It is not OK for kids to have relationship in the BF/GF nature as defined by adults.
It is OK for kids to have a relationship in the BF/GF nature as defined by the ad.
In the ad, they appear to be just friends who happen to be of the opposite ***.
In the mind of some people here, an adult mindset or even perversion is overlaid on the innocent friendship being shown in the commercial.
If you can prove that this commercial will lead to *** between kids then it was right to be removed. If you can't then you are just riding on the bandwagon of fanatical moralist who see potential evil, inappropriateness, malice or what have you in everything and make it their life's work to crusade against everything against their so-called morals.
To say that ads like this will lead to promiscuity later on is a huge stretch of the imagination. It's such a leap in logic that simply hasn't been proven with direct evidence and is strewn with inane assumptions. The ad will lead to ***, I mean really? Gee, jumping to conclusions are we?
I'll tell you what will lead to premarital ***, Romeojin's avatar... it creates feelings of arousal inside of me, so can I demand that it be removed in the name of stopping me from having pre-marital *** with prostitutes?