I find religion as ones relationship with the Divine. and i dont agree with what sinyalan has to say. and respectfully states my objections.
Basically my definition of Religion is - A sociological institution that's true purpose is to protect the family structure (by alienating homosexuals) through guilt, self-doubt and fear by spouting the dogma of a man-made God in order to increase the reproductive rate of pre-industrial or medieval civilizations, which in turn increases a species overall chance of survival. Up until about two hundred years ago religion was needed in order to keep high birth rates and control the masses; however today, religion is used as a tool to make war, confuse and psychologically damage people and promote hatred towards diversity. To name a few;
1) The source of most of the world's problems (ei-discrimination, holocaust, homophobia, terrorism, etc...)
2) A common belief by a large group of weak minded people in an imaginary being that helps them cope with the fact that their miserable lives will end eventually
3) Hypocrisy
4) cults and a form of brainwashing
and of course, all of these are unfounded:
1.) economics and politics is confused with religion. Poverty being one of the worlds worst problems, is not brought about by religion.
2.) Man-made god does not work with Taoism, among others.
3.) televangelists does not represent the entirety of religion.
4.) Hypocrisy is not necessarily a derivative of religion, for an atheist could be a hypocrite.
and lastly,
Is a complete waste of time. The ultimate social tool; convincing people that there is someone constantly watching them and they will be punished for everything in the end. Provides a guideline for life for people who can't think for themselves. Provides a precise moral handbook (yes, it literally is a book- because all the lessons that life has to offer can be condensed into book), for people who think life is just easier when there is a clear-cut right and wrong. Brainwashes people. Gives people an excuse to avert their eyes from reality. Allows people to justify anything in the world under the guise of righteousness. Helps people who can't handle the truth get through the day. A massive lie that people waste their entire lives on. Responsible for destroying countless cultures and killing millions of people. Now remember, Jesus saves...
is nothing close to my religion, Roman Catholicism, or for that matter, Christianity.
do check this interesting article review by Terry Eagleton, a postmodern thinker, on Dawkin's God delusion.