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  1. #2001
    Elite Member princize's Avatar
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    ang weather moody kaayo mura lag ako. hihihihi

  2. #2002
    Banned User
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    habhab. medjo gutom na man?

  3. #2003
    had this brief . the adjectives pleasantly uttered spurred a bit of thinking why some guys prefer sporty females who are not super ladylike, are not into makeup and gowns and and shoes and parties and very.. female dresses. what is it about really? COULD it be that they find females like these interesting because these girls are not exactly the norm?... or is it because these females are kind of, somehow similar to them? subtle vanity?... that was a lot of thinking for something rather trite. haha. but whatever, need to work more on the forwards. i think making them the 'finale' is not really genuine work. now this entry is rather loooong.

  4. #2004
    @keen good read xD

    gusto ko mukaon og ice cream. pero sakit akong tiyan.

  5. #2005
    sana dalawa ang puso ko ahuhuhu

  6. #2006
    ang akong trabaho...wala na ko kasabot >.<

  7. #2007
    Magluto ug lami nga putahe sa V-DAY

  8. #2008
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    Time to slow down...kanang slow jud kaau nga mura nlng og wala

  9. #2009
    wala. ng.tanga ra while padung seaside. wa kos mood mosulod klase. pwe.
    nahan ra ko mg.laroy2.

  10. #2010
    unsay nindot nga negosyo

  11.    Advertisement

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