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  1. #11

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    yes. Earlz already recommended that abit mobo. 6k man siya but sige lang. it appears inevitable gyud ang 5k+ nga mobo i will factor that in. thanks bai.

    reading the links now...

    btw, if naa ninyo diha selling a C2D system basin interesado ko. better than squandering my money on an inevitable obsolete system maypa palit lang ko 2nd hand.

  2. #12
    C.I.A. Platinum Member carmicael's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    E6850 runs on FSB1333...
    Go for a P35 Chipset...
    Going for a quad is good, double the cores, but mind you, it also has double the power consumption.
    If you don't need a quad that much (Rendering, multi-threaded apps), go for a dual core. An E6850 is good, but if you are hindered by your budget, you can go for an E6550 or an E6750, in order to get a good motherboard.

    An E6550 is good enough for desktop apps, nindot na gani jud. A good mobo for around 5-6K is also a good investment. And you won't need to upgrade your system that much if dili ka sige panindot sa imo rig ala pimp my ride(Pimp my PC?), so dili waste imo mobo.

    ::Just opinions

  3. #13

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    i'm a gamer bai. i like to play good SP games and a few online games so performance is an issue. Mas nindot if I can max the settings at 1440x900

  4. #14
    C.I.A. Platinum Member carmicael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    Quote Originally Posted by tokidoki
    i'm a gamer bai. i like to play good SP games and a few online games so performance is an issue. Mas nindot if I can max the settings at 1440x900'll need a better budget if you go for resolutions beyond 1024x768..(for most new games)
    get a good vCard

    E6550 is good enough for games. Even AMD options would do... Just get a decent vCard...

  5. #15

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    Bai, i'm prioritizing system upgrade because nangawas na ang mga sakit like ang LAN card di na mo work My trusty 7600GT has not failed me yet. I can always buy it later man and chances are naai mga nindot mangawas by then.

    btw, EarlZ gave me a price quote of upcoming intel c2d and c2q cpus for january and it appears to be very promising. I think sa january siguro ko mo upgrade IF, god willing, di mamatay akong pc by the end of the year. It's a very important part of my life baya na. haaaaay.... addicting!

  6. #16
    C.I.A. Platinum Member carmicael's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    Buying a good mobo would save you time, money, and frustration. I have an ASUS mobo, it was 10K about five years ago, karon wa gihapon problema. Basically, you have a 4-5 years headroom before your next upgrade.

    Ingon ka na, mag-ilis ka if naay nindot mugawas?diba? So, dili ka mag-problema sa budget? A good processor always goes side-by-side with a good mobo, ram, etc... Pero if ganahan ka ug E6850 while sacrificing other components, dili lang ko agree...

    2x8800 GT

    Here are some ways to keep your PC alive:

    Get a good PSU (not generic ones, get HEC, Corsair, etc.)
    Get a good motherboard (Gigabyte, ASUS), preferably with Solid-State Capacitors
    - Dili man mamatay mga components ani dayon. (4-5 years)
    Clean your PC hardware

    ::Again, opinions rah!

  7. #17

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    2x8800 GT

    Unsa ni bai?

    Judging from the last entry you want me to do SLI? Di ko ana bai. I'll NEVER do SLI even if I know I can afford it. At the rate of planned obsolescence, bai, for me, it's not worth to invest in high-end PCs. Sakit kaayo sa dughan for example if I see my SLI 7950GTX being superseded single-handedly by a 8800GTX. I guess I should let it be known that I aim/target for midrange components when it comes to pc. Reasonable price without the frustrating risk of inevitable discontinuation.

    What's the 680i?

  8. #18
    C.I.A. Platinum Member carmicael's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    Nope...I didn't tell you to get SLi.
    (E6750+P35+G92? = 9K+9K+13K = 31K = I think ok na)

    Ang SLi para to ako... "my project"

    680i - Nvidia chipset for core2, supporting real x16 SLi
    8800 GT is a good midrange card, read the reviews, and for me, its worth the 20K+... (SLi)

  9. #19

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    i don't buy vidcards above 15k. :P hehehe...

    But kanang uban reasonable stuff nana. thanks.

    What do you mean "real x16 SLi"?

    I also don't do OC'ing bai. I only do stuff like that if wala koi lingaw. hehehe... I usually roll it back when I'm done and I usually do it if I need "extra juice" out of my system which is a last resort.

  10. #20

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    d man sguro ka maka max out settings sa heavy games in 1400x900 res kng sub 10k ra imu video card, except if it was a 8800 GT or its new ATI rival...

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