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  1. #201

    ^^ngno c arroyo mn?

  2. #202
    Pinoys are racists, 2nd only to niggers >_>

  3. #203
    Satirical as Mr. Tsao's article may be, it is still somewhat offensive. You can make fun of how Filipinos look (the flat noses, brown skin), our love for Karaoke, our english skills and all, but you best think twice before making fun of OFW's. Why? Because leaving the motherland and the process of leaving it is very difficult. Dili lalim ang paglinya sa DFA para makakuha ug passport ug dili lalim mubiya sa pamilya para makapangita ug saktong trabaho. It is very understandable that some Filipinos feel that Mr. Tsao has undermined their sacrifice.

    With that being said, is this issue really worth the ruckus our country is making? You know when I was 9, I once called my friend in school a "nigger", he told on me and I was made to apologize to him and his family. We ended up playing in the sandbox the next day. My Point? The magazine already apologized, what more do we want?

    When a senator demands a public apology and the DFA or whatever has this journalist banned from the country, we make ourselves look pathetic. The outbursts and calls for a revolution or whatnot are just ridiculous and plain retarded. Every time someone points out our shortcomings, people always blow it out of proportion. It seems that we have a national inferiority complex.

    Whether you take this article with a grain of salt or not is up to you. But don't you think that instead of sulking and overreacting to this issue, we should focus our time and energy to get ourselves out of the s***hole our country is in?

  4. #204
    ...d ba tantong obvious? HE HE

  5. #205
    si mr.chip tsao kay naka inom tingali ug daghan na melamine kaya nakbuhat ug ingon ato na article...

    see what too much melamine can do.. anyway naa na bitaw apology... Ok na yun.

  6. #206
    Quote Originally Posted by DeathFox View Post
    Pinoys are racists, 2nd only to niggers >_>
    facts pls..

  7. #207
    It's was intended to be satire but here's the thing... It wasn't funny. He ignored a comedic principle explained by professor of comedy Chris Rock, “the people with the most shit, get to say the least shit. And the people with the least shit get to say the most shit.” Example: fat girls can make fun of skinny girls and its okay, but when skinny girls make fun of fat girls it's just mean.

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by DeathFox View Post
    Pinoys are racists, 2nd only to niggers >_>
    i beg to disagree please...

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by DeathFox View Post
    Pinoys are racists, 2nd only to niggers >_>
    i don't think so...

  10. #210
    Quote Originally Posted by wng View Post
    Chip's "masters", the HK magazine, already apologized. At least, in my opinion, that is already enough to put this article a thing of the past. The guy has something wrong with his head anyway. What does he think will happen? That asking the Filipino domestic helpers to hand over the Spratlys to China is the best strategy to have the Philippines give up claim to these islands?

    I am not a "sensitive" person and I think people were overreacting when it came to Filipinos biscuits, Desperate Housewives diplomas, and other "insults". However, this "satire" is offensive and racially discriminatory at all levels; if it has any levels at all or is even a satire. It is completely devoid of humor or wit or even purpose. Sorry to those who disagree, but to say that this is not an insulting piece of poorly written article is just splitting hairs. A demand for an apology is appropriate.

    I also don't think it is appropriate to compare this to the Muslim reaction on the Danish cartoons. I don't condone those who use violence to retaliate against anything written or drawn, including any protests that may turn violent against Chip. There are MANY who are OVERREACTING to this. And there are FEW who are trying to sugar coat this article. This article is DISCRIMINATORY. The Bathala story, being fictional, being proud of your brown skin, and NOT even believed by any Filipinos (unless they still worship Bathala), is NOT discriminatory. Let's learn to put that line between being proud and being insulting to others. If you boast you're very good at this and that (i.e., better than most people in this and that), you're PROUD and may be full of air. But no one can claim you're discriminatory. If you say this single person is STUPID (i.e., worse than most people), you're insulting him/her. If you say these people are STUPID just because they belong to the same country, the same race, the same family, or whatever without even actually knowing them, that is discrimination.

    The key is just to maintain mutual respect for each other. If I accidentally step on my maid's toes, I still say sorry. Why deliberately try to hurt or insult anyone? I don't find the Mohammed cartoons offensive, but that does not mean I would like to draw them (I would still like to remain alive anyway). To avoid problems, why do you have to insult the King of Thailand when you're in Bangkok? Why do you have to insult Ataturk when you're in Istanbul?
    OMG! We should meet someday! hehe... We share the same ideal on respecting everyone regardless of the nature of work (DH-PRESIDENT), color, race, religion, and whatnot. Kudos for the well thought reply!

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