nako p4 bai 2.0ghz,1g ram,40hdd,15lcd for 4.5k tex me 09326156493
basak pardo bro beside usj-r... text lang bro...
try mine boss.. never been opened ni xa.. ghatag ni xa sa among office.. ggamit rani xa sa office ra jud.. genuine hp ni xa, cpu and 15inc monitor ra.. wla pani xay OS nuon kay g.delete man paghatag sa amoa.. wla kaau matagad na dre sa blay kay naa koy 2 ka power pc's.. mao ni iyang specs..
HP Compaq dc5100 Small Form Factor PC specifications - HP Small & Medium Business Products
pm me lng if your interested. im letting this go for 6k.
boss, naa ko 5K PM me if interested for more details.. price is still negotiable..
kani bro 18.5led philips monitor 4-5monts use worth 4.5k
p4 3.2ghz HT
asrock mobo
Generic PSU
1gig ram pqi +256mb Pqi
geforce fx550 256mb 128bit Vcard
LG dvd ROm
40gig Seagate Hdd
PRice 6.8k
dell gx280
naa ko DELL DIMENSION 3000 model desktop with 2.8 GHZ [COLOR=#0000CC !important]Intel motherboard[/COLOR] from DELL, 512 MB RAM DDR. 80 GIG hardisk seagate IDE with 64 mb onboard video shared..original casing from DELL DIMENSION 3000, with operating system Windows professional [COLOR=#0000CC !important]service pack 3[/COLOR] ready to use for internet home purpose like Yahoo messenger, Skype and microsoft office [COLOR=#0000CC !important]application[/COLOR]....... text 09475150389... for 1.5K lang........
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