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  1. #11

    Default Re: Why gadgets sold online are cheaper compared to mall prices

    "Some may have a different system but based on numerous conversations we’ve had with dealers, distributors and manufacturers, this is normally how it goes (the only exception I know of is Apple)."

    In the article it mentioned "except apple". Unsa diay kalahian sa Apple? If i will buy Ipad in SG, pwedi ma valid an warranty sa Pinas?

  2. #12

    Default Re: Why gadgets sold online are cheaper compared to mall prices

    Nice info! Thanks

  3. #13

    Default Re: Why gadgets sold online are cheaper compared to mall prices

    bayad pwesto, bayad tindera, bayad tax = taas na kaau ang price

  4. #14

    Default Re: Why gadgets sold online are cheaper compared to mall prices

    pero atleast safe imong phone sa warranty... naa ka power if there is something wrong with your gadget. tempting bitaw ang barato nga phone sa online or maskin dri sa istorya... pero nag duha2x ko sa warranty. store warranty rah ila mahatag dli sa samsung. nya dako kaau ug bayad if imo jud nah ipa fix sa samsung. tabla rah ug ni palit kah ug new phone...

  5. #15
    Elite Member boyq's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Default Re: Why gadgets sold online are cheaper compared to mall prices

    Kinsa nay nakatry ug buy sa kimstore nya pay through Cebuana Lhuillier?
    How was the deal?

  6. #16

    Default Re: Why gadgets sold online are cheaper compared to mall prices

    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    "Some may have a different system but based on numerous conversations we’ve had with dealers, distributors and manufacturers, this is normally how it goes (the only exception I know of is Apple)."

    In the article it mentioned "except apple". Unsa diay kalahian sa Apple? If i will buy Ipad in SG, pwedi ma valid an warranty sa Pinas?
    yes bro.. naay international warranty ang apple..

  7. #17

    Default Re: Why gadgets sold online are cheaper compared to mall prices

    sus, nagkalata na ang mga grey market sa cellphones... maskin sa mga dagko na malls and mga mamaligya-ay ug cellphones dinha. please check lang ninyo jud daan. daghan kaayo hugaw duwa ana baligya mga cellphone.

  8. #18

    Default Re: Why gadgets sold online are cheaper compared to mall prices

    Quote Originally Posted by boyq View Post
    Kinsa nay nakatry ug buy sa kimstore nya pay through Cebuana Lhuillier?
    How was the deal?
    ako nakasulay na sa ako lang na experience it was problematic..dili mang reply if e txt to confirm sa imo purchases if mo tawag ka mora kag dali-dali-on labi nang bayot maka tubag lami-a duklon...inig ari na sa ilang shipping coordinator way klaro ingnon lng ka na confirm naba ang item e-pa deliver, to think sila kabalo dapat...

  9. #19
    sa mall naa resibo sa online wala

  10. #20
    nice nice ni dah

  11.    Advertisement

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