Guys, here are some tips in getting life insurance policies/plans.
First, be sure that the agent that you are talking to is a part of a company that is listed in the Insurance Commission (IC). You can check IC's site here:
| Official Website of the Insurance Commission |.
Second, don't settle for a single agent or company. In order to increase your chances of getting the best plan, talk to numerous agents and ideally, from different companies. You'll see the differences in their approach and most of all, you can filter out those who are selling just because of the commission from those who are sincere in giving you the best plan possible.
One way to know if an agent is there just for the commission? If such agent keeps on pushing a certain product.
Third, as much as possible, deal with agents who are directly connected to life insurance (and even mutual fund) companies. There are a lot of third party distributors now and though it is a good marketing strategy, it may not be good or convenient for clients. The logic is actually simple, why go through the middle man when you can go straight to the life insurance (or mutual fund) company?