it doesn't seem so to me. i often heard official announcements that the gov't is implementing more poverty alleviation programs while saying also that the fight against poverty is far from what's the half-cooked story on that? anyways, any portrayal is perceived in many diff. ways.
half-truths are common and are often used blatantly and shamelessly especially during SONAs.
stating the number of jobs supposedly created while being silent over the fact that these jobs are contractual(temporary) jobs that will expire/be renewed after 6 months.
ecstasy over economic growth while playing dumb over the fact that such growth was at best temporary, unsustainable, and does not affect almost anyone at all.
euphoric over growth in the industrial sector while mum over the decline of the agricultural sector which happens to be where the country gets a lion's share of its economic production, while the industrial sector is but a small fraction.
lets just say that it is fond of showing you a banana, or what's left of it, after they have hacked away most of the parts that are rotten, if only to convince you that it's fresh. and surprisingly, not only do people believe them, but they eat the banana too!