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  1. #11
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    Dr. Keller’s Explanation of Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia still remains a condition in which there is no specific test to determine diagnosis. Anyone who suffers from fibromyalgia can attest to the chronic pain which occurs on a daily basis. The pain has been described by some as aching, numbing, shooting, and/or debilitating. Tingling sensations and headaches are also a common complaint of patients. Fatigue is common – as many people are not able to sleep through the night.

    To determine if an individual has fibromyalgia, a doctor will apply pressure to specific areas on the body. These areas are known as pressure points. There are upwards of 18 areas which can be tested for tenderness. If tenderness is found in more than half of these spots, fibromyalgia is usually found to be the culprit.

    Research is showing that many who have fibromyalgia also have a form of malnutrition. It is important to understand that you do not have to be underweight to suffer from malnutrition. If your body is not nourished with the proper amount of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it cannot function properly–plain and simple.

    The modern age has brought fast food and junk foods to the foreground. While many are eating well, they are not necessarily eating properly. This can lead to vitamin deficiencies, lowered immune system function and even the development of chronic illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension. I encourage everyone to supplement their diets for optimal health. With the proper combination of supplements you can equip your body for the healing process.

    After more than 10 years of being sleep-deprived due to FMS (incurable), it only took 2 days and she got very sleepy amazing MaxGXL!!!

  2. #12
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    Diabetes and Glutathione

    What is Diabetes?
    A disorder of glucose or blood sugar metabolism. The body is not capable of breaking down glucose in the blood stream.

    Major Types of Diabetes
    Type 1 diabetes - the body is unable to produce insulin that is needed to break down blood glucose so the body may use it.
    Type 2 diabetes - the common type of diabetes where the body has the ability to produce the needed insulin, but it cannot be recognized by the cells. The major cause of type 2 diabetes is obesity.

    Diabetes Symptoms
    Studies indicate that early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment may lower the chance of having diabetes complication. Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms are harmless.

    Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms
    Frequent urination
    Unusual thirst
    Extreme hunger
    Unusual weight loss
    Extreme fatigue and Irritability

    Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms
    Any of the type 1 symptoms
    Frequent infections
    Blurred vision
    Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
    Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet
    Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections
    Note: some people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms

    How can we control or treat Diabetes?
    Regular exercise and Healthy diet is essential, foods high in fiber, nuts, onions and garlic are a good food choice to control blood glucose at a safe level. Apart from diet and exercise, antioxidant supplement is also needed. Exogenous Antioxidants that we get from food we eat is not enough if you have diabetes because your body is compromised and may not have the ability to use it efficiently. We need the help of Endogenous antioxidants to overcome diabetes naturally

    Based on research, diabetics have high level of oxidative stress and low levels of natural glutathione gsh. Oxidative stress is produced under diabetic conditions and possibly causes various forms of tissue damage in patients with diabetes. Complications will arise under these circumstances; the most common is heart disease, for people suffering from diabetes.

    It is recommended for diabetics to increase their natural glutathione level. Glutathione, being the most prevalent endogenous antioxidant, can neutralize oxidative stress or free radicals. It also has the ability to repair damaged cells, which will result to healthy tissues and healthy organs.

    How to increase Glutathione Level?
    Use MaxGXL and CellGevity. It has been proven to increase intracellular glutathione thru a golden standard clinical study by up to 292%. It is a breakthrough product that no other supplements can deliver the way MaxGXL and CellGevity do.

    More about intracellular GSH --

  3. #13
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    Diabetes and Glutathione

    Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. This high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of frequent urination and increased thirst. Prolonged high blood sugar levels causes many serious complications.

    Antioxidants are very important in diabetes

    Glutathione has many positive benefits in people with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. Glutathione has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in diabetics.

    Clinical trials have demonstrated the therapeutic effects of antioxidants to reduce insulin resistance, illustrating the potential of antioxidant treatment for diabetes. Lester Packer PhD. states in his book on the subject (see extract below) “Administration of glutathione was found to be advantageous in type 2 diabetics and those with impaired glucose tolerance (iGT). Glutathione improved insulin secretion in patients with iGT. Glutathione also improves insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes after acute and chronic administration.”

