My friend,
Pharisees and Saducees are hypocrites, they have persecuted Christ.
Time frame and the character must be known first before arriving at the conclusion.
Before the time of Israel there's only one God has been introduce in the bible.
But when Jesus Chirst came he introduce him as a God. And there will a time when Jesus surrender everything to God almighty and then we will only have one God.
For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
Romans 2:13.
Ironside said that "God is revealed in the Bible as Creator
question: will one be saved by believing that God is the Creator?"
You haven't yet read the other discription and power of God in the Bible.
We will be saved by our doings and acts base on the gospel and commandments of God.
Everyone is invited to share their views and insights to explore our understanding with God.