What causes urination during ***?
The reason is not understood, but it is likely to be partly due to an irritable bladder or a
weakness at the neck of the bladder. About 1 in 5 women who have difficulty holding urine during the day also experience leakage during intercourse. Leakage of urine at orgasm (but not at penetration) is particularly linked with having an irritable bladder (
European Urology 2008;54:911–5), whereas leakage at penetration may signal a weakness at the neck of the bladder .
Some women have leakage of urine during intercourse, but not at any other time. Could it be female ejaculation?
In 1950, a Dr Grafenberg described what he called “female ejaculation...the expulsion of large quantities of clear transparent fluid at the height of orgasm”. Some *** manuals still talk about this ‘female ejaculation’ as if it were some kind of discharge of sexual glands. They claim it comes from Skene’s glands, which are supposed to be similar to the prostate gland in men.
People who believe in ‘female ejaculation’ say that analysis of this fluid reveals high levels of an enzyme called acid phosphatase that is made by prostate-type gland tissue. In fact:
- a study in six women showed that their ‘female ejaculate’ fluid contained the same amount of acid phosphatase as their urine
- a study of just one woman did find high levels of acid phosphatase in the fluid she released at orgasm, but the method used to analyse it was unreliable.
The facts have been reviewed in an American medical journal (
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001;185:359–62), and it now seems clear that this fluid is just urine. There is a lot of confusion about this topic, because of course many women produce copious amounts of lubrication fluid during sexual foreplay and intercourse. Here, we are talking about something different – the sudden leakage of liquid which is actually urine.
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