    Oxidative Stress and Diabetes

    Glutathione status is closely tied to the progression and severity of diabetes. People with poorly controlled diabetes often have significant depletion of blood glutathione levels. Many of the complications of diabetes are linked to oxidative damage due to the elevated blood sugar levels.

    Complications that may arise as a result include damage to the large and small blood vessels ("peripheral vascular disease"); diabetic retinopathy; kidney disease; nerve damage ("neuropathy"); skin problems; dental problems; and increased risk of infection due to a weakened immune system.

    Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant and helps to reduce oxidative stress and its consequences. Glutathione also supports a strong immune system. Research studies have shown that supplementation with glutathione precursors has a beneficial effect in reducing oxidant induced diabetic complications.

    Diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness

    Diabetes can affect the microcirculation in the kidney

    How diabetes affects the Blood Circulation

    In a toxic environment (or in the presence of radiation), red blood cells stick together and form "Rouleaux" or stacks. This is a very unhealthy state and increases the risk of many diseases.

    Rouleaux formation occurs in diabetes and is one of the reasons diabetics develop peripheral vascular disease and diabetic retinopathy.

    Rouleaux formation is also seen in patients with infections, multiple myeloma, inflammatory diseases and cancer.

    The Power of Cellgevity

    When red blood cells stack together, it is often an indication of inflammation in the body.

    As you can see in this slide, Cellgevity has the effect of freeing up the red blood cells so that they can circulate and transport oxygen more effectively.

    Cellgevity increases the body's own production of glutathione, which will also improve endothelial function of the blood vessels.

    Get MaxGXL, CellGevity and MaxOne at WHOLESALE PRICE HERE

  4. #14
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    Pregnancy And MaxGXL

    Here is a fascinating read on pregnancy and MaxGXL (the powerful glutathione accelerator) by a well-respected doctor: Dr. Corinne Allen

    Are you pregnant and wondering if you should take MaxGXL while pregnant?

    Or Maybe you are planning on becoming pregnant soon?

    Or have you just been blessed with a newborn baby?

    The following should answer many of your questions regarding pregnancy and MaxGXL and even babies & children and MaxGXL.

    Pregnancy and MaxGXL and Glutathione
    Dr. Corinne Allen

    In the research on glutathione it is in fact recommended in pregnancy.

    Glutathione is produced by the liver and is an amino acid. It is the most important nutrient in every cell. With every 1 in 166 child(children) having autism now, I feel that something as safe and protective as Maxgxl to help the body detoxify every foreign chemical, carcinogen and harmful metabolite is very important to the body and especially in pregnancy.

    I wished it was available to me when I had children. Glutathione helps us detoxify chemicals into less toxic forms. There are so many birth defects and problems in the neurological systems that kids have today, I can't think of a better way to protect them right inside the mother's womb with a safe detoxifier for mother and baby.

    They say not to use it on babies, but I have a very sick baby on it who is 5 months old and weighs 7 lbs less than her birth weight. She hadn't pooped in 15 days. The doctors had no answer and said it was NORMAL. The parents were beside themselves. With 2 doses on the tip of a wet finger dipped in MaxGXL on the roof of the babies mouth, she had 2 bowel movements!! Within a week her weight started coming back up and her whole personality and development changed within the month.

    The reason the (MaxGXL) box also says not to use in children and pregnancy is because Dr Keller hasn't personally done all the studies with THIS glutathione. His focus was adults. But research says it is safe.

    It also works like folic acid to prevent birth defects. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant. It protects both mother and fetus from damaging effects of free radicals and oxidative stress.

    Many pregnancy complications and birth defects have been linked to oxidative stress, free radical damage and low glutathione levels in the mother and baby.

    Glutathione is, in fact, the most important prenatal supplement that moms can take.

    Remember there is no toxicity so even taking high doses will only serve to protect the baby.

    When the mom is low in energy you know it is time to take more glutathione because the ATP in the cells are not making enough energy. They need more fuel.

    In the placenta, glutathione detoxifies pollutants before they reach the developing child. Most substances or factors which cause birth defects (teratogens) are known to exert their embryo toxic effects because they cause oxidative stress.

