likayi ang pagtila..
makasamot na..
likayi ang pagtila..
makasamot na..
bactidol + consult ur MD pra sakto na antibiotics maresita
Most doctors would recommend erythromycin especially if the cause is a streptococcus bacteria.
- if your experiencing tonsilitis more than twice a year, consider a surgery because their's a possibility that you will be a candidate for a heart disease in the long run.
Last edited by my_hEaD_isBIG; 08-16-2014 at 09:08 PM.
I see. Keep a healthy lifestyle nalang bro. Take vitamins. Drink lot's of water a day. Don't stress yourself too much. Usually mo attack manang sakit if your immune system is low/down. But if your practicing a healthy living at least lesser imo chance of developing .......
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