4s, 16gb, 5mos used, globe locked, 19k. higher lang ug 2k hehe
4s, 16gb, 5mos used, globe locked, 19k. higher lang ug 2k hehe
cash onhand Budget: 17k (mao ra kaya budget sa mu palit) just helping for a friend.
contact no: 0923-108-7038
cash onhand Budget: 17k (mao ra kaya budget sa mu palit) just helping for a friend.
contact no: 0923-108-7038
cash onhand Budget: 17k (mao ra kaya budget sa mu palit) just helping for a friend.
contact no: 0923-108-7038
cash onhand Budget: 17k (mao ra kaya budget sa mu palit) just helping for a friend.
contact no: 0923-108-7038
buying iPhone 4 16/32GB
any color
IOS 5 prefered
untethered jailbreak
9/10 or 10/10 scratchless and dentless
mint and pristine working condition
with box is prefered
BUDGET: 13K on hand, i will buy tomorrow if naa mauyonan, i already have prospects but still looking for a better one
Text DIRECTLY: 09235051491
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