    The human placenta possesses a significant amount of glutathione s-transferase (GST) capable of detoxification or activation of drugs and pharmaceuticals during the critical period of organ development in the fetus.

    Currently the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology advises all pregnant women to take prenatal vitamin containing antioxidants.

    Dr. Corinne Allen

    Please Note: If you are already taking MaxGXL before you become pregnant, continue as usual, and even increase your intake of MaxGXL as your body requires.

    If you become pregnant first and then want to begin taking MaxGXL, of course you may, but for your comfort it is recommended you begin taking the MaxGXL slowly as your body may begin detoxifying.

    Begin with one capsule a day and then after a few days increase to two capsules a day and so on and so forth until you get to the six capsules a day.

  5. #15
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    Asthma and the importance of Glutathione

    Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterised by wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.

    Chronic oxidative stress and the depletion of the endogenous antioxidant glutathione play a key role in the development of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma.

    Oxidative stress and depleted gluathione levels can trigger an attack

    High oxidative stress coupled with depleted glutathione levels makes this chronic condtion worse. It also explains why some of the typical triggers make asthma worse.

    Exercise creates significant oxidative stress. In asthmatics whose glutathione levels are already low, this additional oxidative event can be enough to trigger an attack. A similar phenomenon is seen in people with COPD.

    Supplementing Glutathione levels is of benefit in Asthma

    Cellgevity contains a unique compound called RiboCeine which works by increasing the intracellular glutathione levels in the body, providing an anti-inflammatory action in the lungs and strengthening the immune system.

    Get MaxGXL, CellGevity and MaxOne at WHOLESALE PRICE HERE

  6. #16
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    Arthritis and the role of Glutathione

    Arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition characterised by inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, and is a degenerative condition related to aging. The cartilage that normally cushions our joints gets worn away as we age causing the bones to rub together, creating inflammation of the joint.

    Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune disease that can strike at any age and is triggered when the body's own immune system starts to attack the joints and other tissues.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis is an Immune Disease

    Rheumatoid arthritis of the hand (left) and normal hand (right)

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory condition, often affecting the hands. This xray shows a normal hand on the right, characterised by clean contours of the bone structure and well defined joint spaces (highlighted by arrow) where the cartilage is located. In contrast, the xray to the left shows a severe case of RA showing irregular bony growths and diminished joint spaces.

    Inflammation is at the root of all disease

    It is now known that cellular inflammation is at the root of most diseases, including arthritis.

    Glutathione is our body's most powerful natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule. Created by every single cell, glutathione plays an important role in the immune system and has potent anti-inflammatory effects.

    Scientists have discovered that people with arthritis have significantly reduced glutathione levels.

    Glutathione reduces inflammation and strengthens the immune system

    Glutathione deficiency allows oxidative damage to accelerate the progression of arthritic conditions. Glutathione supplementation can be of great benefit in treating these conditions.

    The novel compound RiboCeine is a unique fusion of the amino acid cysteine with the simple saccharide ribose. It effectively delivers the essential precursor nutrients to the cells where they can then be turned into glutathione.

    RiboCeine has been shown to dramatically increase intracellular glutathione levels, and is the key ingredient in the supplement Cellgevity.

    Cellgevity is highly recommended for use by people with arthritis and may offer a natural alternative to the unwanted side effects of strong anti-inflammatory drugs such as Celebrex.

    Arthritis and Glutathione

    Arthritis commonly referred to as "joint inflammation" if left untreated will result to joint damage. Early detection and treatments are very important.

    Common types of arthritis
    Osteoarthritis - usually occurs when joints are overused and misused, characterized by the loss of joint smoothness. Some calls it the ’’wear and tear" arthritis. The cushioning cartilage that protects the joint has been damaged, resulting bones rubbing together. This commonly happens in the knees, but can also be in the hips, spine and hands.
    Rheumatoid arthritis - a type of arthritis wherein the body's immune system attacks joint tissue. Often starts in a person's hands, wrists and feet. Then it advances to shoulders, elbows and hips. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, fatigue, weakness, slight fever and inflamed tissue lumps under the skin.

