Create Food Security within you home - the best gift you can give to your family this christmas
Create Food Security within you home - the best gift you can give to your family this christmas
For many healthy food can be expensive - and to get the best from these healthy foods, it has to be fresh - the work-around solution is DIY - Do It Yourself - produce it in your own backyard, - it can transform into an enjoyable family get together as your production grows...a truly sustainable, self producing-reproducing system in your backyard. Get together with your family and start producing your own organic - soilless, herbicide free, fungicide free, pesticide free, insecticide free, chemical free - spices and herbs-cholesterol free and share them with your neighbors. Get started this Christmas...
Create your own herbal garden - and let your food be your medicine and your medicine, your food...a "natural pharmacy" in your homes...
Aquaponics is producing MORE with less space, less effort, less money, less time and zero waste.
Aquaponics - is a simple solution to a "flooded" problem...people will then realize that rain is a blessing rather than a curse...
Aquaponics is modular, plug and play, expandable, grow as your learn and learn as you grow - only the imagination is the limit
Aquaponics is sustainable - you can "re-grow" and propagate and "re-cycle" and "re-use" and "re-produce" - using nature to your advantage - you protect the environment, address climate change and mitigate flooding. You have now the chance to do something about your future and the environment in your own simple way.
Start your backyard food production facility with Aquaponics,
Organic - No digging, No Fertilizer, No Soil,
Producing More with Less, less space, less effort, less time, less money and zero waste,
Renewable, Recycle, Reuse and Sustainable,
Start small, modular and expand, learn are you grow and grow as you learn,
Interested ?? for details email me at or 09228047056
Health for your family is in your hands, heart and mind..the best christmas gift that can last a lifetime..
Aquaponics - for your backyard - lifetime sustainability, modular, robust, DIY (Do It Yourself), Commercial Productivity on small scale, Recycle materials, Lowcost material options and lowcost tools.
Knowing & Growing your food source - where and how it is produced - (toxin & toxic free) for you and your family...
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