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  1. #11

    hmmm.I worked in this company before.however they're not paying their agent good salary.Im now working at other call center and im contented in here.cgts dont offer incentives and no medical benefits or HMO.if makuyapan ka during work da on ka cebu doc on your own expense.luoy!
    Last edited by pixi517; 12-05-2009 at 03:10 PM.

  2. #12
    i wont say that their doing scamming activities,however their client is.louy lang mga agent.ana mga customer nga marecieve nga call.This is against the law.magkapuliki tawn ang agent ug panagang.then at the end of the day gamay ra sweldo.tsktsk.yaw na lang ta.

  3. #13
    tuo na lang para dili masakitan.hehehe.bad experienced.1st call center experience pa naman.but in fairness nakatabang ko sa mga customer kay giuli nko ilang mga money,back to them.tingala lang sila nganung naay illegal charge from their account.thats why most of the customers are irate and confused.this company, wala sila nakatabang sa mga cebuano.gidala pa gyud and pangalan Cebu under sa ilang company name!tsktsk.Pangita kuno ug client nga tarung to whom it may concern.maluoy ka sa mga empleyado nimu oy!
    Last edited by pixi517; 12-05-2009 at 03:11 PM.

  4. #14
    holy crap my main squeeze is in this company she just joined up minatay ka way au d i ...tsk tsk..

  5. #15
    scamming.pag bag o na kuno pallante.Kana sang honorable job wue
    .Sumbong teka sa BBB ron.hehehe

  6. #16
    scamming.pag bag o na kuno pallante.Kana sang honorable job wue .Sumbong teka sa BBB ron.hehehe

  7. #17
    Bitaw, seriously. SCAM ang mga accounts. Unsaon pag genuine customer service nga nitabang kag pangilad sa mga customers. Luoy intawon kaayo mga Americano, ug uban nga mga taw nga ilang nakawatan sa credit card. Mao nang ubang mga co trainees nako who are on the floor, instead of "saving a sale"... they save the customer from the harm, no, from the grave harm that the account is doing.

    If you believe in the dignity of hardwork... if you believe in the dignity of the money you earn... if you believe that the food you give your family should come from an honest job... if you still listen to your conscience... if you still believe in HONOR...then DO NOT WORK HERE. This is an example of a "kapit sa patalim" job. Mura bag, "bahala na lang basta naay sweldo." Unsa na man lay kalahi-an nato sa mga kawatan, tulisan, mga nagbaligya sa dungog, kung moingon ta, "bahala na basta naay kwarta"? Working here is just not right. Working there felt so wrong.

  8. #18
    Well....I'm working at Cebu Global right now...but i'm happy there..... because of the people......... all are your friends.... even though they are higher than you....

  9. #19
    ahm....just try with cebu global right now.....yeah ang sweldo gamay ra, but the people there are really nice, even though they are higher than you...they're really approachable..........

  10. #20
    hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  11.    Advertisement

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