IN MY OPINION, ang tagay man gud kai designed for hard drinkers. kai everyone drinks equally and someone is monitoring the people who are drinking (tanggero).. so pa gahi-ay.. pa dugayay ug katumba.. bantayan jud ang baso, kai walay pugsanay wala sad balibaray.. nya paspasay (e.g. gi lumot na ang baso, tawagi ang baso kai na dugay).. (not in all instances pd).. sa dili pd tagay kai naa man consideration.. naa man mga social drinkers.. kupot ra ug bottle pero dugay au ma hurot or they are just there for the conversation or the fun not the beer.. then walay bantayanay.. inum ka inum.. den di na gani ka mu inum wala sad mamugos.. and also for oral hygiene. kai ang sakit ma pasa2 sa baso.. and again, IN MY OPINION.. bow.. hahahaha