Hehe mao2x ra man na sa storya bro "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" -- the programming language or the compiler?
(inamaw ra ni nga storya ha)
Hehe mao2x ra man na sa storya bro "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" -- the programming language or the compiler?
(inamaw ra ni nga storya ha)
guys nangaofftopic na jd mo!ang pangutana nya kay if relevant ba ang C or dli na, which the answer is obvious...
Up to this point in time, in a plain and simple manner .. C is and always be relevant!
ALONE:Hated and Punished
Haha sorry bro, answer lang ko sa question, Yes. In my opinion, ug master ka'g C, di ka maglisod ug kat-on sa uban programming languages.
nndut ang C, lingaw,. relevant? for learning purposes nmn lng cguro, not actual work.. or actual work pd,.. kung naa pabuhat nmo ug project
relevant kaayo ang c oi, foundation na sa modern programming languages
Yes. Still is. Always will be relevant.
In any implentation of any project in any language. C is relevant.
It will always be relevant, And can still be useful today
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