you what will lead to premarital ***, Romeojin's avatar... it creates feelings of arousal inside of me, so can I demand that it be removed in the name of stopping me from having pre-marital *** with prostitutes?

  2. #202

    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    If its defined by the advertisement bai then mo contradict siya sa sulti nimo na in the ad they just look like or appears to be friends that happens to be of the opposite s3x .

    Nobody said it will lead to because of 2 things :

    - Nobody in their right mind would allow it , mag una na ang McDo ana .
    - Just because MORALITY ang issue here doesnt equate to S3X dayon . Its the INAPPROPRIATENESS because very young children ang involved in the nature of being a BF-GF relationship .

    Mangutana ko niom bai , at your age karon ... are you that SWEET sa female friend nimo wether close nimo or dili ? I dont think so unless you are into a relationship with her . SO just being FRIENDS lang discounts it already , its indeed defined as a BF-GF nature .

    Just to remind you , its not their SO CALLED MORALS , its everyones MORALS and its not even the NORM but the right thing to do .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  3. #203
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    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    He's just being nice to her. Kung mobangka ka sa imong mga migo, pasabot ana sweet na ka nila? Like I said, you have to try and see this ad from the point of view of a kid, not as an adult. Calling it a BF/GF relationship distorts reality. I bet the same kid buys his best friend lunch too, but in that case it's just some kid making bangka his friend, but if it's a girl suddenly it's a BF/GF relationship. Why?

  4. #204

    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    daghana baya og ads nga preha og thought sa mcdo. kanang naay mga bata uny of the opposite *** pa jd. ambot lang og nganong sa mcdo ra ilang gi comment-an....

  5. #205

    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    Quote Originally Posted by messy_meh View Post
    dugay na nag exist ang religion.. no matter what you will do, part na na sa atong pagkatawo and part na na sa atong culture.. let us just respect each other's belief..

    religion is not part sa atung pagkatao. with or without religion humans and animals will live.

    do you think part na sa imong pagkatao diri sa kalibotan nga pwede ra ka nga wala ana? religion is a human practices na pwede ra di ka or pwede ra pud buhaton nimo...

    balik lang ta sa mcdo oi, bati dyud nang mga bata ibutang sa commercial... nya walay tumong ang commerciala.. ahaka.

    naa ba kahay mag date na ingon ato sa mcdo nga mga bata paman ahaka.
    Last edited by emailroy2002; 04-16-2011 at 09:53 PM.

  6. #206
    C.I.A. FAQ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    Quote Originally Posted by monroy View Post
    He's just being nice to her. Kung mobangka ka sa imong mga migo, pasabot ana sweet na ka nila? Like I said, you have to try and see this ad from the point of view of a kid, not as an adult. Calling it a BF/GF relationship distorts reality. I bet the same kid buys his best friend lunch too, but in that case it's just some kid making bangka his friend, but if it's a girl suddenly it's a BF/GF relationship. Why?
    +1 I hope naay taga CBCP maka basa ani .

    These group of frustrated virgins always contradict everything . Way back in the Elizabethan Era , the Vatican were outraged about the plays of William Shakespeare because they think he was "instilling evil thoughts" to the English people . Well , Romeo and Juliet started dating when they were 13 , so that figures everything - but still it's FICTION !!

    Therefore , they can't figure what is reality and what is not . They probably lose that impulse or common sense due to too much surrounded by fellow frustrated virgins in the seminary .

  7. #207
    C.I.A. nijazared's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    Naa na sad na...apil2x na sad sila...

    There should be no need for them to meddle with these type of things. The commercial or the ad was thought of and it had some sort of a catch. If they are concerned with the community why not ban smoking ads and ads for beer? Seriously, they are getting carried away with meddling with just about everything.

    And seriously, if some of you guys are concerned about that commercial giving a hint to your kids, why not let them watch Disney or any other channels that are dedicated for kids? Parental Guidance is always advised when your kids are watching TV.
    Last edited by nijazared; 04-17-2011 at 01:53 AM.

  8. #208

    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    Quote Originally Posted by nijazared View Post
    Naa na sad na...apil2x na sad sila...

    There should be no need for them to meddle with these type of things. The commercial or the ad was thought of and it had some sort of a catch. If they are concerned with the community why not ban smoking ads and ads for beer? Seriously, they are getting carried away with meddling with just about everything.

    And seriously, if some of you guys are concerned about that commercial giving a hint to your kids, why not let them watch Disney or any other channels that are dedicated for kids? Parental Guidance is always advised when your kids are watching TV.
    True. Disney has Oggy and the Cockroaches, Cartoon Network has Tom and Jerry, Ok lang kung NicK Jr. Mas ok na ang wonderpets.

  9. #209
    Senior Member 3nZ0y's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    Sakto ang gibuhat sa CBCP. Una, inappropriate kaayo ang ad. Kadungog man tingali mo sa script? Naa man gud catch if they mean girlfriend of girl friend. The thing is as per the line:

    ayoko nga ....
    Di pa ko ready e...
    Demanding ang mga GIRLFRIEND / girl friend...
    Gusto ganito..gusto ganyan..Ewan!
    Would girl friends do that (being debanding)? Holding hands pa. Girl friend pa na? Ikaw kuno bi, imo anak nga eight years old moduol nimo naay ka holding hand unya ingnon ka, "Ma, pa ako girl friend/boy friend". What would you feel? Happy? Satisfied? Inappropriate siya for general public.

    Also, let me quote what CBCP has to say:

    “If the ad attempted to teach commitment, [it failed] because it was too superficial to point to a packet of French fries as the basis of a relationship.”
    Are you sure french fries ra happy na mo?

    Pero, sige sakyan nato ang panghunahuna sa mga tawo diri. If dili for propriety issue dili gihapon maayo nga ipakita siya.

    Una, pasagdan ba nimo ang bata, young as the children in the ad, nga magdala dala og kwarta by themselves? See what might happen if you do? Ipalit ra og unhealthy food sa McDo. Dili maayo sa health ang fries or any instant food for that matter.

    Ikaduha, walay angay ang batang laki. Dili siya kahibawo mo acting. Bati kaayo ang mo estorya.

    Corny ang idea, bati pagka portray. So wala'y rason para ipadayon to siya. Tuo pa lang di kahibawo mohimo og nindot nga ad ang Pinoy.

  10. #210
    Senior Member 3nZ0y's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nag apil2 na pod ang mga pari

    Or let's take this discussion a notch higher. What do you think are the age of those endorsers?

    We all know what they discuss about in the ad right? Unless I am a psycho or you are a hypocrite. Those children are not supposed to be talking about those 'mature' things or doing those 'mature' actions. They are still young and should be playing around. Ihatag na lang na nato sa ilaha ilahang pagkabata oi. Don't let them mature early kay panagsa ra baya na sila mabata.

    Let me quote Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development

    "Children at this age are becoming more aware of themselves as individuals." They work hard at "being responsible, being good and doing it right." They are now more reasonable to share and cooperate. At this stage, children are eager to learn and accomplish more complex skills: reading, writing, telling time. They also get to form moral values, recognize cultural and individual differences and are able to manage most of their personal needs and grooming with minimal assistance
    At that age, dili pa sila dapat maghunahuna og mga ingon anang butanga. Mas dapat maghuna huna sila about learning. And of course, enjoy!

  11.    Advertisement

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