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  1. #11

    looks more of a low-budget 60's war movie than a propaganda...hahaha...

    singkwantai!!!!!! aw.....di diay...hahaha

  2. #12
    1 day war ra neh mo surrender dayon NoKor kay ila mga soldiers walay provisions he he he

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2011
    kauban rani sa sa BOPK vs TEAM RAMA

  4. #14
    South Korea alone will run over NoKor in days. How much more with the help of Naval & Air Assaults from US...

    We saw it in Iraq.

    If that happens, Kim Jung-on will be hated by his people, and will be executed in public...

    I think this is certain if NoKor continues to provoke the South & US...

  5. #15
    NoKor is China's Mad Dog

  6. #16
    NK continually threatens violence because that's all they've got.... a big (albeit antiquated) military. Their economy sucks, their people have extremely poor prospects and they are not respected internationally. Most of the rhetoric we are hearing is designed for domestic consumption. Basically they having been convincing their own people that they are in a state of war. It's a big deception to justify the military first policy.

  7. #17
    C.I.A. vahnhelsing's Avatar
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    mao ni resulta, pasmo ra na uy.. gidaman daman naman intawn ning NK uy..

  8. #18
    kuyawa sa pasmo sa korea..

  9. #19
    abi nkog triller ra ni sa salida??hahahahahaha..kinsay director ani or nagdala sa salida??wen man pud ang showing ani??

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by cardo View Post
    NoKor is China's Mad Dog
    nope.. more of a buffer zone. if the north and south korea have there DMZ as a buffer zone, China has the worlds biggest buffer zone.. and that is the NoKor.

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