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  1. #11

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    k lang tabutch salamats sa beer gabaha gyud hehehe... pwede sad kita organize ani tabutch hehehe ingna lang ko unsay ikatabang nako pwede sad himu ta move maghimu ug compilation... just for the means of unity...

  2. #12

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    We believe we are one!

  3. #13

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    alright! Kudos to these people who say yes to unity!

  4. #14

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    ayay... padulong ni gig ay hehe..

  5. #15

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    Quote Originally Posted by nailworms
    can we make this thread more interesting I mean the topic is great let's make a move any suggestions or actions we can make let's hear it... I mean we have organizers, musicians in this forum it's so easy for us to do a move. let's do a whole month of support to those artist that desrve to be heard who knows each and everyone might be a help to control and lift up the standards of cebu bands...

    [br]Posted on: April 01, 2007, 06:15:55 PM_________________________________________________
    I know their intention is for the good and maintain the standard of Cebu let's support each other ok ra if their pagkahinawayon if they criticize it fairly but if below the belt lain sad... I know those who say they want to join the thread has a certain standards to protect the name of Cebu Music Scene...

    Padayon ta...
    kay kinsa man sila nga naghatag sa standards? to criticize because of standards? I think not. criticize sila because natabunan na sila sa mga bagohan.

    ^unity is good. because plasticanay? it's bad.

  6. #16

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    game! gig dayun... asa tukar?

  7. #17

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    Quote Originally Posted by joy_happy
    kay kinsa man sila nga naghatag sa standards? to criticize because of standards? I think not. criticize sila because natabunan na sila sa mga bagohan.

    ^unity is good. because plasticanay? it's bad.
    if you are a critic you have a set of standard if you will judge them because of their set of standards then it's another issue it's not a call for unity. We have to accept in art appreciation you have to criticize according to the standards and you have to know the principles of art. let's just view it the right way the move is great, now if believe in you, then make a move to unite these artists, I believe unity start within ourselves... are you willing to help us in this call? to make a move is not easy but I believe you want to help you are very welcome misan ginagmay lang na tabang. Kuyog ta ani tanan nga move. I will bow down to those who have greater idea than us. If you can change a plastic into flesh then why can't you do it? dili sayun mo ingon nga makig usa ka, kinahanglan barugan sad nimu imung gisulti...

    we'll set a gig after holy week... then we'll talk about the album compilation later... a brother here from a reputable bar is willing to help let's set up a meeting... PEACE

  8. #18

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    nice.. myta united tnan cebu music pride, way pasikatay..way hinambugeru-ay..

  9. #19

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    bisrockers unite
    support mo ani na movement sho


  10. #20

    Default Re: Who wants Unity to all music artists in Cebu

    Quote Originally Posted by nailworms
    we'll set a gig after holy week... then we'll talk about the album compilation later... a brother here from a reputable bar is willing to help let's set up a meeting... PEACE
    cge...sugdi ninyu...
    daghan mga banda ug mga organizers dri...
    dali ra kaayu ni kng lihukun lng jd...

    update lng mo...
    willing ko mo help....

  11.    Advertisement

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