    Arthritis can affect every age group, but those over 45 years of age suffers most. It is classified as a chronic disease. Many organizations, such as Arthritis foundation, do not focus enough attention and
    research on natural ways to treat arthritis. Herbal and Nutritional treatment remedies is not a priority for them. They focus on how to manage pain, which is the most common "symptom" of arthritis thru
    the aid of "pain killers" which unfortunately only conceals the symptom. It will lessen the pain, but arthritis itself is still there. Removing symptom (pain) is an immediate temporary fix and will only make
    patients a regular buying customer of companies manufacturing pain killers.

    Glutathione and Arthritis
    It appears that when you have osteoarthritis or rheumatiod arthritis, you have malfunctioning joint because the cartilage holding your joints breaks down. It is either overused/misused or it has been damaged by your immune system. In any of these events, it is clear that we need to repair the joint cartilage or probably stimulate production of new healthy cartilage to address arthritis properly. Glutathione (GSH) plays a very important role in cell regeneration which is vital if we want to have a new healthy cells for the cartilage.

    Glutathione is also essential to bring back the immune system to its healthy state, protecting your body instead of attacking it as in the case of rheumatoid arthritis.

    Glutathione needs to be produced by our body thru biosynthesis and we need a dietary supplement for this, like Glutathione Accelerator.

    Howto Increase Glutathione (GSH) Level
    By using glutathione to address arthritis, you will also help your body become healthier. Pain killers and other prescription drugs used for arthritis have side effects. They are associated with stomach discomfort and some are linked to ulcer with long term use. They may also contribute to deterioration of kidneys and liver damage.

    If you will use Glutathione Accelerator, inflammation will also be greatly reduced. Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Crossover Clinical Study shows that TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) decreased by 37% after 60days regular use of our recommended glutathione accelerator. TNF is a significant marker of cellular inflammation.

    Get your CellGevity and MaxGXL at wholesale price HERE

    MAX Official Site

    For queries: PM or contact me at 923-650-9151

  7. #17
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    Listen to what experts have to say about glutathione and how to combat diseases...

  8. #18
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    Psoriasis and Glutathione

    Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that mainly affects the skin. It is non-contagious. Red, scaly patches are commonly found over the surfaces of the scalp, around or in the ears, the elbows, knees and back.

    The scaly patches, also known as psoriatic plaques, are areas of inflammation and excessive skin production. Skin quickly builds up in the affected area, faster than the body’s ability to shed it. Areas with psoriatic plaques take on a silvery-white appearance.

    Unlike eczema, psoriasis is more commonly found on the extensor aspect of a joint.

    Psoriasis varies in severity - some patients may only have minor localised patches, while others are affected all over the body. Psoriatic nail dystrophy is common among patients with psoriasis - where the fingernails and toenails are affected. Psoriasis may also result in inflammation of the joints, as may be the case with psoriatic arthritis, which affects approximately 10% to 15% of all psoriasis patients.

    Psoriasis and the Immune System

    Psoriasis is thought to be an immune-mediated disorder in which the excessive reproduction of skin cells is secondary to factors produced by the immune system. Immune T cells (which normally help protect the body against infection) become active, migrate to the dermis and trigger the release of cytokines (tumour necrosis factor-alpha TNFα, in particular) which cause inflammation and the rapid production of skin cells.

    Inflammation and Disease

    Tumour necrosis factor alpha

    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) is a cytokine involved in systemic inflammation. The primary role of TNF is in the regulation of immune cells. TNF is able to induce inflammation in the body.

    Dysregulation of TNF production has been implicated in a variety of human diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, cancer, major depression and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

    Glutathione Reduces Inflammation Significantly

    Inflammation is at the root of most diseases. Glutathione is our most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule in the body, which is why scientists call it "The Guardian of the Cell". However our glutathione levels fall as we age leaving us vulnerable to many diseases.

    Cellgevity contains a unique compound called RiboCeine which works by increasing the intracellular glutathione levels in the body, providing an anti-inflammatory action and strengthening the immune system.

