usa sad sa mga bantayanan nga series from CW.....
Arrow is an upcoming American action/adventure television series based on Green Arrow, a fictional superhero who appears in comic books published by DC Comics. It will air on The CW on Wednesdays at 8:00 pm Eastern/7:00 pm Central, starting October 10, 2012
naa nay thread ani!
hala sory. mods please merge nalang with the existing thread. tnx
Arrow | Series on the CW Network | Official Site
ganiha buntag ang premiere ani. waiting to be available....
watch na q pilot gniha. ok ok ra huwat lng nya q sa progress sa show.
Hope this series gives justice to the character. Ugma nalang ko download sa pilot episodes.
dli ko gnahan sa female speedy--kato drug addict--iya man nuon sister.
Arrow Pilot watch it online from CW channel.
Arrow Video - Pilot | Watch Online Free
wew! cant wait for the 2nd episode.
had a good day watching the pilot episode guys.
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