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  1. #11

    Actually Paula went 'public' (not saying she was hiding or was hidden, she is after all a government official) because many people wanted to know about her opinions of things happening in the International scene. The ICC, UNCLOS, etc which she has legitimate and intimate knowledge of and also being of the Defensor clan, again, intimate knowledge as she is the youngest of the Defensor children and was part of Miriam's staff.

    Part 2 of the interview by Sass Rogando Sasot:

    She also came 'out' to support the Philippines, stop destablizing the Philippines and stop maligning her sister, DU30 and BBM.

    Ironic though, you're saying she's riding the coattails of Miriam when some people including Miriam's supposed 'official' hairdresser was talking shop that she was in Miriam's IN-ner circle and therefore have credence to malign BBM, Miriam's running mate and of course, Duterte.

    You should watch her interview and follow her facebook page.
    Last edited by shebacs; 04-17-2017 at 10:26 AM.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by shebacs View Post
    Ironic though, you're saying she's riding the coattails of Miriam when some people including Miriam's supposed 'official' hairdresser was talking shop that she was in Miriam's IN-ner circle and therefore have credence to malign BBM, Miriam's running mate and of course, Duterte.
    i didn't intend the "coattailing" to come off as a statement. it was clearly an inquiry.
    that's the impression i got from her nga nikalit na lang siya'g butho sa social media coincidentally after miriam's death. perspective ni from an ordinary citizen with no in-depth background sa politics.

    and how would i know these 'alleged' facts anyway nga ang visibility nya sa public was low? unless if empleyado ko sa gobyerno and dghan ko'g networks then taas ang chance nga familiar ko sa ngalan. at least.
    Last edited by gibra'al; 04-17-2017 at 06:09 PM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by gibra'al View Post
    i didn't intend the "coattailing" to come off as a statement. it was clearly an inquiry.
    that's the impression i got from her nga nikalit na lang siya'g butho sa social media coincidentally after miriam's death. perspective ni from an ordinary citizen with no in-depth background sa politics.

    and how would i know these 'alleged' facts anyway nga ang visibility nya sa public was low? unless if empleyado ko sa gobyerno and dghan ko'g networks then taas ang chance nga familiar ko sa ngalan. at least.
    I supposed.

  4. #14
    Following her.

  5. #15
    Heads up!

    Paula Defensor Knack will be live on FB tomorrow.

    She will discussed legal drug use in some countries in Europe.
    Last edited by shebacs; 04-26-2017 at 09:49 PM.

  6. #16
    Heads up!

    Change of time for the fb live to Saturday, April 29, 2017.

  7. #17

  8. #18

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