Clearer by definition? I made it quite clear when I said that its for those who value family more than all else. That pretty much explains it in all angles. Even a non-Gemini should understand that. lol
But whatever you think family-oriented is, its quite obvious to anyone that this thread is for the good light of family. The positive sides of family and how we feel about it. Who cares what you really think about what family-oriented is? If you think youre family oriented, despite the problems, post away. Not whine and bitch about it... I was hoping people would just post away anything nice about it and add to the topic, and not, once again make this as a debate or whine and find way to put negativity in a supposed to be positive thread.
Yes, Make New Topic is helpful if you wanna talk something out of context. More people can add up to that specific problem/topic.