Players can upgrade the performance by applying various of advance and metallic parts
CHASSIS (RX and Micro Servo Included):
- Frequency: AM 27 MHz
- Integrated PCB with AM Receiver Module
- 1/28 scale radio Electrical powered 2WD
- Ready-to-run with pre-installed electronics and radio equipment
- New original chassis design
- Individual Servo Included and Preinstalled
- Spring type servo saver included to protect gears from impact damage
- Three different angles tie rod
- 3 sets of Front Spring for suspension setting
- Motor and Light plugs design provided Plug and Play convenient
- Analogue Throttle and Steering Trimming
- 2-CH reversible function
- Steering End Point Adjustment (EPA)
- Input Voltage: 12V
New hard plastic Pre-painted ABS body
8 x AA for transmitter
4 x AAA for chassis
(not included)
Length: 12.7 cm
Height: 3.0 cm
Width: 7.0 cm
Actual Speed: 13.3 km/h
Mini-Z Racer Compactable Parts:
- Wheels, Nuts, Differential Gear, Bearing, Tire, Pinion Gear
- Same Axle distance, so body is compactable with Mini-Z MM bodies, but needed to change the clips
Length: 12.7 cm
Height: 3.0 cm
Width: 7.0 cm
Actual Speed: 13.3 km/h