  9. #19
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  10. #20
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    Glutathione and Lupus

    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or "lupus") is a systemic auto-immune disease that can affect any part of the body. The immune system attacks the body's own cells and tissues, causing inflammation and damage.

    The most common organs affected are the heart, joints, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys and nervous system. Symptoms of the disease often come and go with alternating flare ups and remissions.

    As with other auto-immune diseases, glutathione deficiency is evident in lupus. This is thought to play a key role in triggering the underlying inflammation which is central to this disease.

    Glutathione (GSH) is the body's most important anti-oxidant and plays a vital role in maintaining the immune system.

    A published study in PubMed:

    110 scientific papers here

    Elevated levels of inflammatory markers were associated with a depletion of Glutathione in study subjects suffering from Lupus and Arthritis; scientific paper here


    Autoimmune Conditions are named or categorized according to where in the body cytokines are being overproduced and how the disease manifests itself. For example, an overproduction of these cytokines in the joints causing pain and swelling is called Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). It may go by different names and occur in different places in the body, but ultimately, autoimmunity is one disease with many different faces.
    Because immune system cytokines are the culprit, the most common conventional treatment for autoimmune disease is immunosuppressive drugs, like steroids. Steroids are used because they are able to suppress the over-productive cytokines. Unfortunately, the steroids don’t just stop the over-active part of the immune system, they also suppress the already under-active segment of the immune system.
    This practice is not unlike the use of chemotherapy, which poisons the good and the bad cells of cancer patients. Steroids can also affect your mood and cause depression, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

    Is Your Diet to Blame?
    Your diet plays a major role in activating or suppressing cytokines. I can’t stress this enough. Just about anything you put into your mouth will have a negative or positive consequence on your autoimmune condition. It is as if everything that you swallow is sending a signal to your immune system to either cause more cytokines or less.

    Maintaining an Immune system for Autoimmune Sufferers
    To successfully reverse the effects of autoimmune diseases, we must do two things: combat oxidative stress, and re-balance the immune system.
    Is there something you can do that naturally takes care of both requirements?
    Autoimmune Diseases – Reverse Oxidative Stress With GlutathioneThere has been much research done in the last 20 years or so about the antioxidant benefits of glutathione.
    In this way, reducing oxidative stress, glutathione can be very helpful in reversing the damage done by autoimmune diseases.

    Autoimmune Diseases – Re-Balance Your Immune System With Glutathione
    So should you be afraid to boost your glutathione levels? Many have expressed concern that if their immune system is already overactive, raising glutathione will only make it worse. Actually, studies have shown just the opposite to be true. In a normal healthy functioning immune system there are optimal levels of all its components, like white blood cells, different types of T-cells, B-cells, and so forth. What glutathione does is make sure that you maintain these optimal levels.
    There are also little “scouts” that your immune system sends out that are used to tell your body whether a tissue is friend or foe. These little scouts are called cytokines. Cytokines cause inflammation, which is why many of these autoimmune diseases are known for their inflammation.
    Glutathione keeps the cytokines honest, so they stop tagging good guys as bad guys. They only tag bad guys bad, and good guys good, so that your killer cells only end up destroying what should be destroyed.
    So basically glutathione knows what to do and gets busy doing it, correcting whatever imbalance a person may have, whether they are immunodeficient, or have one of the autoimmune diseases.
    In Conclusion, we know that there are two conditions that must be addressed when it comes to autoimmune diseases – oxidative stress and re-balancing the immune system. Glutathione effectively addresses both roles to help to combat autoimmune diseases.

    Glutathione Supplementation in Lupus and Other Auto Immune Diseases

    It is known that elevating the glutathione levels in patients with lupus (and other auto-immune diseases) improves the clinical outcome. However it can be difficult to achieve as the fragile glutathione molecule is quickly broken down in the stomach if taken by mouth.

    Clinical trials have investigated the use of glutathione precursors (such as N-acetyl cysteine) to treat lupus. Although NAC can elevate glutathione, very high doses are required to be effective.

    RiboCeine is a new compound that is able to provide a far more effective means of elevating intracellular glutathione. RiboCeine is uniquely found in the supplement Cellgevity and has been shown to increase systemic glutathione production by over 300%.

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