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  1. #191

    interviewer: Why should i hire you?
    interviewee: because...... Do you have any other question harder than this? question pls...

  2. #192
    interviewer: why should I hire you?

    interviewee: before I answer your question ma'am, let me rephrase it. If you may...

    interviewer: (hesitant) Oh sure.. as you please..

    interviewee: okay here it is... "I have read your credentials and it looks impressive to me..and now as I am interviewing you I have confirmed to myself that you are the one our company is looking for. Still I want to verify my thinking before I say YOU'RE HIRED. So I devise a crazy question to see if you'll crack"

    (silence) ........

    interviewer: .......(mouth open..shocked..)

    interviewee: .......(relaxed, composed..maintains eye contact)

    interviewer: awesome........YOU'RE HIRED ! !

  3. #193
    naa man ko nga wala ka...ok ra?

  4. #194
    gi interview ko lately and ang question is "what differentiates you from the other applicants" and akong gi tubag is "it's difficult to answer that question at this point coz i have no idea what the other applicants are offering to your company, but i have read through your job description and i know i'm a good fit coz i can work in teams blah blah...and am confident that i'll be able to do a good job"

    hahaha bahala nalang toh...

  5. #195
    because i am confident that i can make a worthwhile contribution to this company. whoa!

    dayon inig first day of work, late musulod.

  6. #196
    why not

  7. #197
    answer: well, it really depends on you. As far as i know, im fit for the qualification... by the way, how do you hire an employee? is it through your own preference or the company's standards? bwahahaha

  8. #198
    C.I.A. herp_doctor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by etsirkoid View Post
    why not
    damn bloody right your are mate... "why the hell not"? that's the same answer that crossed my mind the moment i read the topic...

  9. #199
    Why not inyong itubag? Make sure you add supporting reason. Hehe.

    The best way to answer that question is to lay out your qualifications. One tip on how to do excellent on your job interview is to be ready. Study the ad for the job position really closely. Job description, Job qualifications, Duties... Tell them what they need to hear. Generic answers are unimpressive so be careful not to tell them because I'm hardworking, patient, etc. etc. Tell them stories about a certain work experience that highlighted your patience and perseverance etc. Give them real situations, not generics.

  10. #200
    ==you're right..pero what if fresh grad pakaunsa man best alternative ana nga dapat nimo isulti

  11.    Advertisement

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